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Community and Voluntary Sector
The Department provides cross-sector policy development and advice to the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector and to government on the community and voluntary sector at the national policy level.
Areas that the Department works on include:
- Decisions to modernise the Charities Act 2005 (2 June 2022)
- digital literacy and youth research
- social enterprise policy
- volunteering and giving
- non-profit sector research
- guidance on engaging with community organisations
- Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord
Digital literacy and youth research
Digital technology is reshaping how New Zealanders communicate, work and interact. Earlier this year, the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector wanted to better understand how community organisations use and develop digital literacy. The Department commissioned Allen & Clarke to undertake exploratory research focused on the youth experience of digital literacy.The research looked at how community organisations contribute to the development of young people’s digital literacy, and how digital literacy supports young people to gain confidence and improve their work opportunities. The research found that digital literacy initiatives use a range of tailored approaches to engage youth, that community programmes have positive effects beyond digital skills (such as building increased confidence overall), and that initiatives often rely on a few volunteers to deliver services. The full research report can be found in the link below.
- Digital Literacy and Young People : Key findings and Implications (31 July 2018) (.pdf) 849kb

Social Enterprise
Delivery Phase of the Social Enterprise Sector Development Programme – 2018 On 23 April 2018, the Department of Internal Affairs entered into a contract with the Ākina Foundation for the delivery of the Social Enterprise Sector Development Programme over the next three years.- Ākina Foundation Media Statement: Social Enterprise Development Programme (26/5/2018)
- Background and Outcomes of the first year of the Programme
Research into the contribution of the social enterprise sector to the New Zealand economy
May 2019: Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL) has completed the final phase of the 3-phase social enterprise study. The study ran in parallel to the ongoing Social Enterprise Sector Development Programme (the Programme) being delivered in partnership with the Ākina Foundation. See below for an infographic of the key results from the study and a link to the full report.The study provides a baseline estimate of the number of social enterprises in New Zealand to assess the future impact of the Programme, and an estimate of the social enterprises’ economic and social/environmental contributions.
It analysed data through StatsNZ’s Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) from government databases, such as the Inland Revenue Department’s tax data, the Annual Enterprise Survey, and the Longitudinal Business Database (LBD).
The study highlights that:
- some social enterprises may not self-identify, this could be due to a lack of awareness;
- some business models (such as trusts and charities) share characteristics with social enterprises, making it difficult to distinguish between them;
- official databases do not currently record whether businesses have a social or environmental mission, or the size of the impact a business has on social or environmental outcomes.
The study demonstrates the need for the measurement to be standardised across the social enterprise sector to gather more precise data to further inform the state and impact of the sector in New Zealand. As well as this focus, the Programme will work to inform existing Government surveys, and define “social enterprise” and “community enterprise”.
Infographic – Results of the BERL study: Making Sense of the Numbers (.pdf) 87kb

- For a text version of this image see: Long description (.txt, 1kb)
Read the full report:
June 2018: The Department of Internal Affairs contracted with Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL) to conduct research into the contribution of the social enterprise sector to the New Zealand economy. This three-phase study is running parallel to the Social Enterprise Sector Development Programme (above).The aim of the study is to provide a baseline population to assess the future impact of the Programme.
Phases 1 and 2 have been completed. These phases identified key characteristics of social enterprises and tested the methodology to be used in the phase 3 of the study. The final results of the study will be released towards the end of 2018.
Procurement of a Strategic Partner for Social Enterprise Market Development
On 22 November 2017 the Department of Internal Affairs has partnered with Ākina Foundation to develop a programme focused on expanding the country’s social enterprise market.- Media statement: $5 million to launch social enterprise programme (Beehive website)
- Information on the procurement: Strategic Partner for New Zealand Social Enterprise Market Development
- Case studies of New Zealand social enterprises (.pdf) 7.8MB
- A3 summary of case studies (.pdf) 644kb
- Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector’s letter to attendees with progress on the cross-agency work programme (.pdf) 296kb
- Media statement: Government announces funding for innovative business model agreed by Cabinet in November 2016 (4 July 2017) (Beehive website)
Government response to Social Enterprise and Social Finance (December 2016)
- Cabinet minute: Social Enterprise and Social Finance: A Path to Growth [EGI-Min-0309] (.pdf) 368kb
- Cabinet Paper: Social Enterprise and Social Finance: A Path to Growth (.pdf) 904kb
- Cabinet paper Appendix E (.pdf) 1.3mb
- Media Statement: Government takes next step in supporting social enterprise (9 December 2016)
(Beehive website)
Social Enterprise and Social Finance - A Path to Growth - 2016
Social Enterprise and Social Finance: A Path to Growth (PDF, 2.2MB)
A Report to the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector
This report has been written by a nine member Strategic Group, convened by the Department of Internal Affairs. The report was released by the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector at a Parliament event on 11 October 2016. The report proposes a range of actions to grow social enterprise and social finance in New Zealand.
Champions of Change: Doing Business Differently (PDF, 980KB)
Ten social enterprise case studies
This is a collection of ten social enterprise case studies, developed as a companion document to Social Enterprise and Social Finance: A Path to Growth, authored by the Strategic Group on Social Enterprise and Social Finance, convened by the Department of Internal Affairs.

View or download the A3 one-page summary (PDF, 337KB)
This is a summary of the report Social Enterprise and Social Finance: A Path to Growth.
Growing Social Enterprise: Progress and Next Steps (May 2015)
Government position statement supporting social enterprise (February 2014)
This Government position statement acknowledges the value of the growing social enterprise sector and supports collaborative action to ensure social enterprises meet their full potential.- Government position statement on social enterprise (html version)
- Government position statement on social enterprise (.doc) 28k
- Government position statement on social enterprise (.pdf) 28k
- Cabinet paper: Growing the Social and Economic Potential of Social Enterprise [SOC (13) 184] (.pdf) 834k
- Cabinet minute: Growing the Social and Economic Potential of Social Enterprise [SOC Min (13) 27/4] (.pdf) 110k
- Media statement: Government gets behind social enterprises (14 February 2014)
- Social enterprises are organisations with dual social and business goals. This report examines the “Legal structures” available in statute for such organisations wishing to incorporate as legal entities.
- Legal Structures for Social Enterprise (Word version) (.doc) 748k
- Legal Structures for Social Enterprise (PDF version) (.pdf) 215k*
- Mapping social enterprises in New Zealand - Results of a 2012 survey (.pdf) 539k* Results of a 2012 survey in Microsoft Word (.doc) 1.5M
- The Potential for Social Impact Bonds in New Zealand - (PDF, 671K) | (Word, 135K), A report prepared by Ross Philipson Consulting Ltd for the Department of Internal Affairs - September 2011
- Social Lending: A Tool for Grantmakers, an Opportunity for Communities (August 2010) – prepared by Ian Axford fellow Laura Benedict, based in the OCVS during 2010
Non-profit sector research
The Study of the New Zealand Non-Profit Sector 2004-2008. This project measured and described the role that non-profit organisations play in society and the economy- The New Zealand Non-profit Sector in Comparative Perspective (.pdf) 437k*
- Defining the Nonprofit Sector: New Zealand (.pdf) 526k*
- History of the Non-profit Sector in New Zealand (.pdf) 312k*
- The NZ Non-Profit Sector and Government Policy (.pdf) 338k*
Guidance on engaging with community organisations
- Ready Reference Engagement Guide (.pdf) 2.59M*
- Code of Funding Practice (.pdf) 272k*
- Techniques to encourage public participation
Seminar introducing the Code of Funding Practice, December 2010
- Hugh Lawrence introduces the seminar
- Peter Waru and Enid Ratahi-Pryor - Code of Funding Practice seminar
- Trafford Wilson - Code of Funding Practice seminar
- Alan White, Department of Conservation, and Sue Murray, Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust, discuss transparency
- Lyall Wilson, Ministry of Social Development, and Lynda Millington, Interactionz, discuss open communication, transparency and respect
- Elena Wrelton, Ministry for the Environment, discusses integrity, accountability, flexibility and innovation
- Lucy Chamberlain, Department of Internal Affairs, and Maria Burgess, Porirua Living without Violence, discuss integrity, accountability and flexibility
Volunteering and giving
- Quarterly Volunteering and Donating Indicators (to September 2014) - Update: to September 2014 (.pdf) 603k*
- Quarterly Volunteering and Donating Indicators (to September 2014) - Update: to September 2014 (.docx) 938k*
- Quarterly Volunteering and Donating Indicators (to December 2013) - Update: to December 2013 (.pdf) 603k*
- Quarterly Volunteering and Donating Indicators (to December 2013) - Update: to December 2013 (.docx) 938k*
- Quarterly Volunteering and Donating Indicators (to June 2013) - Update: March quarter 2013 to June quarter 2013 (.pdf) 435k*
- Quarterly Volunteering and Donating Indicators (to June 2013) - Update: March quarter 2013 to June quarter 2013 (.doc) 800k
- Quarterly Volunteering and Donating Indicators - Update: March quarter 2010 to December quarter 2012 (.pdf) 337k*
- Quarterly Volunteering and Donating Indicators - Update: March quarter 2010 to December quarter 2012 (.doc) 1MB
- Quarterly Volunteering and Donating Indicators - Update: December quarter 2009 to September quarter 2012 (.doc) 414k
- Quarterly 'Generosity' Indicators - Update: December quarter 2009 to March quarter 2012 (.pdf ) 45.5k*
- Payroll giving – a voluntary scheme to support employees to give direct from their pay to good causes (IRD website)
- Mahi Aroha: Maori Perspectives on Giving and Volunteering (.pdf) 914k*
- Government Policy on Volunteering (PDF, 83KB) - December 2002 Government Policy on Volunteering (Word, 23.5KB) - December 2002
General information
- Defining the community and voluntary sector (.pdf) 184*
- Defining volunteering (.pdf) 166k*
- Employer Supported Volunteering (pdf) 145k*
- Briefing for the Incoming Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector (See Briefings for Incoming Ministers)
- Community-led development
- Community development research reports
- Other community development information