Resource material › Corporate Publications › Statement of Intent 2010-13
Click on the links below to access the Department's Statement of Intent 2010-13:

Forecast Financial Statements, Estimates (Appropriation Information), and Information Supporting the Estimates
The Department's Statement of Service Performance and financial information are included in the Budget documentation. Please refer to the following Vote specific information on the Treasury website:
Vote Internal Affairs
Forecast Financial Statements (.pdf) 80k*
Estimates (Appropriation Information) (.pdf) 33k*
Information Supporting the Estimates (.pdf) 159k*
Supplementary Estimates (.pdf) 28k*
Information Supporting the Supplementary Estimates (.pdf) 63k*
Vote Emergency Management
Estimates (Appropriation Information) (.pdf) 28k*
Information Supporting the Estimates (.pdf) 86k*
Supplementary Estimates (.pdf) 22k*
Information Supporting the Supplementary Estimates (.pdf) 31k*
Vote Ministerial Services
Estimates (Appropriation Information) (.pdf) 27k*
Information Supporting the Estimates (.pdf) 84k*
Supplementary Estimates (.pdf) 28k*
Information Supporting the Supplementary Estimates (.pdf) 33k*
Vote Community and Voluntary
Estimates (Appropriation Information) (.pdf) 48k*
Information Supporting the Estimates (.pdf) 122k*
Supplementary Estimates (.pdf) 32k*
Information Supporting the Supplementary Estimates (.pdf) 43k*
Vote Local Government
Estimates (Appropriation Information) (.pdf) 36k*
Information Supporting the Estimates (.pdf) 134k*
Supplementary Estimates (.pdf) 30k*
Information Supporting the Supplementary Estimates (.pdf) 35k*
Vote Racing
Estimates (Appropriation Information) (.pdf) 23k*
Information Supporting the Estimates (.pdf) 79k*
*This document is in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the Adobe site.