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The majority of documents are available for download as pdf files. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these documents, which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe site.
Kia Tutahi - Fijian - doc version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 52k
Kia Tutahi - Fijian - pdf version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 181k
Kia Tutahi - Hindi - doc version
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 114k
Kia Tutahi - Hindi - pdf version
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 209k
Kia Tutahi - Korean - doc version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 76k
Kia Tutahi - Korean - pdf version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 206k
Kia Tutahi - Māori - doc version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 65k
Kia Tutahi - Māori - pdf version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 185k
Kia Tutahi - Samoan - doc version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 82k
Kia Tutahi - Samoan - pdf version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 198k
Kia Tutahi - Simplified Chinese - doc version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 74k
Kia Tutahi - Tongan - doc version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 86k
Kia Tutahi - Tongan - pdf version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 177k
Kia Tutahi - Traditional Chinese - doc version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 77k
Kia Tutahi - Traditional Chinese - pdf version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 291k
Kia Tuthai - Simplified Chinese - pdf version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 264k
Kia Tūtahi - Arabic - pdf version
Description: Kia Tūtahi (‘Standing Together’) is a symbol of commitment between the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand to build strong relationships. The Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord sets out principles to guide how government agencies and
communities work together for the benefit of society. The principles of Kia Tūtahi should be widely understood and modelled.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 186k
Kiwi Access Card / 18+ Card
Description: Info on Kiwi Access Card / 18+ Card
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 777k
Lake Taupo Fees Review presentation
Description: Lake Taupo Fees Review presentation
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 482k
Lake Taupo Navigation Safety Amendment Bylaw 2011
Description: Lake Taupo Navigation Safety Amendment Bylaw 2011
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 508k
Lake Taupo Navigation Safety Bylaw 2011 booklet doc
Description: Lake Taupo Navigation Safety Bylaw 2011 booklet doc
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 429k
Lake Taupo Navigation Safety Bylaw 2011 booklet pdf
Description: Lake Taupo Navigation Safety Bylaw 2011 booklet pdf
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 107k
Letter to Gaming Machine Societies - 18 October 2001
Description: This letter was mailed to all gaming machine societies following the Minister's announcement on 18 October 2001. It contains important information for all gaming machine societies.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 69k
Licence Conditions - Set A (Previous)
Description: Gaming licence conditions for a single site club (effective from 1 October 2001).
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 300k
Licence Conditions - Set B (Previous)
Description: Gaming licence conditions for public premises single and multi site (effective from 1 October 2001).
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 334k
Licence Guidelines - Set A (Previous)
Description: Gaming licence guidelines for a single site club (effective from 1 October 2001).
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 713k
Licence Guidelines - Set B (Previous)
Description: Gaming licence guidelines for public premises single and multi site (effective from 1 October 2001).
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 997k
Local Authority CandidatesSurvey 2007
Description: Covers the results of a survey of local authority election candidates in the October 2004 elections, prepared by Research Services of the Department of Internal Affairs. The survey includes those standing for community boards, licensing trusts, district and city councils (including mayoralty), regional councils, and district health boards.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 259k
Local Authority Election Statistics 2007
Description: Reports of election statistics for regional councils, territorial authorities (district and city councils), community boards, district health boards, prepared by Research Services of the Department of Internal Affairs.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 878k
Local Government Bill (2001)
Description: The first comprehensive revision of the general law relating to local government in New Zealand since the enactment of the current Local Government Act 1974.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 737k
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