Resource material › Corporate Publications › Part Four: Statement of Forecast Service Performance
In this section
Statement of Responsibility
The Statement of Intent for the Department of Internal Affairs presented in this report for the year ending 30 June 2007 has been prepared in accordance with section 38 of the Public Finance Act 1989.
The Chief Executive of the Department of Internal Affairs acknowledges, in signing this statement, that he is responsible for the information contained in this Statement of Intent.
The financial performance forecast to be achieved by the Department for the year ending 30 June 2007, specified in the Statement of Intent, is as agreed with the Minister of Internal Affairs, who is the Minister responsible for the financial performance of the Department of Internal Affairs.
The performance forecast for each output expense to be achieved by the Department for the year ending 30 June 2007, specified in the Statement of Intent, is as agreed with the Minister responsible for each Vote administered by the Department.
We certify that the information contained in this report is consistent with the existing appropriations, and the appropriations contained in the Estimates for the year ending 30 June 2007, that are being laid before the House of Representatives under section 13 of the Public Finance Act 1989.
Christopher Blake Chief Executive 20 April 2006
Shirley Smith Chief Financial Officer 20 April 2006
Quick Guide to Outputs
Vote Community and Voluntary Sector | ![]() |
Administration of Grants | 60 |
Community Advisory Services | 62 |
Policy Advice – Community | 63 |
Vote Emergency Management | ![]() |
Management of National Emergency Readiness, Response and Recovery | 64 |
Policy Advice – Emergency Management | 65 |
Support Services, Information and Education | 66 |
Vote Internal Affairs | ![]() |
Gaming and Censorship Regulatory Services | 67 |
Identity Services | 69 |
Information and Advisory Services | 70 |
Policy Advice – Internal Affairs | 71 |
Services for Ethnic Affairs | 72 |
Contestable Services | 73 |
Vote Local Government | ![]() |
Information, Support and Regulatory Services | 74 |
Policy Advice – Local Government | 75 |
Vote Ministerial Services | ![]() |
Support Services to Ministers | 76 |
VIP Transport | 77 |
Visits and Official Events Coordination | 78 |
Vote Racing | ![]() |
Policy Advice – Racing | 79 |
Vote Community and Voluntary Sector
Administration of Grants
This output covers:
- providing information and assistance to prospective grant applicants
- processing, assessing and monitoring grant applications
- providing recommendations to Ministers on appointments to boards, committees and trusts
- providing administration, training and support services to boards and grant distribution committees.
Grant services cover the following schemes
- Lottery grants
- Community Organisation Grants Scheme
- Crown trusts and fellowships.
This work contributes to the development of Strong, sustainable communities/hapū/iwi.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 4,218 | 4,340 |
Revenue Other | 7,753 | 7,567 |
Total Revenue | 11,971 | 11,907 |
Expenses | 11,969 | 11,905 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | 2 | 2 |
Performance information
Lottery Grants
Results information1 | Performance standard |
Percentage of grant disbursements completed accurately is no less than: | 95% |
Percentage of respondents to a survey of Lottery grant applicants who rate their satisfaction with the quality of services provided at 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5 is no less than: | 85% |
Percentage of complete and eligible applications received before the advertised closing date that are presented to the next decision-making meeting is no less than: | 95% |
On receipt of committee approval and correctly completed client documentation, the percentage of payments made to grant recipients within 20 working days is no less than: | 95% |
Percentage of respondents to a survey of Lottery committee members who rate their satisfaction with the quality of advisory services provided to the committee at 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5 is no less than: | 85% |
Percentage of respondents to a survey of Lottery committee members who rate their satisfaction with the quality of administration services provided to the committee at 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5 is no less than: | 85% |
Activity information2 | Estimated volume |
Number of applications received | 3,800 – 4,700 |
Number of grants disbursed | 2,500 – 4,000 |
Community Organisation Grants Scheme
Results information | Performance standard |
Percentage of grant disbursements completed accurately is no less than: | 95% |
Percentage of complete and eligible applications received before the advertised closing date that are presented to the next decision-making meeting is no less than: | 95% |
On receipt of committee approval and correctly completed client documentation, the percentage of payments made to grant recipients within 20 working days is no less than: | 95% |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of applications received | 4,000 – 5,200 |
Number of grants disbursed | 3,500 – 4,500 |
Crown Trusts and Fellowships
Results information | Performance standard |
Percentage of grant disbursements completed accurately is no less than: | 95% |
Percentage of complete and eligible applications received before the advertised closing date that are presented to the next decision-making meeting is no less than: | 95% |
On receipt of committee approval and correctly completed client documentation, the percentage of payments made to grant recipients within 20 working days is no less than: | 95% |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of applications received | 200 – 300 |
Number of grants disbursed | 50 – 70 |
Community Advisory Services
This output covers a community development service delivered from a national office and 16 regional offices around New Zealand. It includes providing advice, information, resources and facilitation services to empower communities/whānau/hapū/iwi, Māori organisations and community groups to develop innovative responses to meet their needs.
This work contributes to the development of Strong, sustainable communities/hapū/iwi.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 5,146 | 5,402 |
Revenue Other | 123 | 123 |
Total Revenue | 5,269 | 5,525 |
Expenses | 5,269 | 5,526 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | 0 | (1) |
Results information | Performance standard |
Percentage of respondents to a customer survey who rate their satisfaction with the quality of advice provided at 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5 is no less than: | 85% |
Percentage of respondents to a customer survey who rate their satisfaction with the quality of information resources provided at 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5 is no less than: | 85% |
Percentage of respondents to a customer survey who rate their satisfaction with the timeliness of advice provided at 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5 is no less than: | 85% |
Policy Advice – Community
This output covers:
- policy advice with a community/whānau/hapū/iwi development perspective. Policy advice also involves preparing ministerial briefings and speech notes, and providing support for the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector, as required, in Cabinet committees, select committees and Parliament
- policy advice and information on matters relating to the performance of and appointments to the Charities Commission
- draft replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions addressed to the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector or referred from other Ministers.
This work contributes to the development of Strong, sustainable communities/hapū/iwi.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 1,699 | 1,660 |
Revenue Other | 24 | 24 |
Total Revenue | 1,723 | 1,684 |
Expenses | 1,725 | 1,685 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | (2) | (1) |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Policy advice is delivered according to the policy work programme (and any subsequent amendments) as negotiated between the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector and the Chief Executive. | 100% |
Policy advice is delivered in accordance with agreed policy quality criteria as listed. | 100% |
The Minister is requested to indicate his/her level of satisfaction with the quality of policy advice. | Satisfied or better |
Policy advice is delivered according to the timeframes agreed. | 100% |
Percentage of first versions of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions accepted by the Minister. | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to ministerial correspondence returned to the Minister's office for signature within 15 working days of receipt from the Minister's office or such other deadlines as may be specifically agreed. | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries returned to the Minister's office for signature five days prior to the statutory deadline for reply. | 100% |
Percentage of draft replies to parliamentary questions completed within the timeframes specified by the Minister. | 100% |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries, and answers to parliamentary questions. | 40 – 100 |
Vote Emergency Management
Management of National Emergency Readiness, Response and Recovery
This output covers:
- monitoring, responding to and managing the recovery from events outside the capability of local CDEM organisations
- maintaining the National Crisis Management Centre (NCMC) in a state of readiness
- ensuring a dedicated level of national event management training within the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management.
This work contributes to the development of Safer communities.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 2,982 | 3,312 |
Revenue Other | 24 | 24 |
Total Revenue | 3,006 | 3,336 |
Expenses | 3,007 | 3,336 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | (1) | 0 |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Percentage of local authorities who are satisfied with the quality of information provided for monitoring events and incidents, as measured by stakeholder surveys. | 80% |
Percentage of national warnings issued within 60 minutes after the identification of a pending event is: | 100% |
Percentage of preliminary briefings provided to the Minister within 24 hours after the declaration of a civil defence emergency is: | 100% |
Percentage of declared emergencies that are reviewed in accordance with the National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan. | 100% |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of instances advice is provided to local authorities/CDEM groups of events and incidents that have the potential to lead to civil defence emergencies. | 0 – 50 |
Number of national warnings issued. | 0 – 5 |
Carry out a minimum of 10 tests of NCMC systems during the year. | 10 |
Number of declared civil defence emergencies requiring coordination and/or management of central government response. | 0 - 5 |
Number of non-declared civil defence emergencies requiring coordination and/or management of central government response. | 0 – 10 |
Number of emergency events requiring management of central government activity in regard to recovery support. | 0 – 10 |
Provide a minimum of 10 NCMC Development Programme education or training sessions. | 10 |
Update the Standard Operating Procedures a minimum of twice a year. | 2 |
Policy Advice – Emergency Management
This output covers:
- strategic policy development and policy advice on risk management, and on civil defence and emergency management frameworks, procedures and operations. Policy advice also involves preparing ministerial briefings and speech notes, and providing support for the Minister of Civil Defence, as required, in Cabinet committees, select committees and Parliament
- draft replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions addressed to the Minister of Civil Defence or referred from other Ministers.
This work contributes to the development of Safer communities.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 1,592 | 1,766 |
Revenue Other | 14 | 14 |
Total Revenue | 1,606 | 1,780 |
Expenses | 1,606 | 1,780 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | 0 | 0 |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Policy advice is delivered according to the policy work programme (and any subsequent amendments) as negotiated between the Minister of Civil Defence and the Chief Executive. | 100% |
Policy advice is delivered in accordance with agreed policy quality criteria as listed. | 100% |
The Minister is requested to indicate his/her level of satisfaction with the quality of policy advice. | Satisfied or better |
Policy advice is delivered according to the timeframes agreed. | 100% |
Percentage of first versions of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions accepted by the Minister. | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to ministerial correspondence returned to the Minister's office for signature within 15 working days of receipt from the Minister's office or such other deadlines as may be specifically agreed. | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries returned to the Minister's office for signature five days prior to the statutory deadline for reply. | 100% |
Percentage of draft replies to parliamentary questions completed within the timeframes specified by the Minister. | 100% |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries, and answers to parliamentary questions. | 0 – 65 |
Support Services, Information and Education
This output covers:
- developing and implementing policies and projects that will assist with information services, preparedness and education within the civil defence emergency management (CDEM) sector
- providing support, monitoring, information, frameworks, guidelines and professional development for the CDEM sector.
This work contributes to the development of Safer communities.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 6,303 | 5,509 |
Revenue Other | 28 | 28 |
Total Revenue | 6,331 | 5,537 |
Expenses | 6,333 | 5,539 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | (2) | (2) |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Percentage of stakeholders who are satisfied with the level of support provided and that their needs and expectations have, where possible, been incorporated into the Ministry's work programme, as measured by stakeholder surveys. | 80% |
Percentage of stakeholders who are satisfied with the quality of public education resources and support provided, as measured by stakeholder surveys. | 80% |
Percentage of attendees who are satisfied with the education or training interventions attended, as measured by stakeholder surveys. | 80% |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Participate in and/or evaluate no less than eight local government civil defence readiness and response exercises. | 8 |
Deliver or sponsor no less than six education or training interventions in consultation with the emergency management sector and other relevant agencies or organisations. | 6 – 10 |
Provide to the CDEM sector no less than 10 newsletters/updates. | 10 – 20 |
Develop a minimum of three guidelines, codes, technical standards or other CDEM sector information publications. | 3 – 10 |
Vote Internal Affairs
Gaming and Censorship Regulatory Services
This output covers:
- issuing licences to, and analysing data from, operators involved in the higher-risk forms of gambling
- auditing and monitoring casinos, and gaming sector organisations containing gaming machines, to assess compliance, with an emphasis on high-risk organisations, operators and activities
- investigations, inspections, information gathering and intelligence dissemination regarding possible breaches of the gaming and censorship legislation, and taking enforcement action against those who breach the legislation
- responding to public inquiries and providing targeted education, advice and information regarding gambling and censorship laws, to minimise harm to the community and encourage voluntary compliance
- providing policy advice on the gaming licensing regulatory regime and associated fees
- providing services to the Gambling Commission (these functions are carried out entirely separately to the Department's gambling-related policy and operational functions, to underpin the independence of the Gambling Commission).
This work contributes to the development of Safer communities.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 1,894 | 1,916 |
Revenue Other | 14,093 | 18,496 |
Total Revenue | 15,987 | 20,412 |
Expenses | 18,228 | 22,340 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | (2,241) | (1,928) |
Performance information
Increase Compliance in the Gaming Sector
Results information | Performance standard |
Number of instances of non-compliance with gambling laws that are detected during audits and investigations that result in a formal warning or sanction. | As required |
Number of non-compliant activities that have resulted in a prosecution, an infringement notice or application to the Gambling Commission. | As required |
All breaches found in audits and investigations are followed up and result in rectification or further compliance action, in accordance with the timeframes set out in the relevant follow-up process. | 100% |
Percentage of respondents to a survey of gaming sector organisations and operators who rate their satisfaction with how information services provided by the Department support their ability to comply with relevant laws, conditions and rules is no less than: | 85% |
The Gambling Commission and courts will make no adverse comment on the Department's regulatory activities. | No adverse comment |
The Gambling Commission's satisfaction with the services provided by the secretariat is 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5. | 3 or above |
Increase Compliance with Censorship Laws
Results information | Performance standard |
Number of instances of non-compliance (excluding Internet-related non-compliance) with censorship laws is no greater than: | 15% |
All non-compliant practices identified during inspection processes or as a result of complaints are dealt with during the inspection, or within three months (75%) or 12 months (25%) of the completion of the inspection. | 3 months (75%) 12 months (25%) |
Number of censorship prosecution cases dismissed where prima facie case is not established is no more than: | 2 |
Number of censorship prosecution cases that receive adverse judicial comment on the investigation process is not more than: | 2 |
Increase the Return to the Community from Non-casino Gaming Machine Operations
Results information | Performance standard |
All gaming machine operators' return to the community is no less than: | 37.12% (GST excluded) |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Complete at least 80% of audits of all gaming machine societies, and other gambling activities identified as high risk, in accordance with their risk profile, within three months and the balance within six months. | 3 months (80%) 6 months (20%) |
Undertake audits of casino operator activities identified as high risk, in accordance with their risk profile. | As required |
Undertake investigations of all licensed gambling outside of casinos, where serious non-compliance is identified through audit, intelligence or complaints. | As required |
Undertake investigations of all casino operators where serious non-compliance is identified through audit, intelligence or complaints. | As required |
Undertake investigations of suspected illegal gambling. | As required |
Undertake investigations into offences against the Act, and crimes involving dishonesty that relate to or involve gambling, committed by persons other than holders of a casino operator's licence on casino premises. | As required |
Number of formal presentations and compliance educative visits to the gaming sector. | 20 formal 300 compliance educative visits |
Number of inspections at outlets for publications/videos/films undertaken. | 1,500 |
Number of censorship complaints and proactive investigations for publications/videos/films and on the Internet responded to. | 700 |
Number of censorship prosecutions undertaken. | 20 – 40 |
Percentage of licence renewal applications processed within two months of receipt. | 80% |
Percentage of all other licence applications processed within one month of receipt. | 90% |
Identity Services
This output covers:
- assessing applications for and issuing New Zealand passports and other travel documents
- assessing applications for grant of citizenship
- registering and confirming citizenship
- registering births, deaths, marriages and civil unions
- issuing certificates and providing information and services relating to births, deaths, marriages and civil unions
- maintaining national records relating to passports, citizenship, births, deaths, marriages and civil unions
- developing authorised information-matching programmes with specified government agencies
- providing data to international government agencies, to enhance border security and facilitate travel
- advising Government about authentication of identity and evidence of identity standards.
This work contributes to the development of the following outcomes:
- Trusted records of New Zealand identity
- Strong, sustainable communities/hapū/iwi.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 7,625 | 8,416 |
Revenue Other | 62,418 | 78,637 |
Total Revenue | 70,043 | 87,053 |
Expenses | 70,091 | 83,175 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | (48) | 3,878 |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Percentage of applications for grant of citizenship recommended to the Minister within eight months of receipt of a completed application. | 80% |
Percentage of applications for registration of citizenship, not involving adoption, processed within 20 working days of receipt of a completed application. | 95% |
Percentage of certificates of citizenship status issued within 20 working days of receipt of a completed application. | 95% |
Percentage of passports, certificates and other identity documents issued without error. | 99% |
Percentage of passports issued within 10 working days for standard passports, and three working days for urgent passports, of receipt of a completed application. | 99% |
Percentage of birth, death, marriage and civil union information registered without error. | 99% |
Percentage of birth, death, marriage and civil union certificates issued without error. | 99% |
Percentage of deaths registered within three working days of receipt of a completed notification. | 96% |
Percentage of births, marriages and civil unions registered within four working days of receipt of a completed notification or application. | 96% |
Percentage of certificates from fully computerised registrations issued within one working day of receipt of a completed application. | 99% |
Percentage of certificates from partially computerised registrations issued within eight working days of receipt of a completed application. | 96% |
Percentage of birth, death, marriage and civil union printouts issued within eight working days of request. | 95% |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of applications for grant of citizenship to foreign nationals recommended to the Minister. | 26,000 – 30,000 |
Number of registrations of citizenship by descent for New Zealanders born abroad. | 5,000 – 6,000 |
Number of certificates of citizenship status issued. | 3,500 – 4,000 |
Number of passports and travel documents issued. | 390,000 – 460,000 |
Number of birth, death, marriage and civil union registrations. | 102,000 – 116,000 |
Number of birth, death, marriage and civil union certificates and printouts issued. | 200,000 – 250,000 |
Information and Advisory Services
This output covers:
- publishing the New Zealand Gazette
- authenticating official documents
- providing information, advisory and support services to commissions of inquiry and similar bodies, as required.
This work is an administrative service for Government.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 4,519 | 498 |
Revenue Other | 1,393 | 1,236 |
Total Revenue | 5,912 | 1,734 |
Expenses | 5,948 | 1,733 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | (36) | 1 |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Number of complaints concerning typesetting errors where published text is inconsistent with text supplied by client is, on average, no more than: | 1 per month |
Percentage of Principal and Customs editions of the New Zealand Gazette available at retail outlets by the applicable deadline. | 100% |
Commissioners' rating of the quality of services provided is 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5. | 3 or above |
Commissioners' rating of the timeliness of services provided is 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5. | 3 or above |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of editions of the New Zealand Gazette published. | 100 |
Policy Advice – Internal Affairs
This output covers:
- policy advice and information on matters relating to:
- gaming, censorship, fire and identity
- the performance of and appointments to Crown entities
- appointments to statutory bodies
- the Significant Community-Based Project Fund.
- draft replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions addressed to the Minister of Internal Affairs or referred from other Ministers.
This work contributes to the development of the following outcomes:
- Strong, sustainable communities/hapū/iwi
- Safer communities
- Trusted records of New Zealand identity.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 4,756 | 4,811 |
Revenue Other | 54 | 90 |
Total Revenue | 4,810 | 4,901 |
Expenses | 4,810 | 4,901 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | 0 | 0 |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Policy advice is delivered according to the policy work programme (and any subsequent amendments) as negotiated between the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Chief Executive. | 100% |
Policy advice is delivered in accordance with agreed policy quality criteria as listed | 100% |
The Minister is requested to indicate his/her level of satisfaction with the quality of policy advice. | Satisfied or better |
Policy advice is delivered according to the timeframes agreed. | 100% |
Percentage of first versions of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions accepted by the Minister. | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to ministerial correspondence returned to the Minister's office for signature within 15 working days of receipt from the Minister's office or such other deadlines as may be specifically agreed. | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries returned to the Minister's office for signature five days prior to the statutory deadline for reply. | 100% |
Percentage of draft replies to parliamentary questions completed within the timeframes specified by the Minister. | 100% |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries, and answers to parliamentary questions. | 430 – 630 |
Services for Ethnic Affairs
This output covers:
- providing policy advice and information on matters relating to ethnic affairs. This also involves:
- arranging meetings for the Minister to facilitate contact with ethnic communities
- preparing ministerial briefings and speech notes, and providing support for the Minister for Ethnic Affairs, as required, in Cabinet committees, select committees and Parliament
- providing draft replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions addressed to the Minister for Ethnic Affairs or referred from other Ministers
- providing advisory and information services to ethnic communities, and information to the public to raise the level of knowledge about ethnic communities and their contribution to New Zealand
- managing the contract for the telephone interpreting service (Language Line).
This work contributes to the development of Strong, sustainable communities/hapū/iwi.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 2,799 | 2,660 |
Revenue Other | 518 | 518 |
Total Revenue | 3,317 | 3,178 |
Expenses | 3,319 | 3,179 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | (2) | (1) |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Policy advice is delivered according to the policy work programme (and any subsequent amendments) as negotiated between the Minister for Ethnic Affairs and the Chief Executive. | 100% |
Policy advice is delivered in accordance with agreed policy quality criteria as listed | 100% |
The Minister is requested to indicate his/her level of satisfaction with the quality of policy advice. | Satisfied or better |
Policy advice is delivered according to the timeframes agreed. | 100% |
Percentage of first versions of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions accepted by the Minister. | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to ministerial correspondence returned to the Minister's office for signature within 15 working days of receipt from the Minister's office or such other deadlines as may be specifically agreed | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries returned to the Minister's office for signature five days prior to the statutory deadline for reply. | 100% |
Percentage of draft replies to parliamentary questions completed within the timeframes specified by the Minister. | 100% |
Percentage of requests for written advice answered within 10 working days or according to the timeframes agreed with the correspondent. | 95% |
Percentage of key stakeholders who rate the quality and effectiveness of the advisory services provided to ethnic communities at 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5, as measured by stakeholder surveys. | 85% |
The contract with the supplier of the telephone interpreting service (Language Line) will specify the nature and level of services to be provided, price, duration, monitoring arrangements, scope for variation and mechanisms for dispute resolution. | |
Reports will be provided regularly to the Minister on the Language Line provider's performance against service standards. | Monthly |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries, and answers to parliamentary questions. | 120 – 240 |
Number of requests from ethnic communities for information or advice responded to. | 3,000 – 3,500 |
Contestable Services
This output covers services to both government and non-government agencies, which could be provided by other organisations and are therefore contestable services.
Services include translation and other foreign language services to Ministers and third parties.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 0 | 0 |
Revenue Other | 1,380 | 935 |
Total Revenue | 1,380 | 935 |
Expenses | 1,379 | 935 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | 1 | 0 |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Percentage of respondents to a customer survey who rate their satisfaction with the quality of translation services provided at 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5 is no less than: | 85% |
Percentage of translations meeting timeframes agreed with customers. | 98% |
Vote Local Government
Information, Support and Regulatory Services
This output covers:
- providing advisory and support services to the Local Government Commission in respect of its statutory functions
- providing information to and about local government
- administering the Local Government Act 2002 and other statutes, including advising the Minister of Local Government on:
- local government boundaries and reorganisation schemes
- approval of sales of endowment land and other statutory approvals
- the Rates Rebates Scheme
- offshore islands not in a territorial authority district
- servicing of ministerial review authorities when required
- administering the Local Electoral Act 2001 including:
- approving voting document formats
- administering the Single Transferable Vote calculator
- collection and publication of local government election statistics
- providing regulatory and boating services for Lake Taupo, including providing the Harbourmaster and managing the Lake Taupo Landing Reserve
- governance and management of the National Dog Control Information Database.
This work contributes to the development of Strong, sustainable communities/hapū/iwi.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 4,334 | 3,999 |
Revenue Other | 436 | 653 |
Total Revenue | 4,770 | 4,652 |
Expenses | 4,790 | 4,670 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | (20) | (18) |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
The Local Government Commission is satisfied with the quality of advice and support services provided rated on a scale of 1 to 5. | 3 or above |
Local Government Commission decisions are dispatched to parties within 10 working days of decision, or to such other timetable as instructed by the Commission. | 100% |
All responses to requests for information from the public are easy to comprehend and accurate. | 100% |
Percentage of rates rebates claims processed accurately. | 99% |
Percentage of requests for information from the public responded to within 15 working days. | 95% |
Percentage of claims for rates rebates processed within 20 working days. | 98% |
The Taupo Harbourmaster will implement a programme of facilities inspection and maintenance. | Facilities managed in accordance with programme and standards |
All boating facilities on Lake Taupo are maintained to an appropriate level of safety and usability. | Facilities maintained to specified standards |
Percentage of respondents to a survey of key stakeholders who rate their satisfaction with the quality of Lake Taupo regulatory services at 3 or above on a scale of 1 to 5. | 85% |
Number of prosecutions taken under navigation safety legislation and regulations dismissed because a prima facie case has not been established is no more than: | 2 cases |
The Taupo Landing Reserve is managed in accordance with a Reserve Management Plan approved by the Ministers of Local Government and Conservation. | Managed in accordance with Reserve Management Plan |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of responses to requests for information from the public. | 100 – 500 |
Number of rates rebates claims received for processing. | 100,000 – 140,000 |
Policy Advice – Local Government
This output covers:
- policy advice and information on local government issues. It also involves monitoring the local government system, preparing ministerial briefings and speech notes, and providing support for the Minister of Local Government, as required, in Cabinet committees, select committees, and Parliament. It also includes preparations for hosting the Commonwealth Local Government Forum 2007 Conference
- draft replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions addressed to the Minister of Local Government or referred from other Ministers.
This work contributes to the development of Strong, sustainable communities/hapū/iwi.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 7,200 | 7,317 |
Revenue Other | 81 | 69 |
Total Revenue | 7,281 | 7,386 |
Expenses | 7,282 | 7,386 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | (1) | 0 |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Policy advice is delivered according to the policy work programme (and any subsequent amendments) as negotiated between the Minister of Local Government and the Chief Executive. | 100% |
Policy advice is delivered in accordance with agreed policy quality criteria listed. | 100% |
The Minister is requested to indicate his/her level of satisfaction with the quality of policy advice. | Satisfied or better |
Policy advice is delivered according to the timeframes agreed. | 100% |
Percentage of first versions of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions accepted by the Minister. | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to ministerial correspondence returned to the Minister's office for signature within 15 working days of receipt from the Minister's office or such other deadlines as may be specifically agreed. | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries returned to the Minister's office for signature five days prior to the statutory deadline for reply. | 100% |
Percentage of draft replies to parliamentary questions completed within the timeframes specified by the Minister. | 100% |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries, and answers to parliamentary questions. | 500 – 1,000 |
Vote Ministerial Services
Support Services to Ministers
This output covers:
- providing a range of support services for Ministers, including office administration, accounting, personnel, information technology, facilities management, media and advisory services
- managing residential accommodation provided for Ministers of the Crown, both owned and leased property.
This work contributes to ensuring Executive Government is well supported.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 25,012 | 25,908 |
Revenue Other | 338 | 338 |
Total Revenue | 25,350 | 26,246 |
Expenses | 25,349 | 26,245 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | 1 | 1 |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Percentage of Ministers responding to the annual satisfaction survey who assess the quality of support services provided as satisfactory or better. | 85% |
The Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services is satisfied with the level of administration of support services provided to the Executive. | Satisfactory or better |
Percentage of Ministers responding to the annual satisfaction survey who assess their satisfaction with the timeliness of services provided to them at satisfactory or better. | 85% |
VIP Transport
This output covers chauffeur-driven vehicle services for Ministers, the Leader of the Opposition, former Prime Ministers and their spouses, former Governors-General and their spouses, the judiciary and distinguished visitors, and self-drive vehicles for Ministers.
This work contributes to ensuring Executive Government is well supported.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 0 | 0 |
Revenue Other | 6,378 | 7,175 |
Total Revenue | 6,378 | 7,175 |
Expenses | 6,379 | 7,175 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | (1) | 0 |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Number of customer complaints received regarding quality and timeliness of chauffeur-driven vehicle hires is no more than: | 1 per 1,500 |
Percentage of Ministers who rate their satisfaction with the transport services provided to them as satisfactory or better. | 85% |
Visits and Official Events Coordination
This output covers services supporting:
- visits by guests of Government
- receptions at international airports for the Governor-General, Ministers and guests of Government
- State and ministerial functions
- commemorative events
- national anniversaries.
This work contributes to ensuring Executive Government is well supported.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 3,514 | 3,396 |
Revenue Other | 17 | 17 |
Total Revenue | 3,531 | 3,413 |
Expenses | 3,531 | 3,414 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | 0 | (1) |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Percentage of visit programme content and logistics arranged to reflect visit objectives. | 100% |
Percentage of Ministers who rate their satisfaction with the quality of arrangements for ministerial and State functions as satisfied or better. (Only Ministers sponsoring ministerial and State functions are surveyed.) | 85% |
Percentage of Ministers who rate their satisfaction with the coordination and management of official events as satisfactory or better. (Only Ministers with responsibility for hosting events are surveyed.) | 85% |
Vote Racing
Policy Advice – Racing
This output covers:
- policy advice and information on matters relating to racing and sports betting and on the racing industry generally. Policy advice also involves preparing ministerial briefings and speech notes, and providing support for the Minister for Racing, as required, in Cabinet committees, select committees and Parliament
- draft replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions addressed to the Minister for Racing or referred from other Ministers.
This work contributes to the development of Safer communities.
Revenue and expenses
Appropriation | 2005/06 Est Actual GST Excl $000 | 2006/07 Forecast GST Excl $000 |
Revenue | ||
Revenue Crown | 299 | 212 |
Revenue Other | 4 | 4 |
Total Revenue | 303 | 216 |
Expenses | 302 | 217 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | 1 | (1) |
Performance information
Results information | Performance standard |
Policy advice is delivered according to the policy work programme (and any subsequent amendments) as negotiated between the Minister for Racing and the Chief Executive. | 100% |
Policy advice is delivered in accordance with agreed policy quality criteria as listed. | 100% |
The Minister is requested to indicate his/her level of satisfaction with the quality of policy advice. | Satisfied or better |
Policy advice is delivered according to the timeframes agreed. | 100% |
Percentage of first versions of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests, Ombudsman's inquiries and parliamentary questions accepted by the Minister. | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to ministerial correspondence returned to the Minister's office for signature within 15 working days of receipt from the Minister's office or such other deadlines as may be specifically agreed. | 95% |
Percentage of draft responses to Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries returned to the Minister's office for signature five days prior to the statutory deadline for reply. | 100% |
Percentage of draft replies to parliamentary questions completed within the timeframes specified by the Minister. | 100% |
Activity information | Estimated volume |
Number of replies to ministerial correspondence, Official Information Act 1982 requests and Ombudsman's inquiries, and answers to parliamentary questions. | 50 – 100 |
Policy Advice Quality Criteria
In fulfilling the aim to produce policy advice that meets the needs of Ministers, the Department requires that, to the extent to which time and cost-effectiveness considerations permit, policy advice produced within Vote Internal Affairs, Vote Ministerial Services, Vote Emergency Management, Vote Local Government, Vote Community and Voluntary Sector and Vote Racing meet the following quality criteria.
Policy papers should be short (where practicable), succinct and clearly focused on decisions required from Ministers.
The advice takes account of other Government policies and decisions, and is consistent with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
The assumptions behind the advice are explicit and argument is logical and supported by the facts.
The facts in the papers are legally and statistically accurate and all material facts and sources are included. Where appropriate, the advice includes sound legal opinion.
An appropriate range of options is presented. Each option is assessed in terms of the benefits and costs for the Government, the economy, the community sector and all other relevant parties. The information provided has sufficient range and depth.
There is evidence of adequate consultation with other Government agencies and other affected parties and possible objections to proposals are identified.
The problems of implementation, technical feasibility, timing and consistency with other policies have been considered. Where appropriate, the advice considers the impact on the lives of New Zealanders.
The length and format of Cabinet papers meet Ministerial and Cabinet Office requirements. All papers and briefings are in accordance with the Department's Policy Quality Assurance guidelines. All presentations to Ministers are in accordance with Ministerial preference for style and format. All key facts, and recommendations are on the first page. All material is effectively, concisely and clearly presented, has short sentences in plain English, and is free of grammatical or numerical errors.
The Department of Internal Affairs strives to provide professional, impartial and comprehensive advice to Ministers, and to alert Ministers to the possible consequences of following particular policies, whether or not such advice accords with the Minister's views.