The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Internal Affairs consulting on fee for new passport product

The Department of Internal Affairs is seeking public feedback on the proposed fee for a new product – the Emergency Travel Document – which will be introduced in October this year.

The ETD (Emergency Travel Document) will be issued to New Zealand citizens overseas whose passports have been lost or stolen and who need to travel urgently. It will be valid for a period of up to 12 months. Because of this people will be able to exchange their ETD for a full validity passport, provided it is surrendered to the Passport Office prior to its expiry date

The proposed fee for the ETD will be set at $350 and this includes the replacement passport.

Acting General Manager Identity Services for the Department of Internal Affairs Sue Boland, says introducing the new product will ensure people receive a more secure document than the manual passports currently issued at MFAT posts.

“The ETD will be a machine-readable document and contain unique features that meet modern international security standards,” says Sue Boland.

Full validity passports will continue to be issued, from DIA offices in New Zealand, Sydney and London.

Interested groups and organisations are being advised this week of the proposed product and fee. Information about the new product and fees is on the Department’s website . Submissions can be made through the website or by mail to Cath Anyan, Department of Internal Affairs, PO Box 805, Wellington. The closing date for submissions is 25 June 2004.

Contact for further information:
Tony Wallace
Media and Communications Adviser
Identity Services, Department of Internal Affairs
Phone 04 382 3437 0274 402 667,