The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Media reports on unusual names not correct


Some of the unusual names being circulated in media reports have not been officially registered by the Department of Internal Affairs, despite claims to the contrary.

Brian Clarke, Registrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages says some of the names mentioned have not been registered. “The names Fish and Chips, Masport, and Mower, Yeah Detroit, Stallion, Twisty Poi, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit have not been registered.”

He says names can be declined for registration if they may cause offence to a reasonable person, are unreasonably long (generally more than 100 characters) or resemble an official title or rank. Names using numerals will also be declined.

Brian Clarke says that while legislation gives the Registrar-General the authority to decline a name or combination of names, but the applicant can have that decision to decline reviewed by the Courts. “Where, in my view, a name cannot be registered we will normally discuss this with the parents or guardians before giving our decision. Often when we explain the situation to parents we can agree on an acceptable name to register.

“The Department of Internal Affairs will continue to apply the criteria for name registration as required under legislation while providing appropriate advice to parents and guardians,“ says Brian Clarke.

Tony Wallace
Senior Communications Advisor
Department of Internal Affairs, phone 04 382 3437, mobile 027 440 2267