The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Services › Casino and Non-Casino Gaming › Record Keeping for Gambling Operations

The following spreadsheet provides an example for clubs of record keeping for gambling operations on a monthly basis.

It will help you to:

  • identify funds available for Authorised Purposes each month;
  • monitor the percentage of distributed Authorised Purposes on a monthly basis;
  • understand the difference between Authorised Purposes and the Direct Costs of Gaming;
  • avoid over-distribution of Authorised Purposes; and
  • complete the renewal application.
Clubs can update this spreadsheet with data from the start of the financial year. Clubs can add more Authorised Purposes (AP) that correspond to their gambling licence. Total boxes and AP percentages will be calculated automatically if the formula stays the same. More information about the record Keeping Spreadsheet.

If you have any questions about using the spreadsheet, please contact: phone 0800 257 878
or email

Form to use
Record Keeping for (Monthly) Gambling Operations (XLS, 23KB)**
May 2017