What does the CIPU do?
The CIPU is part of the Regulatory Services Team at the Department of Internal Affairs. It has been operating since April 2011.
The CIPU provides the Licensing Authority with information and recommendations to help it make decisions on complaints against licensed or certified security personnel.
It carries out investigations on behalf of the Authority, including into matters of licensing and complaints about conduct of persons covered by the Act.
The Licensing Authority can ask the CIPU to investigate and validate information supplied in applications for licenses or certificates. The CIPU carries out this work and then reports back to the Licensing Authority.
The CIPU can take part in oral hearings of applications for licences and certificates of approval, and can also take part in disciplinary hearings.
In some cases, the Chief Investigator at CIPU can institute prosecutions for breaches of the Act or Regulations associated with the Act.
Approach to Compliance and Enforcement
The Department's approach to compliance and enforcement in this area is set out in the document:Minimising Harm - Maximising Benefit
Approach to Prosecutions
The Department's approach to prosecutions is set out in the document:Prosecution Policy