The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Another supplier joins all-of-government IT panel


The Department of Internal Affairs has today welcomed Dell to the panel supplying computers to government agencies for up to five years. On 11 October the Minister for Economic Development announced five suppliers have been appointed to the panel.

With Dell joining the panel it brings the number of suppliers to six, says Internal Affairs Chief Executive Brendan Boyle. “We are pleased to welcome Dell on board and look forward to working with them.”

Other members of the panel of suppliers are: Acer, Cyclone, Gen-i, HP New Zealand and the Laptop Company.

Mr Boyle says the contract will save more than $35 million over the five year period. “As well as savings for taxpayers, the contract will deliver improved service quality and make it easier for suppliers to conduct business with government.

“The Department of Internal Affairs negotiated the contract with Dell and the other suppliers as part of all-of-government reforms led by the Ministry of Economic Development.

“Last month the Government’s procurement reform programme was recognised. The Ministry of Economic Development picked up three of 11 Professional Procurement awards at the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) Conference, in Melbourne,” says Mr Boyle.

Internal Affairs also announced an all-of-government contract to provide print devices in September.

Tony Wallace
Senior Communications Advisor
The Department of Internal Affairs, Te Tari Taiwhenua
Phone 04 495 9472; mobile 027 440 2667