Technical Advisory Group

The Minister of Local Government has appointed a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to provide expert advice on the implementation of Local Water Done Well.

The focus of the TAG is to provide advice and assurance on:

  • Vehicles, mechanisms, policy and legislative settings that will enable councils to appropriately recover costs and access the long-term debt needed to fund the investment required in water infrastructure.
  • Options for an appropriate model to provide Watercare with financial independence from Auckland Council.
  • Options for the transitional and future economic regulatory environment for water services.

TAG Terms of Reference:

Terms of Reference - PDF version [PDF, 185KB]

Terms of Reference - Word version [DOCX, 59KB]

TAG members are:

Andreas Heuser (Chair), Managing Director at Castalia Limited. Andreas has a background in economic and policy projects specialising in energy sector strategy, water reform, and natural resource economics.

Raveen Jaduram, Director of the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission. Raveen has a background in water infrastructure, including six years as the Chief Executive of Watercare.

Wendy Walker, Chief Executive of Porirua City Council. Wendy has a background in local government, strategic planning, and public management.

Mark Reese, Partner at Chapman Tripp. Mark specialises in finance and infrastructure and has significant knowledge and experience across legal and financial aspects of project and asset financing.

Simon Weston, Chief Executive of Whangārei District Council. Simon has a strong background in infrastructure, construction and local government in the United Kingdom, Auckland and Northland.