The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Services › Anti-Spam › Outlook Express

For a printable version of the following information, click here: Outlook Express .pdf (154k)*

How to extract email header

This guide shows you how to get the email header information.
  • Right click on the spam email message in your Inbox folder and then select Properties

Outlook Express screen shot

  • At the top of the new window select the Details tab. You can see the email header information on this page

Outlook Express screen shot

  • Hold down your left mouse button as you drag your mouse over the header information to highlight it
  • Right click on the highlighted text and a menu will appear on the screen. Left click on Copy
  • Paste the email header information into the spam email you forward to by right clicking into the message body field and selecting Paste

How to copy and paste email content

This guide shows you how to copy and paste the email content.
  • Highlight the entire email message content

Outlook Express screen shot

  • Right-click into the box and select Copy, then close the email message

Outlook Express screen shot

Return to the How to obtain email headers page

*This document is in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the Adobe site.