The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Resource material › Our Research and Reports › Participation in Gambling

This page is a historic record.

It contains links to old and/or superseded documents for reference purposes only.

This report is the fifth in a survey series that was first undertaken in 1985. The survey series examines people's participation in gambling activities in New Zealand, looking at the frequency of participation; expenditure on gambling; reasons for playing; and beliefs about the gambling activities.

The survey series also investigates public attitudes to gambling. This research looks at factors that people think should guide gambling legislation; desirability of gambling activities; and satisfaction with the distribution of profits from gambling.

The report presents the findings from a randomly selected sample of 1,672 people aged 15 years and over living in private households, who were interviewed face-to-face between April and May 2005. The survey has been updated at five-yearly intervals since 1985 with surveys conducted in 1990, 1995, 2000 and most recently 2005.

You can download the latest report by sections or as one document. If you want a hard copy of the full report please send your name and address to
To download selected sections only, click on the sections you wish to download:

Previous Surveys

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