The Department of Internal Affairs

The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Resource material › Corporate Publications › Statement of Intent 2012-15Tauāki Whakamaunga Atu

Appendix 3


Links between outcomes/objectives and Vote Internal Affairs appropriations

Appropriation Intermediate outcomes/objectives Outcomes/objectives

Administration of Grants

People live in safe and secure environments

People engage with and contribute to their diverse communities in ways that strengthen those communities

People participate in civic society and add value to economic activity

New Zealand’s diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous

New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing and using knowledge for social, cultural and economic well-being

Civic Information Services [MCOA]

People live in safe and secure environments

People engage with and contribute to their diverse communities in ways that strengthen those communities

People participate in civic society and add value to economic activity

People use information for innovation and knowledge creation

People (including people in other nations) value our documentary heritage and taonga

People, organisations and other nations trust New Zealand’s identity and public information

To enhance the productivity and accountability of public sector organisations

To support specialist capability building in other nations

New Zealand’s diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous

New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing and using knowledge for social, cultural and economic well-being

The people of New Zealand have a strong and valued national identity, culture and heritage

To enhance trust in New Zealand government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations

Community Information and Advisory Services [MCOA]

People live in safe and secure environments

People participate in civic society and add value to economic activity

People engage with and contribute to their diverse communities in ways that strengthen those communities

To enhance the productivity and accountability of public sector organisations

New Zealand’s diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous

New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing and using knowledge for social, cultural and economic well-being

To enhance trust in New Zealand government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations

Contestable Services

People engage with and contribute to their diverse communities in ways that strengthen those communities

People participate in civic society and add value to economic activity

New Zealand’s diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous

New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing and using knowledge for social, cultural and economic well-being

Emergency Management Services [MCOA]

People live in safe and secure environments

People engage with and contribute to their diverse communities in ways that strengthen those communities

To enhance the productivity and accountability of public sector organisations

To support specialist capability building in other nations

New Zealand’s diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous

New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing and using knowledge for social, cultural and economic well-being

To enhance trust in New Zealand government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations

Information and Technology Services [MCOA]

People engage with and contribute to their diverse communities in ways that strengthen those communities

People participate in civic society and add value to economic activity

People use information for innovation and knowledge creation

People (including people in other nations) value our documentary heritage and taonga

To enhance the productivity and accountability of public sector organisations

To support the system of government to operate efficiently and effectively

New Zealand’s diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous

New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing and using knowledge for social, cultural and economic well-being

The people of New Zealand have a strong and valued national identity, culture and heritage

To enhance trust in New Zealand government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations

Local Government Services

People live in safe and secure environments

People participate in civic society and add value to economic activity

People engage with and contribute to their diverse communities in ways that strengthen those communities

To enhance the productivity and accountability of public sector organisations

To support the system of government to operate efficiently and effectively

New Zealand’s diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous

New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing and using knowledge for social, cultural and economic well-being

To enhance trust in New Zealand government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations

Ministerial Support Services [MCOA]

To support the system of government to operate efficiently and effectively

To enhance trust in New Zealand government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations

Policy Advice [MCOA]

To support the system of government to operate efficiently and effectively

To support specialist capability building in other nations

To enhance trust in New Zealand government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations

Regulatory Services

People live in safe and secure environments

People participate in civic society and add value to economic activity

People engage with and contribute to their diverse communities in ways that strengthen those communities

To enhance the productivity and accountability of public sector organisations

New Zealand’s diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous

New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing and using knowledge for social, cultural and economic well-being

To enhance trust in New Zealand government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations

Services Supporting the Executive [MCOA]

To support the system of government to operate efficiently and effectively

To enhance trust in New Zealand government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations

Support for Statutory and Other Bodies [MCOA]

To support the system of government to operate efficiently and effectively

To enhance trust in New Zealand government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations

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