Structure of the Department
View a chart of the Department's organisational structure: Organisation Structure
Digital Services
Includes Agency Partnerships and Capability, AoG Services Delivery, Strategy, Māori Digital Crown Relationships, Trust Framework and Digital Services and Solutions.
Partnerships and Commissions
Includes the National Library, Archives New Zealand, Ministerial Services, Commissions of Inquiry and Hāpai Hapori among others.
Policy and Te Tiriti
Includes Policy Group, Local Government Policy, Ministerial and Monitoring, Te Tira Tiriti - Te Tiriti and Partnerships and Water Service Reform Programme.
Regulatory and Identity Services
Includes Regulatory Services, Te Ara Manaaki, Te Pou Manawa - Partners & Products, Pou Ārahi, Te Pāhekoheko - Operations, Te Waka Akaha - Planning, Design and Assurance, Mauri o te Tangata - Services and Access and Digital Safety.
Enterprise Services
Includes Pūmanawa Tangata - Human Resources, Legal, Te Manu Karere - Communications, Kōkiri Tāuru - Finance, Māori Capability Uplift, Strategy Governance and Risk and He Ringa Manaaki - Workplace Services.