The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Thumbs up for major identity initiative


A new online, secure service providing access to government services has received strong endorsement from potential users. This was the key finding that emerged from the recent consultation process, about the Identity Verification Service, led by DIA. The consultation process included focus groups, special interest group workshops and online submissions.

The IVS is part of the igovt services, jointly led by the State Services Commission and DIA, to be offered to the public. The voluntary service will require users to initially establish their identity to government to a high level. Once an identity is established a single logon will identify the user safely and securely so they can do business online.

The IVS will contribute to reducing identity fraud by reinforcing safe, secure access to government services through the high level of evidence required to establish an individual’s identity.

Annette Offenberger, General Manager, Identity Services for Internal Affairs, says the consultation clearly demonstrates that people see the service as a beneficial option in dealing with government. “Not surprisingly there is a strong expectation that the service will be relatively easily accessible, secure and private.”

The consultation also indicated that people will use the IVS for a range of government services including applying for a passport, student loans and allowances and dealing with Inland Revenue.

Another result of the consultation was an expectation that the IVS should be made widely available as soon as possible. This is reassuring as it underlines the general confidence in the IVS. Both Internal Affairs and the State Services Commission are committed to a staged release of IVS. The first stage to be known as the ‘limited service IVS’ will be available from 2009 and a ‘full service’ IVS available from 2011.

The focus now is to move forward with the development of the Identity Verification Service. The results of the consultation provide a positive framework for Internal Affairs to do that. DIA will continue to work in close collaboration with the State Services Commission in developing the wider igovt programme.

The full results from the public consultation can be found at

Tony Wallace,
Senior Communications Advisor
Department of Internal Affairs, phone 04 382 3437, mobile 027 440 2267