Classification framework funding options - consultation now open
13 December 2019
The Government is consulting on how the classification framework under the Films, Videos, Publications and Classification Act, 1993 (the Classification Act) should be funded and who should pay for it.
The public consultation on options for funding the classification framework is open until 2 February 2020.
Charges under the Classification Act have not been updated in over twenty years. Modernising how we fund the classification framework will ensure charges are adequately covering costs to fund the Office of Film and Literature Classification to keep pace with the changing media content environment.
With more ways than ever to access movies, games and online entertainment, the Government is committed to ensuring classifications are accurate, so New Zealanders can make informed decisions about what they watch and play.
The Minister of Internal Affairs has introduced a bill that will make it mandatory to classify on-demand video content. The bill will bring on-demand video content in line with other media, such as films and DVDs, to provide better guidance and protections for families and young people.
Extending the classification framework to include on-demand video content means additional responsibilities for the Chief Censor and the Classification Office. These new activities need to be funded, and the Department of Internal Affairs is seeking feedback on options for funding these and existing classification activities. The consultation document is available here