The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Research documents

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Problem and Non-Problem Gamblers in New Zealand - Appendix Three (Pt 4)
Description: Phase Two Questionnaire (four of four parts).
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 124k

Problem Gambling Counselling in New Zealand: 2002 National Statistics
Description: National Statistics Report, the Problem Gambling Committee April 2003.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 2814k

Problem Gambling Counselling in New Zealand: 2001 National Statistics
Description: Report issued by the Problem Gambling Purchasing Agency for the Problem Gambling Committee, April 2002.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 420k

Problem Gambling Counselling in New Zealand 1997-1999 (Full Report)
Description: Supplementary report to the New Zealand Gaming Survey.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 24055k

Problem Gambling Counselling in New Zealand 1997-1999 (Part 1)
Description: Supplementary Report to the New Zealand Gaming Survey (one of six parts, pages 1- 15). Background, Contents, Forward, Introduction, Service Delivery, Client Characteristics.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 1558k

Problem Gambling Counselling in New Zealand 1997-1999 (Part 2)
Description: Supplementary Report to the New Zealand Gaming Survey (two of six parts, pages 16 - 35). Client Characteristics (continued), Appendix: Problem Gambling Counselling Agencies, pt. 1.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 4094k

Problem Gambling Counselling in New Zealand 1997-1999 (Part 3)
Description: Supplementary Report to the New Zealand Gaming Survey (three of six parts, pages 36 - 55). Appendix: Problem Gambling Counselling Agencies, pt. 2.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 5152k

Problem Gambling Counselling in New Zealand 1997-1999 (Part 4)
Description: Supplementary Report to the New Zealand Gaming Survey (four of six parts, pages 56 - 75). Appendix: Problem Gambling Counselling Agencies, pt. 3.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 6011k

Problem Gambling Counselling in New Zealand 1997-1999 (Part 5)
Description: Supplementary Report to the New Zealand Gaming Survey (five of six parts, pages 76 - 95). Appendix: Problem Gambling Counselling Agencies, pt. 4
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 3085k

Problem Gambling Counselling in New Zealand 1997-1999 (Part 6)
Description: Supplementary Report to the New Zealand Gaming Survey (five of six parts, pages 96 - 101). Appendix: Problem Gambling Counselling Agencies, pt. 5.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 796k

Seven Years On: A Follow Up Study of Frequent and Problem Gamblers Living in the Community - December 1999
Description: Report Number Two of the New Zealand Gaming Survey.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 385k

Significant Community Based Projects Fund Evaluation: Summary of Key Findings - November 2006
Description: The aim of this evaluation was to assess the design of the Significant Community Based Projects Fund based on the experience of the first year’s operation and to make recommendations for any modifications for the next round.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 26k

Social and Economic Impacts of Gambling in New Zealand (July 2001)
Description: Final Report of the Australian Institute for Gambling Research, University of Western Sydney July 2001
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 888k

Strategy for Evaluating Local Government Legislation - December 2005
Description: Strategy developed by the Department of Internal Affairs for evaluating the roles, responsibilities, powers and accountabilities of local government as defined by the Local Government Act 2002, the Local Electoral Act 2001, and the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 219k

Sustainability in Community Organisations: A Literature Review (PDF version)
Description: Literature review by the Research and Evaluation Services Teams of the Department of Internal Affairs to inform and support its work with communities.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 314k

Sustainability in Community Organisations: A Literature Review (Word version)
Description: Literature review by the Research and Evaluation Services Teams of the Department of Internal Affairs to inform and support its work with communities.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 808k

Taking The Pulse on Gambling and Problem Gambling In New Zealand - June 2000
Description: A Report on Phase One of the 1999 National Prevalence Study. This is Report Number Three of the New Zealand Gaming Survey.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 940k

Taking the Pulse (Executive Summary only)
Description: This is the Executive Summary only of Report Number Three of the New Zealand Gaming Survey.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 62k

Te Whakamotuhaketanga Hapū: Evaluation Executive Summary, January - June 2006
Description: Te Whakamotuhaketanga Hapu is one of several approaches used by the Department to reach and respond to diverse community needs. This design and process evaluation of Te Whakamotuhaketanga Hapū was conducted by the Department during January - June 2006.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 79k

The History of the Non-profit Sector in New Zealand
Description: The History of the Non-profit Sector in New Zealand, By Margaret Tennant, Mike O’Brien & Jackie Sanders - provides information on the history of the sector’s development in Aotearoa New Zealand
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 320k

The New Zealand Non-profit Sector in Comparative Perspective
Description: The New Zealand Non-profit Sector in Comparative Perspective By Jackie Sanders, Mike O’Brien, Margaret Tennant, S. Wojciech Sokolowski, Lester M. Salamon - focuses on the overall shape of non-profit organisations in this country – especially their economic contribution – in international comparison.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 497k

The New Zealand Non-Profit Sector and Government Policy
Description: This final paper from the Study of the NZ Non-Profit Sector examines the relationship between the non-profit sector and government, and the public policy environment in which the sector operates in Aotearoa. In particular, it explores the impact of government policy on the sector and how current issues facing the sector are linked to interactions with government.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 338k

What Do We Know About Gambling and Problem Gambling in New Zealand? June 2001 (Full Report)
Description: This is the seventh and final report from the New zealand Gaming Survey. The study provides a synthesis of major findings from the New Zealand Gaming survey and other recent New Zealand gaming-related research.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 407k

What Do We Know About Gambling and Problem Gambling in New Zealand? (Introduction only)
Description: Report Number Seven, the final report from the New Zealand Gaming Survey.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 28k

What works? A systematic review of research and evaluation literature on encouragement and support of volunteering - June 2010
Description: The Department of Internal Affairs commissioned this systematic literature review to assist the Lottery Grants Board and its distribution committees to make distribution decisions that are evidence-based, and to focus on the most effective interventions.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 728k

‘What Works’ to achieve effective collaboration between community organisations - A Literary Review: Final Report, July 2010
Description: This literature review focuses on what works for encouraging collaboration between community organisations. It summarises academic and grey research and evaluation from New Zealand and overseas including Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 404k

Where Do Gaming Machine Profits Go? (1999/2000)
Description: A survey of the use of gaming Machine proceeds for community and club purposes, for the 1999/2000 financial year.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 343k

Community Based Youth Development Fund Projects: Evaluation Report - April 2002
Description: Evaluation of YDF Projects. Report by Research Services, Department of Internal Affairs.
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 304k

Where Do Gaming Machine Profits Go? (2005)
Description: A survey of the allocation for Authorised Purposes of Non-Casino Gaming Machine Profits in 2005
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 592k

Where Do Gaming Machine Profits Go? (April-June 1996)
Description: A survey of the use of gaming machine proceeds for community and club purposes. April-June 1996 (PDF version)
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 274k

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