The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Sustainable Urban Development – Discussion document

2 September 2008

A discussion document Building sustainable urban communities –Designing a place-based approach to sustainable urban development in New Zealand has been published today.

Sustainable urban development is important to New Zealand’s future, and the discussion document aims to generate comment, ideas and options from a range of New Zealanders, including those with an interest or stake in urban development. The document focuses on one possible approach and the range of tools and powers it contains.

The Government wants to encourage the development of sustainable urban areas that contain a range of housing choices, including affordable housing. A dedicated Sustainable Urban Development Unit (SUDU), hosted by The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), has been established to drive policy development.

Chief Executive of DIA, Brendan Boyle, says that international practice has been to create a tier of special-purpose urban development authorities. “However, we want to look at an approach that supports our existing urban development organisations with the powers and tools they need for specific projects. We want to promote and co-ordinate place-based, sustainable urban development and help stakeholders to work together more effectively.”

The document examines barriers and difficulties to sustainable urban development in New Zealand. It also looks at strengthening how we currently work and the tools we use, and outlines key issues and options.

SUDU is seeking responses to the document that will help in designing a sustainable urban development approach for New Zealand. “This feedback will help to shape future policy and possibly legislation,” says Mr Boyle.

The submission period closes on 28 November 2008.

For further details, the discussion document may be seen on Copies will be available at public libraries and the offices of local authorities in early September, and can be ordered from or by phoning 0800 824 824.


Media Contact: Susan Budd, Senior Communications Advisor, Local Government & Community Branch, DDI 04 494 0570, Mobile 027 430 3449, email