Media advisory: VIP transport fleet replacement notification
29 October 2014
This note to media is to advise of the timing of a tender process for the scheduled replacement of the VIP transport fleet.
The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has advised vendors of a forthcoming Request for Proposal (RFP) for vehicle procurement across government.
A part of this process is the replacement by The Department of Internal Affairs of its current fleet of BMW cars purchased in 2011.
The advisory note* has been posted on the Government Electronic Tendering Service site The advisory does not include the details which will form part of the RFP, which is scheduled for release on November 13. Its purpose is to alert vendors to the fact that the RFP is to be released. The Department will not be able to comment on the detail of the RFP.
MBIE manages procurement across government and its All-of-Government tender for vehicles will now include limousine-style vehicles. The process is expected to take six months and the replacement cars will be progressively rolled out in the second half of 2015.
Contact: Trevor Henry 021 245 8642
*Note: to access the information on GETS, go to
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