COGS election extended for Christchurch
10 March 2011
Community groups outside of Christchurch still have time (until 18 March) to nominate a candidate for the COGS distribution committee elections. However, due to the earthquake, the deadline for nominations for Canterbury-based COGS committees has been extended until 22 April.
These are the committees administered by Internal Affairs Christchurch: Aoraki, Christchurch City/Banks Peninsula, Canterbury Rural and the Chatham Islands.
Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Tariana Turia says the COGS (Community Organisation Grants Scheme) elections present a great opportunity for voluntary groups to voice their community’s needs and aspirations, and to contribute to COGS funding decisions in their area.
“COGS support is often the lifeblood of many community organisations in New Zealand. Last year more than $14 million was distributed to more than 4000 non-profit and voluntary groups,” says Mrs Turia.
Although the scheme is government-funded, it is operated at a community level by 37 locally elected committees of volunteers who consider applications and allocate local COGS grants.
Organisations that applied for a COGS grant in 2010 are automatically registered to vote in the election for new Local Distribution Committee members.
“COGS-registered organisations may nominate a candidate from their area for the elections and I urge them to do so,” says Mrs Turia.
If an organisation did not apply for a COGS grant in 2010, they can still register for the elections at
For further information on eligibility and the election process, call freephone 0800 824 824 8am-5pm Monday to Friday or visit
For media enquiries, contact:
Susie Belt, Communications Advisor
(04) 494 0598