The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


What's new

  • Water Services Policy legislation and process

    Local Water Done Well is being implemented in three stages, each with its own piece of legislation. [10/03/2025 10:53:38 AM]

  • gambling statistics historical data venues machine numbers

    Dashboard file showing current quarter, and historic data for the numbers of electronic gaming machines (EGMs) and licenced premises in each council area, reported since 2015. [28/02/2025 3:51:48 PM]

  • gambling statistics gmp dashboard

    Dashboard file showing current quarter, and historic data for the numbers of electronic gaming machines (EGMs)and licenced premises in each council area, reported since 2015. [28/02/2025 3:48:59 PM]

  • gambling statistics expenditure

    Dataset for Class 4 expenditure by district, as well as annual figures for the four main types of gambling activity – TAB racing and sports betting, NZ Lotteries products, gaming machines (outside casinos) and casino gambling. [28/02/2025 10:33:59 AM]

  • gambling statistics key performance indicators

    Cumulative annual statistics from a variety of sources to show class 4 gambling key expenditure and GMP figures, against returns to the community and problem gambling presentations. [28/02/2025 10:33:32 AM]

  • Ministers expense releases

    Data on travel and accommodation expenses for Ministers of the Crown is released quarterly. Expenses for Ministers are administered by the Department of Internal Affairs. [27/02/2025 9:56:10 AM]

  • Regional Deals

    Promoting economic growth, delivering infrastructure, and improving the supply of quality housing across Aotearoa. [12/02/2025 11:08:53 AM]

  • Trust Framework

    [24/01/2025 11:23:10 AM]

  • Racing Policy

    Introduction to Racing policy, administered by the Department of Internal Affairs, including a summary of current Legislation, key industry groups, statistical information and a link to the Racing Bill. [20/12/2024 11:54:50 AM]

  • Customer Experience Survey

    The The Department of Internal Affairs carries out an annual Customer Experience Survey to understand whether New Zealanders are satisfied with their customer services. [19/12/2024 1:21:07 PM]

  • Water Services Policy and Legislation

    In December 2023 the Minister of Local Government Simeon Brown confirmed a new direction for water services policy and legislation Local Water Done Well. [10/12/2024 4:56:47 PM]

  • Annual Reports

    Department of Internal Affairs Annual Reports indownloadable PDF versions, including Pūrongo Ā Tau - Annual Report 2024. [9/12/2024 1:05:15 PM]

  • Annual Report 2023-24

    Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs Annual Report for the Financial Year 2023-2024 [5/12/2024 10:21:47 PM]

  • hart register statistics

    [3/12/2024 2:20:15 PM]

  • long term insights briefing

    The Department of Internal Affairs' Long-term Insights Briefing considers: How can community participation and decision-making be better enabled by technology? [8/11/2024 2:05:45 PM]

  • Use of Royal Arms Names and Images

    The Guidelines summarise the legal position governing the use, for commercial purposes, of the Royal Arms, Royal Devices, Emblems and Titles and of photographs, portraits, engravings, effigies and busts of The King and Members of the Royal Family. [5/09/2024 11:15:10 AM]

  • Information for Transgender Applicants

    For ease of use for transgender applicants, all of the Department of Internal Affairs information for transgender people is located on this page. [12/08/2024 4:42:36 PM]

  • Briefings to Incoming Ministers

    Briefing papers for the incoming Government, and thei ncoming Minister of Internal Affairs. [1/02/2024 12:38:05 PM]

  • Ministers credit card expenses

    These documents are proactively released by the Department quarterly and include the statements and reconciliations for Ministers and ministers’ office staff processed at the time of the release. Any reconciliations not processed at the time of publication will be included in the next quarterly release. [18/09/2023 4:24:03 PM]

  • BDMReview Working Group for reducing barriers to changing registered sex

    This Working Group, announced on 1 August 2019, will provide the Minister of Internal Affairs with advice on practical improvements to the current process to change sex information on birth certificates. [10/06/2022 8:55:51 AM]

  • Gaming Statistics

    Gaming expenditure statistics, machine numbers, society numbers, percentage of machines by society. [28/04/2021 3:47:59 PM]

  • Gaming Machine Proceeds (GMP) Data

    Gambling statistics provided by the Department of Internal Affairs. [24/11/2020 11:22:31 AM]

  • Cost of the Royal Visit in April 2019

    Cost of the visit of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge to New Zealand in April 2019. [5/02/2020 11:09:41 AM]