Resource material › Our Policy Advice Areas › Local Government Policy
- Current Projects:
- Going for Housing Growth (February 2025)
- Crown Observer appointed to Wellington City Council (November 2024)
- Evaluation Report of Aotearoa Reorua programme (October 2024)
- Consultation on regulations for natural hazard information in LIMs (16 September 2024)
- Community Resilience (updated 9 September 2024)
- City and Regional Deals (February 2025)
- Appointment of a Crown Manager to the Wairoa District Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (August 2024)
- Local Government Mandatory Performance Measures (updated 23 July 2024)
- The Non-Financial Performance Measures Rules 2024 (updated 23 July 2024)
- Reinstating the ability for polls on Māori wards (1 August 2024)
- Water Services Policy and Legislation (updated September 2024)
- Central government reforms impacting local government (updated October 2023)
- Local Government Cyclone Response Unit (updated 25 July 2023)
- Tauranga City Council - Commission (updated 29 June 2022)
- Development Contribution Commissioners (updated 2 March 2020)
- Aronga - The Co-Governance Data Portal (December 2021)
- Infrastructure Funding and Financing (August 2021)
- The Local Government (Rating of Māori) Amendment Act 2021 (updated guidance May 2021)
- Guidance on Development Contributions Policies (updated January 2021)
- Taumata Arowai Establishment Unit (updated December 2020)
- Online Voting for Local Authority Elections (November 2018)
- Kaikōura long-term plan Order in Council (March 2018)
- Reducing the risk and harm of dog attacks
- Bylaw review (Freedom camping - 2016/17 work programme)
- Local Government Regulatory Systems
- Kaipara District Council (April 2017)
- Road encroachments guidance
- Better Local Services (16 June 2017)
- Response to the Productivity Commission’s report Towards Better Local Regulation
- Appointment of Crown Manager for Christchurch City Council
- Amendments to the Local Electoral Act 2001 and Local Electoral Regulations 2001
- Environment Canterbury Review
- Public safety around dogs
- Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Negotiations
- Ongoing Projects:
- Further Information Email:
The Local Government Policy Group provides policy advice to Ministers on:- key strategic policy issues facing the Local Government sector portfolio
- the regulatory and legislative frameworks that govern the Local Government sector, including the Local Government Act 2002 and its amendments, and the Local Electoral Act 2001 and its amendments.
Ue te Hīnatore - Local Government Branch works closely with other government departments that work with Local Government and provides all departments with strategic advice as required.
What is Local Government?
Few of the issues which government deal with are neatly contained within national boundaries. Some are global, a few are national, and many others are local. Either they affect only particular localities or they affect different localities differently, or the populations of different localities might legitimately have differing views on what ought to be done or how it should be done. All modern democracies divide the work of government between central government and some form of local, regional, or state government.In New Zealand, there is central government and local government (involving both regional and territorial authorities).
Local Authorities
There are 78 local authorities representing all areas of New Zealand.- 11 Regional Councils
- 12 City Councils (which are largely urban)
- 54 District Councils
- 1 Auckland Council (which amalgamated 8 former councils on 1 November 2010).
Six of the territorial authorities, (including Auckland, 1 City and 4 District Councils), also have the powers of a regional council - these are sometimes referred to as “unitary authorities”.
New Zealand has more than 1,400 elected councillors and mayors, and nearly 23,000 local government employees.
Department of Internal Affairs' Roles in Local Government
Secretary for Local Government
Section 2B of the Local Government Act 1974 provides that the person for the time being holding the office of Secretary for Internal Affairs shall be the Secretary for Local Government. The Seventeenth Schedule to the Act lists several Acts under which functions, powers and duties are conferred or imposed on the Minister of Local Government and the Secretary for Local Government.Note: The Local Government Act 2002 was given royal assent on 24 December 2002. It repeals the Local Government Act 1974.Local Government PolicyThe Local Government Policy team:
- provides policy advice on local government, including the framework of local government, to the Minister of Local Government and to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee on local Bills
- administers Acts and Regulations on behalf of the Minister of Local Government.
- provides services relating to the administration of statutes and local government information
- provides services relating to Lake Taupo, offshore islands, the Rates Rebate Scheme, disaster recovery grants and the Chatham Islands
- administers the harbourmaster functions at Lake Taupo.
See also: Local Councils website (decommissioned)
Current Projects
Going for Housing Growth Pillar 2:
Improvements to infrastructure funding and financing tools to support urban growthIn February 2025 the Government announced decisions on the second stage of the Going for Housing Growth programme (GFHG), with improvements to infrastructure funding and financing tools to help get more housing built.Read the joint Ministers’ press release on the Beehive website (28 February 2025)
As a package, these changes will provide councils and developers with a flexible funding and financing toolkit to respond to growth pressures and deliver infrastructure to land zoned for housing development. This is expected to reduce the current cross-subsidisation by ratepayers.
The decisions include:
Replacing development contributions with a development levy system
- The purpose of development levies is to ensure councils (and other infrastructure providers) charge developers a proportionate amount of the total cost of capital expenditure necessary to service growth over the long term.
- Levies will be calculated based on expected levels of growth and aggregate growth costs for each urban area.
- Separate levies will be maintained for each service, such as drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, transport, reserves, and community infrastructure.
- Councils providing a service to part of a levy zone that has particularly high growth costs will have discretion to charge an additional high cost asset levy on top of the base levy for that service.
- Development levies will be subject to regulatory oversight and councils will be required to ensure they’re setting appropriate charges.
- Councils will have discretion to phase in any transition to higher charges under the levy system to manage impacts on local development.
- Broadening the scope of the Infrastructure Funding and Financing (IFF) Act so that levies can be used in a wider range of circumstances.
- A streamlined levy development and approvals process, particularly for proposals supported by landowners that would be subject to the levy.
- Other changes to improve the flexibility of the IFF Act and support its use for a range of infrastructure projects.
- Councils will now be able to set targeted rates that apply only to new developments.
- Councils will be able to use targeted rates and development levies together, where projects benefit existing residents and also provide for growth.
- Find out more about the Going for Housing Growth Programme on the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development’s website
- Read the Factsheet on Going for Housing Growth reforms to infrastructure funding and financing tools at a glance (PDF, 132KB)
- Read the Factsheet on Development levies and targeted rates (PDF, 143KB)
- Read the Factsheet on Improvements to the IFF Act (PDF, 99KB)
- Read the Factsheet on Development Contributions vs. Development Levies (PDF, 160KB)
Crown Observer appointed to Wellington City Council
On 11 November 2024 the Minister of Local Government announced the appointment of Lindsay McKenzie as Crown Observer to the Wellington City Council.Read the Minister’s press release on the Beehive website (11 November 2024)
Mr McKenzie has been appointed as Crown Observer to provide advice and guidance to the Council in order to support the delivery of the amended 2024-34 Long-Term Plan.
The role of the Crown Observer is to provide guidance and advice to elected Council members, collectively and individually, on matters of governance and financial strategy and planning.
The Crown Observer may also provide advice and guidance to the Council Chief Executive and senior management team on how best to support elected Council members.
The Crown Observer does not have a decision-making role and will not be involved in decision-making, other than offering guidance or advice. The decision-makers are the democratically elected Mayor and Councillors.
Mr McKenzie has been appointed as Crown Observer for a term of approximately nine months, starting on 13 November 2024 and finishing on 31 July 2025 or earlier if appropriate.
Read the terms of reference for the Crown Observer (PDF, 150KB)
Find out more about local government intervention (The Department's Role in Local Government)
City and Regional Deals
(Updated February 2025)City and Regional Deals is the Government’s initiative for delivering shared objectives and outcomes between local and central government. Deals will be long-term commitments, intended to endure, to promote economic growth and productivity, delivering connected and resilient infrastructure, and improving the supply of affordable, quality housing.
- Read about City and Regional Deals
- Read the Regional Deals Strategic Framework
Appointment of a Crown Manager to the Wairoa District Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
On 14 August 2024, pursuant to section 258D, and with reference to section 258P of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act), the Minister of Local Government gave notice of his appointment of Lawrence Yule as Crown Manager of Wairoa District Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.The role of the Crown Manager is to direct the Council to address any barriers to effective flood management of the Wairoa catchment. This includes facilitating the production of a medium-term flood management plan, actions arising from the reviews of the June 2024 severe weather event and relationship management regarding decisions on flood management.
The term for the Crown Manager appointment and the management period starts on 15 August 2024. The appointment and management period will, unless otherwise advised by the Minister of Local Government, end on 13 February 2026. The Minister of Local Government will undertake a review of the continued need for this appointment in May 2025.
The full terms of reference for this appointment for each council is available here:
Wairoa District Council:
Final Terms of Reference - Appointment of a Crown Manager to the Wairoa District Council (PDF, 186KB)
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:
Final Terms of Reference - Appointment of a Crown Manager to the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (PDF, 166KB)
Section 258O of the Act requires the Minister of Local Government to publish in the New Zealand Gazette a list of matters relevant to determining what action, if any, to take under subpart 1 of Part 10 of the Act, which relates to Ministerial powers of assistance and intervention in relation to local authorities.
Pursuant to Section 258P of the Act, the Minister of Local Government gave regard to this list of matters when making the decision to appoint a Crown Manager.
The list of matters was published in the New Zealand Gazette in June 2023 and is available here: Notice Regarding Ministerial Powers of Local Government Assistance and Intervention (NZ Gazette website)
Local Government Cyclone Response Unit
Updated 26 July 2023This dedicated working group comprises senior leadership from DIA’s Local Government Branch, from the Taituarā — Local Government Professionals Aotearoa and Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ):
- Local Government Cyclone Response Unit
- Consultation for Severe weather recovery: Preparation of an OiC to replace the 2024 long-term plan with a three-year plan for eight local authorities. Consultation CLOSED 4 August 2023.
Tauranga City Council – Commission
(Updated 29 June 2022)As required by Section 258U of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act), the Tauranga City Council Commission has delivered its final report for the period February 2021 to April 2022 to the Minister of Local Government. In accordance with the provisions of the Act the report is publicly available at the link below:
- Final Report of the Tauranga City Council Commission (PDF, 5.6MB)
The link to the gazette notice and proactive release of documents can be found here:
- Proactive release of information relating to Crown Intervention in Tauranga City Council under Part 10 of the Local Government Act 2002 (Updated 8 June 2022)
- Appointment of Commission to Tauranga City Council - Gazette Notice (NZ Gazette website)
Termination of the Commission and postponement of the 2022 triennial general election
On 14 February 2022, the Minister has determined that the provisions of Part 10 of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act) will continue to be met beyond October 2022. In order to facilitate the appointment of a Commission for a further term, the Minister gave notice that the current Commission was terminated with effect from 25 April 2022, in accordance with section 258X of the Act.In accordance with section 258I of the Act, the Minister also gave notice that the next triennial general election at the Council, due to be held in October 2022, would be postponed.
On 22 April 2022, the Minister announced the appointment of a further Commission to the Council to perform and exercise its responsibilities, duties and powers. The Minister has reappointed Anne Tolley as Commission chairperson, and Bill Wasley, Stephen Selwood and Shadrach Rolleston as commissioners. The Commission’s term commenced on 26 April 2022 and end on the day after the date elected members of the Council are declared, following a general election in July 2024.
The link to the gazette notice and Terms of Reference can be found here: Termination of the Current Commission and Appointment of a Further Commission to the Tauranga City Council
Central government reforms impacting local government
(Updated October 2023)Local government is facing a wave of reforms and reviews, including those related to three waters and resource management, with future reforms to come including climate change. The Future for Local Government Review is tasked with a future looking view at what local government does, how it does it and how it pays for it. Central government work programmes impacting local government are set out in the following A3:
- Central government reforms impacting on local government - A3, October 2023 (PDF, 208KB)
- Central government reforms impacting on local government - Information pack, December 2022 (PDF, 1MB)
Evaluation Report of Aotearoa Reorua programme
(October 2024)In July an independent evaluation provider completed an evaluation report of the Aotearoa Reorua - Bilingual Towns & Cities programme. Read the report: Evaluation Report of Aotearoa Reorua programme
Consultation on regulations for natural hazard information in LIMs
Consultation CLOSED Monday, 28 October 2024The Department is consulting on an exposure draft of regulations for natural hazard information in land information memoranda (LIMs).
The regulations have been drafted to support local authorities implement changes to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act that are due to come into effect on 1 July 2025.
The regulations give direction both for territorial authorities, when sharing natural hazard information in a LIM, and regional councils, when sharing natural hazard information with territorial authorities. The regulations set requirements for:
- any additional information to make natural hazard information more understandable and
- how natural hazard information is summarised and presented.
Consultation: Proposals for regulations for natural hazard information in LIMs (PDF, 1.6MB)
Consultation CLOSED 28 October 2024. Further information contact:
Community resilience
(Updated September 2024)The Community Resilience programme partners with local government and other central government agencies to ensure policy levers, regulatory frameworks and tools support natural hazard risk reduction and climate change adaptation objectives. The primary focus of the work programme is currently on:
- changes to the Land Information Memoranda (LIM) system to better communicate natural hazard information,
- Input to the Government’s resource management and climate change reforms, and
- Westport flood resilience.
The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Amendment Act (the Act) was passed on 26 July 2023 but does not come into effect until 1 July 2025.
The Department is currently consulting on draft regulations to support the changes under new regulation making powers in the Act. Details on the consultation and how to submit are available here: Consultation on regulations for natural hazard information in LIMs
Westport flood resilience
On 12 May 2023 Government announced $22.9 million in funding to improve Westport’s resilience to future flooding. This is in response to a co-investment proposal from the Buller District Council, the West Coast Regional Council and te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae.
An independently chaired Steering Group has been established to take the work forward comprising key leaders from Buller District Council, West Coast Regional Council, te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, the Department of Internal Affairs and the National Emergency Management Agency. The Community Resilience team will be supporting the Departmental input to the Steering Group to ensure the successful delivery of the proposal to strengthen Westport’s resilience to flooding.
Construction of the ‘stage one’ stopbanks around the Westport township is expected to start in September 2024.
More information about the Resilient Westport package of work is available here: Resilient Westport (website)
Cabinet papers and minutes:
Cabinet material on proposals for regulations for natural hazard information in land information memoranda - September 2024 (PDF, 2MB)
Cabinet paper and minute – Proposals for changes to the land information memorandum system – November 2021 (PDF, 903KB)
[Appendix B] Regulatory Impact Statement – Improving disclosure of natural hazard information in the land information memorandum system – November 2021 (PDF, 2.9MB)
Cabinet paper and minute – Report Back and Future Focus – April 2021 (PDF, 6.19MB)
Cabinet paper and minute – Improving resilience to flood risk and supporting the COVID-19 recovery – July 2020 (PDF, 1.5MB)
Cabinet paper and minute – Cross-government Community Resilience Work Programme: Update on progress – November 2019 (PDF, 3MB)
Supporting a Response to Natural Hazard risk-to-life in Matata – July 2019 (PDF, 1MB)
Facilitating adaptive responses for community resilience alongside local government – May 2019 (Proactive Releases)
Community Resilience in the face of natural hazards and climate change – December 2018 (PDF, 100KB)
Community Resilience (Minute) in the face of natural hazards and climate change – December 2018 (PDF, 120KB)
Reports and other documents:
Evaluation Report: Co-investment in Westport’s Resilience (September 2022) and an incorporated technical review (PDF, 1.7MB)
August 2022, Report: Vulnerable Communities Exposed to Flood Hazard (PDF, 1.3MB)
Review of vulnerable communities exposed to a flood hazard in New Zealand (PDF, 2MB)
Aronga - The Co-Governance Data Portal
Takiwā Data Analytics Platform enables you to connect people, locations, and your data. Work with smart, data-driven systems and intuitive analysis tools, delivering incredible results.Infrastructure Funding and Financing
Along with Treasury and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Internal Affairs has been responsible for delivery of the Infrastructure Funding and Financing (IFF) work programme. Read more: Infrastructure Funding and Financing (August 2021) [Reinstating the ability for polls on Māori wards
On 4 April 2024, the Government announced that it will reinstate the ability for communities to petition their councils for binding polls on the establishment of Māori wards and constituencies. This reverses the changes that were made in March 2021. Read more - updated 31 July 2024.The Local Government (Rating of Whenua Māori) Amendment Act 2021
On 12 April 2021 the Local Government (Rating of Whenua Māori) Amendment Act was enacted. The Act makes changes to the rating of Māori land, looking to reduce the barriers for effective partnership between local government and Māori, encourage development and modernise the rating legislation.Some of the changes are already in force, but the most substantive provisions do not come into force until 1 July 2021, giving councils time to review their internal systems and implement any new processes that may be needed.
To support councils, we have produced the guidance document ‘A council officers guide to implementing the Local Government (Rating of Whenua Māori) Amendment Act’ (PDF, 271KB), which provides a series of steps and actions council officers may need to take to implement the changes introduced by the Act. This guidance is not intended to be comprehensive. It aims to address the key matters in each step but does not go through every detail that may be required to implement particular provisions for each district.
To further clarify how the new provisions relating to separate rating areas impact the rating treatment of land subject to an occupation order under Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993, we have developed an additional guidance note on this topic to provide clarification for rating officers:
If after reading the guidance document you have any further questions, please contact
Guidance on Development Contributions Policies
(updated January 2021)The Department of Internal Affairs with input from the local government and development sectors has developed the Guide to developing and operating development contributions policies under the Local Government Act 2020 (.PDF, 4.9MB)
The purpose of this guide is to provide a technical resource for the preparation and operation of development contributions policies under the Local Government Act 2002. This guide is intended to be particularly helpful for smaller councils and officers new to development contributions. The guide includes resources, templates and forms, and a template Development Contributions Policy (.DOCX, 151KB) has also been developed for councils to use and adapt.
Waters Services Policy and Legislation (updated September 2024)The Government announced a new direction for water services on 14 December 2023 (link to Beehive website).
Development Contribution CommissionersDevelopment Contribution Commissioners decide objections lodged against council’s decisions on development contributions. See our Register of Development Contribution Commissioners
If you would like to lodge an objection against your imposed development contributions, please see the development contributions policy of your relevant council.
For more background on this process see: Development contributions
Kaikōura long-term plan Order in Council (21 March 2018)
Following a period of consultation from 20 December 2018 to 15 January 2018, an Order in Council has been introduced to support the Kaikōura District Council following the 2016 North Canterbury earthquakes. The Order, made under the Hurunui/Kaikōura Earthquakes Recovery Act 2016, temporarily allows the Kaikōura District Council to have a customised three-year plan in place of the statutory 10 year long-term plan.The Order can be found on the New Zealand legislation website.
The following submissions were received during consultation on the proposed order:
- Response from Regulation Review Committee (PDF, 163KB)
- Hurunui Kaikoura Earthquakes Recovery Review Panel (PDF, 345KB)
- KDC submission (PDF, 401KB)
- ECAN submission (PDF, 39KB)
- East Coast Community Organisation submission (PDF, 271KB)
- Cabinet Paper - Kaikōura recovery and strategic planning: preparation of an Order in Council (.docx, 80kb)
- Cabinet Paper - Kaikōura recovery and strategic planning: preparation of an Order in Council (.pdf, 203kb)
- You may view or download the Regulatory Impact Statement – Kaikōura District Council Long-Term Plan Order in Council (Regulatory Impact Statements web page)
Reducing the risk and harm of dog attacks
See: 2016 Review of Dog Control Regime for information about the government's action plan to reduce the risk and harm of serious dog attacks.Bylaw Review
Freedom camping - 2016/17 work programmeSituational analysis released
A joint working group (see September 2016 update) has completed a report into local harms from freedom camping and the implementation of the Freedom Camping Act 2011 by councils. The report is available for download below.In response to the report the Minister of Local Government has approved a work programme to address the issues identified. A summary of the work programme and commonly asked questions are available for download below.
- Common Questions - Department for Internal Affairs Freedom Camping Work Programme 2016/17 (.pdf) 140kb
The freedom camping shared workspace and freedom camping guidance
(the Freedom Camping Hub)
As part of the 2016/17 work programme the Department developed an online shared workspace (the Freedom Camping Hub) for council officers. The primary purpose of the Freedom Camping Hub was to provide guidance for local authorities, by local authorities, on managing freedom camping. The Hub has been decommissioned. Guidance on freedom camping is provided by Local Government New Zealand and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.The freedom camping national regulatory dataset pilot
Queenstown Lakes District Council and Thames-Coromandel District Council are assisting with a pilot to data test data flows between councils, central government and public release. More information about the pilot is provided through the Freedom Camping Hub including the data standards and data aggregation process. The pilot will be completed in February 2016 - we will be contacting councils at this time about expanding the project.Freedom camping social media campaign
The social media campaign is led by the Responsible Camping Forum. The campaign is targeted at visitors considered high-risk for displaying inappropriate camping behaviours. It targets where to camp and camping etiquette.September 2016
A joint working group made up of central and local government officials is undertaking a review of bylaws as a local regulatory tool. The Review will identify opportunities to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of bylaws as a regulatory tool used by local government. A reference group of private sector, central government and local government participants has been assembled to provide feedback to the Review.
The Working Group will investigate the contribution of the following five areas to the regulatory performance of bylaw regimes:
- Role clarity – the delegation of regulatory powers, roles and responsibilities to local government.
- Regulatory design – bylaw drafting practices, the forms of bylaws.
- Local authority bylaw stewardship – practices in reviewing, maintaining and administering bylaws.
- Workforce capability – equipping the local government sector as a regulator to perform the delegated regulatory roles and responsibilities.
- Monitoring and enforcement – achieving compliance efficiently. Including options to extend the enforcement powers available to councils and options to do so.
Consultation – Exposure draft of the Local Electoral (Online Voting Trial) Amendment Regulations 2019
A number of local authorities investigsted trialling an online voting option at the 2019 local elections for all or some of their electors.The Department of Internal Affairs worked on a proposed regulatory framework to support an online voting trial, in the event it should proceed. The proposed framework prescribed the procedures, safeguards and outcomes that the operation of a voting method must achieve.
We have developed the Local Electoral (Online Voting Trial) Amendment Regulations 2019 as an exposure draft. This provided an opportunity for interested parties to provide feedback to improve the regulations before being finalised.
The regulations and the supporting information about the regulations and how they fit in with wider changes related to online voting at the 2019 local elections can be viewed here: Submissions CLOSED on 9 November 2018.
See also: Online voting for earlier information about the government's scoping of online voting for local authority elections.
Local Government Regulatory Systems
The Local Government Regulatory Systems project began in 2015 and aims improve and maintain the effectiveness and efficiency of the regulatory system. The local government sector helped to identify issues within the regulatory system that could be addressed as part of the project. Cabinet approved twelve amendments for development into a draft omnibus bill for consultation later in 2016. The twelve amendments are all of a minor and technical nature.- Cabinet Paper - Local Government Regulatory Systems Bill - WORD version (.docx, 80kb)
- Cabinet Paper - Local Government Regulatory Systems Bill - PDF version (.pdf, 203kb)
Rules Reduction Taskforce - the Government response (July 2016)The Rules Reduction Taskforce was established in late 2014 to capture public concerns about frustrating, ineffective property rules and identify opportunities for addressing them.
Better Local Services
The Better Local Services package enables innovation and collaboration in local government to deliver better local services and infrastructure.Response to the Productivity Commission’s report Towards Better Local Regulation
In May 2012, the Minister of Finance, the Minister for Regulatory Reform, and the Minister of Local Government requested that the Productivity Commission inquire into opportunities to improve regulatory performance in local government. This was to seek efficiency gains; address a lack of a consistency in what regulatory functions are best delivered nationally or locally; and respond to local government concern that councils are allocated functions without adequate mechanisms for funding. This work was commissioned as part of the Better Local Government programme.The Productivity Commission’s report, Towards Better Local Regulation, was released in May 2013.
The Minister of Local Government, Hon Paula Bennett, and the Minister of Finance and for Regulatory Reform, Hon Bill English, announced on 22 July 2014 the Government’s response to the Report.
- Government response to recommendations of the Productivity Commission's report 'Towards Better Local Regulation' (.pdf, 298KB)*
- Local regulations go under microscope (press release, Beehive website, 22 July 2014)
- Taskforce to tackle loopy rules and regulations (press release, Beehive website, 22 July 2014)
- Public Questions and Answers (.pdf 127KB)*
- Public Questions and Answers (Word, 74KB)
Appointment of Crown Manager for Christchurch City Council
In July 2013, Doug Martin was appointed as Crown Manager for the Christchurch City Council’s building consenting functions. The Council regained accreditation as a building consent authority in December 2014 and the Crown Manager’s appointment expired on 31 December 2014. Below is the Crown Managers’ final report, provided in March 2015, and the Crown Manager’s progress reports. These have been provided quarterly since the October 2013 report.- Final Report of the Crown Manager for Building Control at Christchurch City Council (March 2015) (.pdf) 501kb
- Crown Manager's progress report (September 2014) (.pdf) 206kb
- Crown Manager's progress report (June 2014) (.pdf) 175kb
- Crown Manager's progress report (March 2014) (.pdf) 226kb
- Crown Manager's progress report (December 2013) (.pdf) 310kb
- Crown Manager's progress report (18 October 2013) (.pdf) 105kb
- Crown Manager's progress report (6 September 2013) (.pdf) 46kb
- Terms of reference (.pdf) 70k*
- Next steps for responding to Christchurch City Council consenting issues - 5 July 2013 (.pdf) 505kb
- Cabinet Minute - 8 July 2013 (.pdf) 185kb
Amendments to the Local Electoral Act 2001 and Local Electoral Regulations 2001
The Local Electoral Amendment Act 2013 changed the Local Electoral Act 2001 and the Local Electoral Regulations to improve provisions for the conduct of local elections and strengthen the integrity, transparency and efficiency of local electoral processes.
The changes provide greater transparency and accountability in local elections. The changes limit the size of anonymous donations that a recipient can keep, revise the definition of an anonymous donation, increase disclosure, reporting and recording obligations and introduce penalties for non-compliance.
The changes also cover the setting of ward boundaries, the information provided by candidates for local authority positions, the rules governing candidate nomination documentation, information about voting documents provided to electors and changes to streamline vote processing.
(released November 2012)
See Minister's media releases (Beehive website): Proposed changes to local electoral law (12/9/2012); Local electoral law bill passes first reading (7/11/2012); Local Electoral Amendment Bill (No 2) passes second reading (21 March 2013); Changes to Local Electoral Bill to further improve transparency (27 March 2013).
For more information on local elections please visit the Local Elections page.
Local Government Mandatory Performance Measures
In 2010, the Local Government Act 2002 was amended to require the Secretary for Local Government to make rules specifying non financial performance measures for local authorities to use when reporting to their communities. The aim was to help the public to contribute to discussions on future levels of service for their communities and to participate more easily in their local authority’s decision-making processes.The performance measures will do this through providing better information about the levels of service for five groups of activities carried out by local authorities – stormwater drainage, sewerage and the disposal of sewage, flood protection and control works, water supply, and the provision of footpaths and roads. Local authorities will be required to use a standard set of performance measures for these five activities when reporting to their communities.
The Non-Financial Performance Measures Rules 2024Following public consultation the Non-Financial Performance Measures Rules 2024 have been finalised. These new Rules provide an update to Performance Measure 1 (safety of drinking water). These Rules will come into effect on 21 August 2024.
The Department is currently developing revised guidance for this new performance measure, which will be published prior to the enactment of the new Rules. No further changes to performance measures for any other activity group have been made from the 2013 Rules.
- Non-Financial Performance Measures Rules 2024 - Word version (.docx, 69kb)
- Non-Financial Performance Measures Rules 2024 - PDF version (.pdf, 154kb)
To provide absolute clarity for councils on their reporting and planning requirements, the Secretary of Local Government initiated public consultation on a technical update of the performance measures for water supply.
The scope of these proposed changes was limited to updating the regulatory references in Performance Measure 1 (safety of drinking water). The intention of the changes was to remove references to the revoked 2005 standards and replace them with the equivalent measures in the new regulatory framework.
In accordance with section 261B(3) of the Local Government Act, a consultation period ran from 22 April 2024 to 10 May 2024. A report of the submissions made during consultation is provided below.
- Submission Report Proposed change to the Non-financial Performance Measure Rule for Water Supply (.docx, 55kb)
- Submission Report Proposed change to the Non-financial Performance Measure Rule for Water Supply (.pdf, 210kb)
Material incorporated by reference in the Non-Financial Performance Measures Rules 2024
The Rules also include the following material incorporated by reference:- Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules 2022 [Taumata Arowai website]
Guidance for the implementation of the Local Government Mandatory Performance Measures
The following guidance is available to help local authorities report on the measures.The guidance provides an initial focus for local authorities’ reporting, and is intended to provide the basis for local authorities to then add their own commentary.
The measures are not intended to provide a means for central government to prescribe service standards for local authorities, but instead are intended to ensure that members of the public can compare the level of service provided by different councils. Therefore, although they require local authorities to measure particular things, they do not include any specified targets for local authority performance.
It is for each local authority, in consultation with its ratepayers, to determine the level of service it intends to provide. The worked examples in the guidance are examples and local authorities are not required to report in this exact manner.
Flood Control and Protection
- Flood Control and Protection - Word version (.doc) 96k
- Flood Control and Protection - PDF version (.pdf) 22k
Roads and Footpaths
- Roads and Footpaths - Word version (.doc) 107k
- Roads and Footpaths - PDF version (.pdf) 51k
- Sewerage - Word version (.doc) 118k
- Sewerage - PDF version (.pdf) 116k
- Stormwater - Word version (.doc) 119k
- Stormwater - PDF version (.pdf) 118k
- Water - Word version (.doc) 130k (updated July 2014)
- Water - PDF version (.pdf) 128k (updated July 2014)
- Water - additional guidance, July 2014 - Word version (.docx) 130k
- Water - additional guidance, July 2014 - PDF version (.pdf) 55k
Public consultation on draft performance measures
The Department of Internal Affairs developed a set of draft measures with input from the local government sector and expert groups and undertook a public consultation on the draft performance measures earlier this year. Summaries of the submissions received can be found below.- Flood Control and Protection submissions report - Word version (.doc) 121k
- Flood Control and Protection submissions report - PDF version (.pdf) 85k
- Roads and Footpaths submissions report - Word version (.doc) 171k
- Roads and Footpaths submissions report - PDF version (.pdf) 80k
- Sewerage submissions report - Word version (.doc) 2031k
- Sewerage submissions report - PDF version (.pdf) 130k
- Stormwater submissions report - Word version (.doc) 180k
- Stormwater submissions report - PDF version (.pdf) 97k
- Water Supply submissions report - Word version (.doc) 219k
- Water Supply submissions report - PDF version (.pdf) 87k
Environment Canterbury ReviewGovernment has announced a mixed-model governance structure for Environment Canterbury (ECan) after the local government elections in October 2016. The mixed-model governance structure will have a mix of seven community elected councillors, and up to six Government-appointed councillors.
Better Local Government
- Better Local Government
This is a local government programme which began in March 2012.
The reforms are aimed at providing better clarity around the role of councils, stronger governance, improved efficiency and more responsible financial management.
Kaipara District Council
A review of Kaipara District Council’s performance by the government-appointed Kaipara Review Team in 2012 led to the Council requesting commissioners take over governance of the district. Appointing commissioners under the Local Government Act was also the review team’s central recommendation. The Minister of Local Government Rt Hon David Carter appointed commissioners in August 2012. View 2012 media release: Kaipara council commissioners appointed (Beehive website) and read the notice of appointment and Terms of Reference (Gazette website).On 24 April 2015 Associate Minister of Local Government Hon Louise Upston announced that the Commissioners appointed to the Kaipara District Council in 2012 will be reappointed for a further year. And that the Council would hold an election in October 2016, at the same time as triennial general elections for all local authorities. See Hon Upston’s 2015 media release Kaipara District Council Commissioners Re-Appointed (Beehive website)
On 31 May 2016, the Associate Minister of Local Government Hon Louise Upston announced that the Kaipara District Council would return to a fully-elected Council. The Associate Minister called an election of the Council, to be held on 8 October 2016. The Associate Minister also announced that she would be appointing a Crown Manager and Crown Observer to support the newly-elected Council. See Hon Louise Upston’s 2016 media release Kaipara to return to a fully-elected Council (Beehive website) and read the notice calling an election of the Council (Gazette website).
On 7 July 2016, Peter Winder was appointed as Crown Manager by the Associate Local Government Minister to support the Kaipara District Council following the 8 October 2016 local elections when it returned to a fully-elected Council. For further information see Hon Louise Upston’s 2016 media release Crown Manager to support Kaipara District Council (Beehive website) and read the Crown Manager’s notice of appointment and Terms of Reference (Gazette website).
On 11 October 2016, the Associate Minister of Local Government Hon Louise Upston announced the appointment of Barry Harris as the Crown Observer who would support the newly-elected Kaipara District Council settle into its new governance arrangement. Barry Harris' appointment commenced when elected Council members came into office and would continue until 30 September 2017. For more information, see the Minister’s media release Crown Observer to support the Kaipara District Council settle in (Beehive website) and notice of appointment and Terms of Reference (Gazette website)
The Kaipara District Council Commission’s term expired on 15 October 2016. The Kaipara District Council Commission has provided the former Associate Minister of Local Government, Hon Louise Upston with a final report consistent with section 258U of the Local Government Act 2002. The final report is publicly available for download in full below. Also available is a letter to the Minister from John Robertson, Chair of the Kaipara Commission. Together these documents provide useful insights and considerations from the Kaipara experience.
- Final Report of the Kaipara District Council Commission (September 2016) (PDF, 5.7MB)
- Letter from the Chair of the Kaipara District Council Commission (October 2016) (PDF, 3MB)
Further Kaipara Commission reports can be found on the Kaipara District Council’s website:
Public safety around dogs
- The Department’s policy team provides advice about dog control and dog legislation to Ministers. Dog control legislation is enforced by local councils. The legislation gives Councils powers to respond to complaints and to enforce owner responsibilities and for the care and control of their dog(s).
The Department has a public education programme for dog owners, parents and children. The programme includes a website and resources for schools:
Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Negotiations
- The Department assists the Office of Treaty Settlements in their work when it affects local government.
Ongoing Projects
Other legislative and policy projects we are working on include:Local Government Transparency, Accountability and Fiscal Management
For backround information about the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill, including a Decisions Document and related Cabinet papers, see:Local Government accords between the Minister of Local Government and Iwi
On 19 December 2009, the Crown signed a Deed of Settlement with Waikato-Tainui to settle its historical Treaty of Waitangi claims relating to the Waikato River. The overarching purpose of the settlement is to restore and protect the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River for future generations.As part of the settlement, on 18 June 2010, Waikato-Tainui and the Associate Minister of Local Government signed a Local Government Accord in relation to the Waikato River. The Local Government Accord sets out how Waikato-Tainui and the Minister of Local Government will establish and maintain a positive, co-operative and enduring relationship regarding local government matters that directly impact the healthy and wellbeing of the Waikato River.
- The Waikato-Tainui Local Government Accord (PDF, 625K)*
A copy of the Waikato River Deed of Settlement signed between the Crown and Waikato-Tainui is on the website of the Office of Treaty Settlements.
Auckland Governance
On 1 November 2010 the Auckland Council replaced the Auckland Regional Council, Auckland City Council, Manukau City Council, North Shore City Council, Papakura District Council, Rodney District Council, Waitakere City Council and Franklin District Council as the unitary authority for the Auckland District.On 29 March 2012 the Auckland Spatial Plan was adopted by Auckland Council. This sets out the strategy for Auckland's development over the next thirty years. It is viewed by Government as a key way to develop an integrated approach to managing Auckland’s growth, meeting central government objectives and avoiding duplication of effort across local and central government. Government agencies continue to work with Auckland Council as the Auckland Spatial Plan moves into implementation. The plan can be found here:
- Government response to the Auckland Spatial Plan (released 20 July 2012)
- Government Decisions in Response to the Royal Commision on Auckland Governance - Cabinet Papers
(Includes 'Water Issues' - released 5 November 2009)
- Monitoring and evaluating the Auckland governance reforms
The following two reports provide a framework for stakeholders to undertake ongoing evaluation and monitoring of the Auckland governance reform process and its outcomes. They were developed by the Department of Internal Affairs and Martin, Jenkins and Associates in 2010.- Auckland Evaluation Framework (PDF,1.05M)*
- Draft Auckland Monitoring Framework (PDF, 572K)*
Further Information
More information about the Local Government portfolio and its issues:- Road encroachments guidance (March 2016) - A current, best-practice example for managing and approving road encroachments
- Improving Local Government Transparency, Accountability and Fiscal Management - Cabinet Paper (April 2009)
- Briefing for the Incoming Minister of Local Government. For a hard copy version please email:
- Evaluating the Central-Local Government Interface in the Community Outcomes Process - Report evaluating the Department of Internal Affairs’ facilitation of the Central / Local Government Interface in the Community Outcomes Process (April 2007)
- Local Government Funding Project - Background information about the Local Government Funding Project, including a link to the July 2005 and December 2006 reports on Local Authority Funding Issues
- Policy development guidelines for regulatory functions involving local government (December 2006) These guidelines have been prepared to prompt and assist central government agencies to identify and consider key issues that may arise where local authorities are, or are proposed to be, involved in the implementation of regulatory functions
- Strategy for Evaluating Local Government Legislation (December 2005) Link here to a copy of the strategy developed by the Department of Internal Affairs for evaluating the roles, responsibilities, powers and accountabilities of local government as defined by the Local Government Act 2002, the Local Electoral Act 2001, and the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002
- Community Outcomes Processes - including link to COP Resource Kit
- Local Government (Rating) Act Update (28 June 2002)
- Local Government Act 2002
- New Zealand Gazette Notice Regarding Ministerial Powers of Local Government Assistance and Intervention (New Zealand Gazette website)
- Local Government Commission