The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Real life Baywatch

Last year, over $2 million in Lottery Grants Board (LGB) funding helped Surf Life Saving save 1,800 lives.

Thanks to Lottery funding, ordinary kiwis, whether they’re a Surf Lifeguard, instructor, coach, club official or administrator, are doing extraordinary things.

Last summer alone, New Zealand’s Surf Lifeguards spent over 169,000 hours patrolling the beaches and undertaking preventative actions to ensure the safety of people enjoying our beautiful coastline.

Lottery funding supports Surf Life Saving’s training and club programmes and contributes to core operating costs for the clubs themselves.

Brent Harvey, Surf Life Saving’s LGB Lifeguard of the Year, met with Rick Barker, Minister of Internal Affairs and Presiding Member of the Lottery Grants Board, at the recent launch of the Lottery Grants Record publication. The publication lists all Lottery grants made in 2005-2006.

Brent is a fantastic embodiment of Surf Life Saving’s slogan ‘In It For Life’. His contribution during the season shows an incredible commitment and passion for his Club and for Surf Life Saving,” said Rick Barker.

In 2005-2006, NZ Lotteries transferred a record $138.5 million in profits to the Lottery Grants Board for distribution within the community. This is the largest amount transferred since NZ Lotteries was established in 1987, and $24.5 million more than was budgeted.

The Lottery Grants Board funds a range of social, community, arts, heritage, sports, recreation, and health research services and projects which strengthen and have a positive impact on communities. Good news stories about how Lottery grants are helping to build strong, sustainable communities can be found in the Lottery Grants Record. Visit for a copy.

Photos of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Presiding Member of the Lottery Grants Board Rick Barker, and Surf Life Saving New Zealand’s LGB Lifeguard of the Year Brent Harvey, are downloadable at

For more information contact:
Diana Dobbinson, Department of Internal Affairs, (04) 495 9301, 027 430 3449,
Julia McFadzien, Surf Life Saving NZ, (04) 382 7207, 027 274 3997,