Part Five - Forecast Financial Statements

Financial Summary


The Department of Internal Affairs expects to receive $200.054 million in revenue made up of:

  • 42% Crown
  • 5% government departments
  • 53% third parties


The Department expects to incur expenses of $200.343 million to deliver outputs under 18 Departmental output expenses across six Votes


The Department expects to receive a capital injection from the Crown of $9.472 million in the 2007/08 financial year:

  • $4.010 million is to fund a database to secure and protect New Zealanders' identity information
  • $3.019 million is to fund the Department's information and technology infrastructure
  • $2.000 million is to provide for the ability to relocate to a secondary Emergency Operations Centre and to provide computer-based information systems
  • $0.250 million is to fund equipment required for establishing an Enforcement Unit to monitor and enforce compliance with the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007
  • $0.180 million is to fund modifications to existing databases due to provisions contained in the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Amendment Bill
  • $0.013 million is to fund equipment required for monitoring of the Ruapehu Lahar

Financial Forecast

(Main Estimates)
Revenue Crown 91,468 91,468 83,971
Revenue Third Parties 114,587 114,587 116,083
Total Revenue 206,055 206,055 200,054
Less Total Expenses 209,531 203,570 200,343
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (3,476) 2,485 (289)
Taxpayers' Funds* 41,336 44,812 53,995

*(Crown's investment in the Department)

Percentage of Departmental Expense by Vote for 2007/08

Percentage of Departmental Expense by Vote for 2007/08

Major Financial Changes

The main movements in revenue Crown between 2006/07 Supplementary Estimates ($91.468 million) and 2007/08 Main Estimates ($83.971 million) include:

Statement of Significant Accounting Policies

Reporting Entity

The Department of Internal Affairs' forecast financial statements have been prepared in accordance with section 38 of the Public Finance Act 1989. Section 2 of this Act defines the Department of Internal Affairs as a Government Department. For the purposes of financial reporting the Department of Internal Affairs of New Zealand is a public benefit entity.

Reporting Period

The reporting period for these forecast financial statements is the year ending 30 June 2008.

Estimates and Forecasts

Actual results for 2007/08 may vary from the information presented in the forecast financial statements. Any variation will generally be a result of fluctuations in the level of demand for products produced by the Department.

Statement of Compliance

These forecast financial statements have been prepared in accordance with New Zealand generally accepted accounting practice. They have been adapted to comply with New Zealand equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (NZ IFRS) and other applicable Financial Reporting Standards, as appropriate for public benefit entities. These are the Department of Internal Affairs' first consolidated forecast financial statements complying with NZ IFRS.

Accounting Policies

The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these forecast financial statements.

The measurement base applied is that of historical cost, modified by revaluation of land, buildings, antiques and works of art.

The accrual basis of accounting has been used unless otherwise stated. These forecast financial statements are presented in New Zealand dollars rounded to the nearest thousand.

Judgements and Estimations

The preparation of forecast financial statements in conformity with NZ IFRS requires judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.

Cost Allocation

The methods used in the allocation of costs are consistent between projected (budgeted) and actual figures. Costs of outputs are derived using the following cost allocation system:

"Direct Costs" are those costs directly attributed to an output and are treated as follows.

"Indirect Costs" are those costs incurred by support units that are not directly attributable to an output.


The Department is exempt from the payment of income tax in terms of the Income Tax Act 2004. Accordingly, no charge for income tax has been provided. The Department is subject to fringe benefit tax (FBT), and goods and services tax (GST). It administers pay as you earn tax (PAYE).

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Amounts in the Forecast Financial Statements are reported exclusive of GST except for accounts receivable, prepayments and accounts payable.

The amount of GST owing to or from Inland Revenue at balance date is included in the Statement of Forecast Financial Position as a receivable or payable (as appropriate).


Crown Revenue

The Department derives revenue for the provision of outputs (services) to the Crown. Crown Revenue is recognised at balance date over the specified period for each service.

Third Party Revenue

The Department derives revenue from third parties for the provision of outputs (products or services) to third parties. Revenue from the supply of goods and services is measured at the fair value of consideration received. Revenue from the supply of goods is recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer unless an alternative method better represents the stage of completion of the transaction. Such revenue is recognised when earned and is reported in the financial period to which it relates.


Expenses are recognised and reported in the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance in the period in which the service is provided or the goods are received.

Foreign Currency

Transactions in foreign currencies are initially translated at the foreign exchange rate at the date of the transaction.

Monetary assets denominated in foreign currencies at balance date are translated to New Zealand dollars at the foreign exchange rate at balance date. Foreign exchange gains or losses arising from translation of monetary assets are recognised in the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance.

Financial Instruments

Designation of financial assets and financial liabilities is determined by the business purpose of the financial instruments, policies and practices for their management, their relationship with other instruments and the reporting costs and benefits associated with each designation.

Financial Assets

Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, cash in transit, and bank accounts.

Accounts receivable have been designated as loans and receivables. Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. Loans and receivables are recognised initially at fair value plus transaction costs and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Loans and receivables entered into with a duration of less than 12 months are recognised at their nominal value. At each balance date, the Department assesses whether there is any objective evidence that loans and receivables are impaired. Any impairment losses are recognised in the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance as bad debts.

Financial Liabilities

Financial liabilities are recognised initially at fair value less transaction costs and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.

Financial liabilities entered into with duration less than 12 months are recognised at their nominal value.


Inventories held for sale are recorded at the lower of cost (calculated using first in-first out method) and net realisable value. Inventories held for distribution are recorded at the lower of cost and current replacement cost.

Non-current Assets

Property, Plant and Equipment

Items of property, plant and equipment costing more than $3,000 are initially recorded at cost.

Revaluations are carried out for a number of classes of property, plant and equipment to reflect the service potential or economic benefit obtained through control of the assets. Revaluation is based on the fair value of the asset with changes reported by class of asset.

Land and buildings are recorded at fair value less impairment losses and, for buildings, less depreciation accumulated since the assets were last revalued. Valuations undertaken in accordance with the standards issued by the New Zealand Property Institute are used.

Antiques and works of art are recorded at fair value and are not depreciated.

Other property, plant and equipment, which includes motor vehicles and office equipment, are recorded at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.

Realised gains and losses arising from disposal of property, plant and equipment are recognised in the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance in the period in which the transaction occurs. Any balance attributable to the disposed asset in the asset revaluation reserve is transferred to retained earnings.

For each property, plant and equipment asset project, borrowing costs incurred during the period required to complete and prepare the asset for its intended use are recognised as expenses.

The carrying amounts of property, plant and equipment are reviewed at least annually to determine if there is any indication of impairment. Where an asset's recoverable amount is less than its carrying amount, the asset will be reported at its recoverable amount and an impairment loss will be recognised. Losses resulting from impairment are reported in the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance, unless the asset is carried at a revalued amount in which case any impairment loss is treated as a revaluation decrease.

Intangible Assets

Intangible assets are initially recorded at cost. The cost of an internally generated intangible asset represents expenditure incurred in the development phase of the asset only. The development phase occurs after the following can be demonstrated: technical feasibility; ability to complete the asset; intention and ability to sell or use; and development expenditure can be reliably measured. Expenditure incurred on research of an internally generated intangible asset is expensed when it is incurred. Where the research phase cannot be distinguished from the development phase, the expenditure is expensed when it is incurred.

Intangible assets with finite lives are subsequently recorded at cost, less any amortisation and impairment losses. Amortisation is charged to the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance on a straight-line basis over the useful life of the asset. Typically, the estimated useful lives of these intangible assets (software) is 3 - 5 years.

Realised gains and losses arising from disposal of intangible assets are recognised in the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance in the period in which the transaction occurs. Unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in the value of intangible assets are recognised at balance date. To the extent that a gain reverses a loss previously charged to the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance, the gain is credited to the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance. Otherwise, gains are credited to an asset revaluation reserve for that asset. To the extent that there is a balance in the asset revaluation reserve for the intangible asset, a revaluation loss is debited to the reserve. Otherwise, losses are reported in the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance.


Depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis at rates calculated to allocate the cost or valuation of an item of property, plant and equipment, less any estimated residual value, over an asset's estimated useful life. The estimated useful lives are as follows:


15 - 66 Years

Plant and Equipment

5 - 20 Years

Furniture and Fittings

5 - 10 Years

Office Equipment

5 - 10 Years

Motor Vehicles

4 - 6 Years

IT Equipment

3 - 5 Years

Births, Deaths and Marriages
Historical Records Database

10 Years

Finance Leases

Finance leases transfer to the Department, as lessee, substantially all the risks and rewards incident on the ownership of a leased asset. Initial recognition of a finance lease results in an asset and liability being recognised at amounts equal to the lower of the fair value of the leased property, or the present value of the minimum lease payments. The capitalised values are amortised over the period in which the Department expects to receive benefits from their use. Office equipment leases are recognised as finance leases.

Operating Leases

Operating leases, where the lessor substantially retains the risks and rewards of ownership, are recognised in a systematic manner over the term of the lease. Accommodation and motor vehicle leases are recognised as operating leases.

Leasehold improvements are capitalised and the cost is amortised over the unexpired period of the lease, or the estimated useful life of the improvements, whichever is shorter. Lease incentives received are recognised evenly over the term of the lease as a reduction in rental expense.

Employee Entitlements

Employee entitlements to salaries and wages, annual leave, long service leave, retiring leave and other similar benefits are recognised in the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance when they accrue to employees. Employee entitlements to be settled within 12 months are reported at the amount expected to be paid. The liability for long-term employee entitlements is reported as the present value of the estimated future cash outflows.

Termination Benefits

Termination benefits are recognised in the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance only when there is a demonstrable commitment to either terminate employment prior to normal retirement date or to provide such benefits as a result of an offer to encourage voluntary redundancy. Termination benefits settled within 12 months are reported at the amount expected to be paid, otherwise they are reported as the present value of the estimated future cash outflows.

Other Liabilities and Provisions

Other liabilities and provisions are recorded at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation. Liabilities and provisions to be settled beyond 12 months are recorded at their present value.

Changes in Accounting Policies

Accounting policies are changed only if the change is required by a standard, an interpretation or when more reliable and relevant information can be provided.

These forecast financial statements have been adapted to comply with NZ IFRS.

Forecast Financial Performance

Statement of Forecast Financial Performance

for the year ending 30 June 2008


Crown 91,468 91,468 83,971
Department 10,685 10,685 10,582
Other 103,902 103,902 105,501
Total Revenue 206,055 206,055 200,054
Personnel 108,392 105,742 104,738
Operating 89,718 86,407 81,430
Depreciation and Amortisation 8,099 8,099 10,475
Capital Charge 3,322 3,322 3,700
Total Output Expenses 209,531 203,570 200,343
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (3,476) 2,485 (289)

Forecast Financial Position

Statement of Forecast Financial Position

as at 30 June 2008


Current Assets
Cash and Bank Balances 26,675 32,562 32,241
Prepayments 36 36 57
Inventories 1,975 1,975 2,053
Accounts Receivable 5,722 5,722 5,371
Total Current Assets 34,408 40,295 39,722
Non-current Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment 26,109 26,109 29,174
Intangible Assets 10,721 10,721 15,095
Total Non-current Assets 36,830 36,830 44,269
Total Assets 71,238 77,125 83,991


Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 6,971 6,971 7,838
Provisions 1,169 1,169 1,169
Provision for Payment of Surplus 0 2,485 0
Accrued Expenses 11,285 11,211 11,536
Revenue Received in Advance 9,583 9,583 8,555
Total Current Liabilities 29,008 31,419 29,098
Term Liabilities
Employee Entitlements 894 894 898
Total Term Liabilities 894 894 898
Total Liabilities 29,902 32,313 29,996
Taxpayers' Funds
General Funds 39,680 43,156 52,339
Revaluation Reserve 1,656 1,656 1,656
Total Taxpayers' Funds 41,336 44,812 53,995
Total Liabilities and Taxpayer Funds 71,238 77,125 83,991

Forecast Cash Flows

Statement of Forecast Cash Flows

for the year ending 30 June 2008



Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash Provided from:
Supply of Outputs to:
Crown 91,468 91,468 83,971
Departments 11,785 11,785 10,582
Other 101,029 101,029 105,852
Cash Disbursed to:
Cost of Producing Outputs:
Output Expenses (203,183) (197,296) (188,584)
Capital Charge (3,322) (3,322) (3,700)
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities (2,223) 3,664 8,121
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Cash Provided from:
Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment 1,695 1,695 2,400
Cash Disbursed to:
Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment (14,469) (14,469) (20,314)
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities (12,774) (12,774) (17,914)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Cash Provided from:
Capital Injection from the Crown 520 520 9,472
Cash Disbursed to:
Payment of Surplus to the Crown (2,705) (2,705) 0
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities (2,185) (2,185) 9,472
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Held (17,182) (11,295) (321)
Total Cash Balances at 1 July 43,857 43,857 25,601
Closing Total Cash Balances at 30 June Projected 26,675 32,562 25,280

Reconciliation of Forecast Net Cash Flows

Reconciliation of Forecast Net Cash Flows

from operating activities to net surplus/(deficit) in the Statement of Forecast Financial Performance for the year ending 30 June 2008


Surplus/(Deficit) from Statement of Financial Performance (3,476) 2,485 (289)
Add Non-cash items
Depreciation 8,099 8,099 10,475
Movements in Working Capital items
(Increase)/Decrease in Accounts Receivable (1,776) (1,776) 351
(Increase)/Decrease in Prepayments 63 63 (21)
(Increase)/Decrease in Inventories 698 698 (78)
Increase/(Decrease) in Accounts Payable (2,828) (2,828) 867
Increase/(Decrease) in Accrued Expenses 228 228 (55)
Increase/(Decrease) in Revenue Received in Advance (3,537) (3,537) (3,513)
Increase/(Decrease) in Employee Entitlements 291 217 384
Non-operating Items included above
Increase/(Decrease) in Accounts Payable for Property, Plant and Equipment 15 15 0
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities (2,223) 3,664 8,121

Forecast Movement in Taxpayers' Funds

Statement of Forecast Movement in Taxpayers' Funds (Equity)

for the year ending 30 June 2008


Net Surplus/(Deficit) for the Year (3,476) 2,485 (289)
Total Recognised Revenue and Expenses (3,476) 2,485 (289)
Capital Injection 520 520 9,472
Provision for Payment of Surplus 0 (2,485) 0
Movement in Taxpayers' Funds for the year (2,956) 520 9,183
Taxpayers' Funds as at 1 July 44,292 44,292 44,812
Taxpayers' Funds as at 30 June 41,336 44,812 53,995

Forecast Non-current Assets

Statement of Forecast Non-Current Assets

by category for the year ending 30 June 2008


Estimated Actual 30 June 2007

Forecast 30 June 2008

Cost or Valuation $000 Accumulated Depreciation $000 Carrying Amount $000 Cost or Valuation $000 Accumulated Depreciation $000 Carrying Amount $000
Land 4,765 0 4,765 4,145 0 4,145
Buildings 3,422 104 3,318 2,872 173 2,699
Building Alterations 7,544 3,227 4,317 8,689 4,752 3,937
Antiquities and Works of Art 416 0 416 416 0 416
Furniture and Fittings 542 349 193 557 392 165
Office Equipment 1,288 650 638 1,317 876 441
Plant and Equipment 1,136 693 443 4,211 807 3,404
Information Technology Hardware 15,194 6,060 9,134 19,653 8,518 11,135
Information Technology Software (Intangible Assets) 22,522 11,801 10,721 31,250 16,155 15,095
Leased Equipment 351 351 0 351 351 0
Motor Vehicles 4,231 1,346 2,885 4,198 1,366 2,832
Total Non-current Assets 61,411 24,581 36,830 77,659 33,390 44,269

Forecast Capital Expenditure

Forecast Capital Expenditure Summary

for the period 2002/03 to 2007/08






Building and Alterations







Information Technology Hardware







Information Technology Software







Motor Vehicles







Plant and Equipment







Total Capital Expenditure







The majority of capital expenditure forecast for 2007/08 is for the upgrade and development of information systems, databases and infrastructural information technology systems to enable the Department to provide quality information in an efficient manner and therefore aid in the production of efficient and effective services and quality policy advice.

Forecast Financial Results

Forecast Financial Results for the Department

for the year ending 30 June 2008

  Unit 2006/07
(Supplementary Estimates)

(Main Estimates)
Operating Results
Revenue: Other $000 103,902 103,902 105,501
Revenue: Department $000 10,685 10,685 10,582
Total Expenses $000 209,531 203,570 200,343
Operating Surplus before Capital Charge $000 (154) 5,807 3,411
Net Surplus/(Deficit) $000 (3,476) 2,485 (289)
Working Capital
Liquid Ratio   0.92:1 1.04:1 1.11:1
Current Ratio   1.19:1 1.28:1 1.37:1
Average Debtors Outstanding Days 15 15 17
Average Creditors Outstanding Days 35 37 33
Resource Utilisation
Property, Plant and Equipment
Property, Plant and Equipment as % of Total Assets % 37 34 35
Additions as % of Property, Plant and Equipment % 55 55 70
Taxpayers' Funds
Level at Year-end $000 41,336 44,812 53,995


Forecast Net Cash Flows
Surplus/ (Deficit) from Operating Activities $000 (2,223) 3,664 8,121
Deficit from Investing Activities $000 (12,774) (12,774) (17,914)
Surplus/ (Deficit) from Financing Activities $000 (2,185) (2,185) 9,472
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Held $000 (17,182) (11,295) (321)

Forecast Statement of Commitments

Forecast Statement of Commitments

as at 30 June 2008


Non-Cancellable Accommodation Leases
Less than one year 6,434 2,594
One to two years 2,585 2,302
Two to five years 4,636 2,888
Over five years 961 408
Total Accommodation Commitments 14,616 8,192
Other Non-Cancellable Leases
Less than one year 671 223
One to two years 134 18
Two to five years 17 2
Total Other Lease Commitments 822 243


Non-Cancellable Contracts for the Supply of Goods and Services
Less than one year 892 892
Total Supply Commitments 892 892
Total Commitments 16,330 9,327

Forecast Memorandum Accounts

Forecast of the Memorandum Accounts

for the year ending 30 June 2008

Memorandum accounts are notional accounts to record the accumulated balance of surpluses and deficits for outputs funded by fees charged to third parties. They are intended to provide a long-run perspective to the pricing of outputs.

New Zealand Gazette (86) 1 (85)
Use of facilities and access
to Lake Taupo by boat users
66 (1) 65
Passport products 447 - 447
Citizenship products (1,144) (468) (1,612)
Marriage products 836 (105) 731
Issue of birth, death and marriage
certifications and other products
2,515 186 2,701
Administration of non-casino gaming (6,715) 176 (6,539)

This statement is to be read in conjunction with the Statement of Significant Accounting Policies. The memorandum accounts were established on 30 June 2002.

Action Taken to Address Surpluses and Deficits

New Zealand Gazette

The cost of publishing and distributing the New Zealand Gazette is recovered through third party fees. A surplus generated in any year is to be offset against deficits in future years. Fees will be reviewed to reduce the accumulated deficit.

Use of Facilities and Access to Lake Taupo by Boat Users

The Department of Internal Affairs manages marina berths, jetties and boat ramps located about Lake Taupo. Fees are charged to third parties who use marina berths and boat ramps. Fee income is applied to recover the maintenance and administration cost of these facilities. Operating surpluses in any year will be applied in the subsequent financial year to offset maintenance that may have been deferred due to unfavourable climatic or lake conditions.

Passport Products

The purpose of this account is to support a strategy to stabilise fees based on full cost recovery over a 4 to 5 year planning horizon. This strategy supports the introduction of new technologies including the replacement of the ageing passport system within that timeframe. The current fees schedule was introduced on 4 November 2005.

Citizenship Products

The purpose of this account is to support a strategy to stabilise fees based on full cost recovery over a 4 to 5 year planning horizon. The accumulated forecast deficit in this account reflects the period of time that citizenship fees were not based on full cost recovery and when volumes were lower than those used for pricing purposes. The current fees schedule was introduced on 1 September 2003 based on full cost recovery. The forecast deficit in this account will be examined in the next pricing review.

Marriage Products

The purpose of this account is to support a strategy to stabilise fees based on full cost recovery over a 4 to 5 year planning horizon. The small accumulated surplus is expected to reduce gradually over the next 3 years.

Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates, and other products

The purpose of this account is to support a strategy to stabilise fees based on full cost recovery over a 4 to 5 year planning horizon. The forecast accumulated surplus in this account will be examined in the next pricing review. The fees schedule for birth, death and marriage products was introduced on 1 September 2003 based on full cost recovery. The forecast surplus in this account reflects volume increases over levels assumed for pricing purposes.

Administration of Non-casino Gaming

Fees established to recover the cost of administration and regulation of non-casino gaming are reflected in specific licence fees for differing types of gaming activity and the registration of gaming machines. The fees schedule was introduced as part of the implementation of the Gambling Act 2003 with effect from 1 July 2004.. The next pricing review will occur in 2007/08.

Forecast Financial Performance for each Output Expense

Forecast Financial Performance for Each Output Expense

for the year ending 30 June 2008

Departmental Output Expense Revenue
Vote Community and Voluntary Sector
Community and Voluntary Sector Services*
- Administration of Grants 4,372 197 7,743 12,311 1
- Community Advisory Services 5,272 117 9 5,398 0
- Policy Advice - Community 1,674 24 0 1,699 (1)
Vote Emergency Management
Emergency Management Services*
- Management of National Emergency Readiness, Response and Recovery 3,732 0 0 3,755 (23)
- Policy Advice - Emergency Management 860 21 0 860 21
- Support Services, Information and Education 6,440 47 0 6,488 (1)
Vote Internal Affairs
Gaming and Censorship Regulatory Services 2,847 239 20,947 23,908 125
Identity Services 9,573 1,096 74,422 85,479 (388)
Policy and Advisory Services*
- Information and Advisory Services 232 292 947 1,470 1
- Policy Advice - Internal Affairs 4,890 90 0 4,980 0
Services Relating to Ethnic Affairs 3,299 704 0 4,003 0
Contestable Services 0 88 811 899 0


Vote Local Government
Services for Local Government*
- Information, Support and Regulatory Services 4,575 91 562 5,248 (20)
- Policy Advice - Local Government 6,196 69 0 6,267 (2)
Vote Ministerial Services
Support Services to Ministers 26,368 318 35 26,721 0
VIP Transport 0 7,173 20 7,193 0
Visits and Official Events Coordination 3,424 12 5 3,442 (1)
Vote Racing
Policy Advice - Racing 217 4 0 222 (1)
TOTAL DEPARTMENT 83,971 10,582 105,501 200,343 (289)

*These are multi-class output appropriations

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