The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


$40 million COVID-19 Fund Opens

29 October 2020

Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs has announced a new lottery fund worth $40 million has opened, focusing on community and social initiatives following COVID-19.

Clare Toufexis, General Manager Hāpai Hapori says “the fund will support initiatives that ensure that iwi, hapū and communities across New Zealand are safe, resilient and thriving following COVID-19.”

“The fund will be allocated with quick decision making, low compliance costs and a clear focus on the needs of the community.

“Many community organisations have been affected by COVID-19, and this fund will allow those communities to respond to changing needs.”

The Fund will provide one-off grants for community or social initiatives that increase the strength and resilience of communities that are responding to the impacts of COVID-19.

It is part of $178 million that has been allocated by the Lottery Grants Board this year to support community and social initiatives, marae, community facilities, heritage, environment activities, outdoor safety, health research and individuals with disabilities.

The Board announced their decision to create the new fund in August, saying “community groups responded incredibly to the initial lockdown and continue to play a vital role in supporting the most vulnerable people and communities.”

The fund will provide one-off grants for:

  • community or social initiatives that have been impacted by COVID-19 – either through the loss of funding sources or through extra or changed demand on their services
  • innovative and transformative initiatives that respond to the impact of COVID-19
  • collaborative community and social initiatives that strengthen and increase resilience in communities.

The Fund does not have a set closure date, and will remain open until all funding has been distributed. A key element of the Fund is that it will be adaptable and changeable over time as further information about community need and the approach of other funders becomes clearer.

Information about applying for funding and eligibility criteria is available on the Community Matters website or phone 0800 824 824.