The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Funding boost for new Lottery Community Committees


$104.5 million will be distributed to community, arts and sports groups in 2004/05, the Lottery Grants Board has agreed.

This is an increase of $8,695,400 on last year’s funding.

Lottery Grants Board Presiding Member and Internal Affairs Minister George Hawkins says an upturn in New Zealand Lotteries Commission funding and savings in grant administration costs adds up to more money for community-driven projects.

“This year’s figures, plus a new Lottery Grants Board distribution committee structure, represent a turn of fortune for New Zealand communities,” Minister Hawkins says.

“It means we can offer more financial support, and take a more strategic approach to funding decisions through our network of Lottery Community Committees.”

The Minister says the Lottery Grants Board agreed that this year’s funding increase should be used to boost the capacity of Lottery distribution committees.

These include the new Lottery Community Committees which replace the former Lottery General Committee and social sector committees (Youth, Welfare and Seniors). It also includes allocations to five other national distribution committees and sub-committees (Marae Heritage and Facilities, Environment and Heritage, Health Research, Individuals with Disabilities, and the Minister’s Discretionary Fund).

A total of $25,816,000 has been allocated to the 11 Lottery Regional Community Committees and the National Community Committee.

A total of $23,280,000 has been allocated to the national distribution committees and sub-committees, restoring their funding to 2001/02 levels.

A new committee, the Lottery Outdoor Safety Committee, has also been formed to distribute $6 million to groups whose main purpose is water safety and outdoor safety projects.

Funding to statutory bodies (Sport and Recreation New Zealand (SPARC), Creative New Zealand, and the New Zealand Film Commission) is being maintained.

A total of $55,404,000 has been allocated to statutory bodies, the same as last year.

A detailed breakdown of Lottery Grants Board allocations for 2004/05 is attached.

For more information on Lottery Grants see or



Claire Hall
Communications Advisor
NZ Lottery Grants Board
Phone: 04 495 7299
027 284 4228

Allocations by the Lottery Grants Board 2004/05

Total available for allocation 2004/05: $104,500,000

Allocated to: $

Community funding 49,096,000

Regional funding committees (11) 15,016,000

Northland 749,473
Auckland 3,739,116
Waikato 1,576,855
Bay of Plenty/Gisborne 1,272,636
Hawke’s Bay 571,069
Taranaki/New Plymouth 426,243
Manawatu/Wanganui/Tararua 871,118
Wellington 1,781,887
Canterbury 1,953,002
West Coast/Marlborough/Tasman 932,607
Otago/Southland 1,141,994

National Community Committee $10,800,000

TOTAL Community Committees 25,816,000

National distribution committees and sub-committees

Marae Heritage and Facilities 4,990,000
Environment and Heritage 6,630,000
Health Research 2,310,000
Individuals with Disabilities 3,200,000
Outdoor Safety 6,000,000
Minister's Fund 150,000

TOTAL national distribution committees 23,280,000

Statutory Bodies 55,404,000

Creative New Zealand 18, 553,000
SPARC 24, 737,000
High Performance Sports 3, 480,000
Film Archive 594,000
NZ Film Commission 8,040,000

TOTAL LOTTERY GRANTS BOARD 2004/05 104,500,000