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Services › Casino and Non-Casino Gaming › Funding For Community Groups
This part of our website gives you information about gaming machine societies that distribute grants to community groups.
- Pokie Proceeds: Building Strong Communities
Stories and tips from organisations which have applied for gaming machine grants - How to Apply for Funding
- Contact Addresses of Gaming Machine Societies
- Other Funding Information and Options
- Sport, Gambling and Grants
- How to Contact the Gambling Group
Introducing Granted.govt.nz
The digital tool provides pokie grants distribution data right down to a local level, including details of how much grants in dollar value are distributed per year, by whom and, which organisations are receiving them.
If everyone knows about the opportunity of applying for pokie grants everyone has the chance to get their fair share! You’re in control of the data - learn more at Granted.govt.nz
Pokie Proceeds: Building Strong Communities
This online booklet includes stories and tips on how best to apply for pokie grants. It showcases ten organisations which have used gaming machine grants and tells the stories of why they applied for a grant, challenges they faced, what the money was put to and tips for other applicants (download the PDF below).Pokie Proceeds: Building Strong Communities (PDF, 5.7MB)
How to Apply for Funding
Application forms are available from societies (typically via a website), some community networks like Citizens’ Advice Bureaux, and often at gaming machine venues.You must send your application directly to the society and not through a venue. Also, the society must deal with you directly and not communicate with you through the venue.
If you have difficulties getting an application form or believe that a venue or society has broken the rules, please contact the Gambling Compliance Group.
Contact Addresses of Gaming Machine Societies
See a List of Society Websites.Apply directly to the society that:
- operates venues in your area
- raises funds for an authorised purpose that matches your organisation’s goals.
Application processes vary according to the society, but most are via paper applications.
Find the application forms:
- On society websites
- Through community networks like Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB)
- At some gaming machine venues.
The society must deal with you directly and not communicate with you through the venue.
Contact us if you have any concerns or issues with the process, or finding the information you need.
Other Funding Information and Options
You can also check out further information and funding options using the links below.- A range of grants and fellowships are available to support local initiatives and community services - visit www.communitymatters.govt.nz
- See also our Good practice funding guide