Resource material › Corporate Publications › Annual Report 2010-11 Pūrongo ā Tau
Table of Contents
Our purpose and values
Part A: Contribution to Outcomes and Objectives
- Nature and scope of functions
- External operating environment
- Strategic direction
- Performance framework: Outcomes
- People and communities understand and manage hazards and risks
- Participants in regulated activities behave responsibly and with integrity
- People have the capability to participate in their communities and across communities
- People are able to access and use information important to their lives
- New Zealand’s documentary record is protected and available for current and future generations
- New Zealand’s personal identity information has integrity
- Performance framework: Objectives
- Organisational health and capability
Part B: Statement of Service Performance
- Statement of Responsibility
- Independent Auditor’s Report
- Vote Community and Voluntary Sector
- Vote Emergency Management
- Vote Internal Affairs
- Output Appropriation: Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism
- Output Appropriation: Contestable Services
- Output Appropriation: Government Technology Services
- Output Appropriation: Identity Services
- Multi-class Output Appropriation: Policy and Advisory Services
- Output Appropriation: Information and Advisory Services
- Output Appropriation: Policy Advice – Internal Affairs
- Output Appropriation: Regulatory Services
- Output Appropriation: Services for Ethnic Affairs
- Vote Local Government
- Vote Ministerial Services
- Vote National Archives
- Vote National Library
- Vote Racing
Part C: Financial Statements – Departmental
- Comprehensive Income
- Financial Position
- Movements in Taxpayers’ Funds
- Cash Flows
- Net Surplus to Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities
- Commitments
- Contingent Assets and Liabilities
- Unappropriated Expenditure
- Memorandum Accounts
- Departmental Appropriations and Expenditure
- Notes to the Financial Statements
- 1. Statement of Accounting Policies
- 2. Revenue Third Parties
- 3. Personnel Expense
- 4. Operating Expense
- 5. Financing Expense
- 6. Capital Charge
- 7. Cash and Cash Equivalents
- 8. Accounts Receivable
- 9. Inventories
- 10. Derivative Financial Instruments
- 11. Property, Plant and Equipment
- 12. Intangible Assets
- 13. Accounts Payable
- 14. Provisions
- 15. Revenue Received in Advance
- 16. Employee Entitlements
- 17. Finance Leases
- 18. Provision for Repayment of Surplus
- 19. Reconciliation between Total Operating Expenses and Total Appropriations
- 20. Revaluation Reserves
- 21. Capital Contributions
- 22. Related Parties Transactions and Key Management Personnel
- 23. Financial Instrument Risks
- 24. Categories of Financial Instruments
- 25. Fair Value Hierarchy Disclosures
- 26. Capital Management
- 27. Explanation of Significant Variances against Budget
- 28. Significant Events after Balance Date
Part C: Financial Statements – Non-Departmental
Presented to the House of Representatives
Pursuant to Section 44(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989
ISSN: 1173-8979 (Print)
ISSN: 1173-9371 (Online)