The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


A New Hub for Nelson Youth

Everyone was buzzing at a special opening in June for the New Hub - a recreation centre and social service provider for Nelson’s youth. The event was hosted by the dedicated staff and board members of the centre. City counsellors, local VIPs, the Mayor, police, and of course young people, were all invited to celebrate the new organisation’s success.

The newly renovated building hosts a youth lounge and recreation centre, and runs a huge range of activities and workshops for young people. As well as fun, the focus is on promoting positive choices, health education, personal support, and reducing alcohol and drug use and offending behavior.

Parents are welcome too. Co-Chair Annette Milligan said she plans to host her business meetings at the new café, and encouraged parents and community members to do the same.

Chris Blythe, the New Hub’s Manager, said, “the more people poke their heads in and see firsthand the changes to the building, the more supportive they are.”

15-year-old Ryan Stewart, a regular of the New Hub, said "It's a safe place where I can hang out with people my own age. There are fun things to do all the time, and the food here is awesome."

Ongoing support from the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) has helped the New Hub fulfil its potential. Annette said that support from DIA’s community development advisor Maria Deutsch was “absolutely critical to building the new organisation successfully. She facilitated a number of meetings where we pulled the whole organisation apart and rebuilt it block by block. She kept us on track, and brought tremendously useful experience and advice to the process.”

Maria walked the organisation through a comprehensive evaluation. “My job is to challenge the way the organisation does things, but ultimately, it’s up to the organisation to make the decisions,” she said. “They were positive throughout the long and sometimes difficult process, and the changes have been truly amazing.”

Maria said that Nelson, like many places in New Zealand, has a limited number safe places for young people to hang out. “Apart from the movies and the outdoor skate ramp, there aren’t many places for young people to go. The New Hub is doing something really valuable, that’s needed in towns all over New Zealand. The New Hub has become a place for ALL youth.”

Colin Aiken, Chair of the Nelson City Council’s community services, said, “It’s a challenge to keep our young people here, because so many of them leave the city to go away to study. One of the great things about the New Hub is the courses and workshops they’re running. I believe this will be an initiative to keep our youth here.”

As well as support from DIA, the New Hub benefits from an annual grant from Nelson City Council of $100,000. Support from within the community has come in countless ways. Chris Blythe said Nelson’s strong artistic community is helping out by lending their skills and expertise to running the workshops.

Local businesses are donating everything from basketball hoops and pool tables, to printing flyers to advertise the workshops. The New Hub co-chair Zviki Eshet said that young people are already bringing in their DVDs and books. “They say that since they’ll be spending most of their time here, they may as well have all their stuff!”

Zviki said, “I urge people to come in the afternoons, watch these kids, and see what’s really happening here: it’s magic!”

The New Hub’s vision is to add value to young people’s lives and work with them to achieve their goals. The ‘Youth Active Leadership Project’ encourages young people to get involved with the running of the New Hub. Anyone aged 14-18 can help run activities, and guide the staff and Board members in their work. The programme is helping 40 young people reach their leadership potential, by teaching them the skills they need so they can go out into the community and put those leadership skills to use.

What to do at the New Hub

The newly renovated building is home to a youth lounge, basketball court, pool and table tennis, an indoor skate ramp, art space, movie room, rehearsal room and recording studio, gym and café. It also hosts gigs and dance parties.

The New Hub offers nearly 40 different courses, all run by experienced people. From fashion and performing arts to fitness and lifestyle, the opportunities are endless.

Here’s a taste of the New Hub’s youth workshops:
Recycled fashion
My first business venture
Salsa dancing
Travel tips
Graffiti and chalk art
Self defence