Resource material › Corporate Publications › Annual Report 2013-14Pūrongo ā Tau
Part A: Contribution to outcomes and objectives
On this page
- Our outcomes and objectives
- Contributing to outcomes and objectives
- Outcome indicators
- Organisational Health and Capability
- Objectives indicators
The Department has a diverse range of functions. This section outlines how each of these functions have combined over the past year to contribute to the delivery of the Department’s outcomes, objectives and intended results
Our outcomes and objectives
The long-term outcomes and objectives[2] we are seeking to achieve for New Zealanders are:
- New Zealand’s diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous
- New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing and using knowledge for social, cultural and economic well-being
- The people of New Zealand have a strong and valued national identity, culture and heritage
- To enhance trust in government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations
Our full outcomes framework (titled “performance framework”) is provided in Appendix 1, and illustrates the links between our:
- outcomes, intermediate outcomes and impacts
- objectives, lead objectives and supporting objectives.
The Department uses outcome and impact indicators in the Statement of Intent and performance measures in the Information Supporting the Estimates – in combination with information such as financial management data, ministerial satisfaction surveys, and independent surveys and reviews of services – to track and report back on our performance against objectives.
This Annual Report outlines our contribution to outcomes and objectives, and our progress as measured against the indicators in our Statement of Intent.
We have reported contributions and progress against indicators under each of our impact and lead objective areas.
Contributing to outcomes and objectives
The following section reports on our contribution to achieving outcomes and objectives and our progress on the priorities, initiatives and indicators outlined in our Statement of Intent 2013–16.
We contributed to our outcomes through the following impacts:
- People and communities understand and manage hazards and risks
- Participants in regulated activities behave responsibly and with integrity
- People have the capability to participate in their communities and across communities
- People are able to access and use information important to their lives
- New Zealand’s documentary record is protected and available for current and future generations
- New Zealand’s personal identity information has integrity
- Outcome indicators
We contributed to our objectives through the following lead objectives:
Impact: People and communities understand and manage hazards and risks
We continued seeking a resilient New Zealand where communities are capable of managing hazards and risks and are prepared to respond to and recover from civil defence emergencies. We act to ensure communities understand and manage risks in regulated social activities such as gambling and restrict the harm caused by these activities. We also worked to ensure the Internet is a safe and productive environment. This work contributed to our outcome for resilient and prosperous communities.
We contributed to ministerial priorities in the following portfolios:
- Internal Affairs
- Civil Defence
Reduced social risks and harm
Our regulatory role reduces potential social harm to communities from certain restricted activities. We have worked with community groups and other agencies to raise awareness and understanding of the risks involved with the availability of objectionable and restricted publications, unsolicited commercial electronic messaging (spam email), and gambling.
Included in the remit of objectionable and restricted publications, reducing online harm is an ongoing priority our Censorship and Compliance team shares with a variety of other government organisations. The Digital Child Exploitation Filtering System (DCEFS) was developed by the Department in partnership with private sector providers.[3] It assists in combating the trade in child sexual abuse material by making it more difficult for people to access unlawful websites known to offer objectionable material. It is a voluntary opt-in system for New Zealand Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Ten ISPs, accounting for 92 per cent of coverage in New Zealand, have opted to use the filter with about 580 unlawful websites blocked.
Only websites that contain child sexual abuse material are filtered and the system is not used as an enforcement tool. Information on Internet users is not retained for any investigative purposes, and Internet performance is not adversely affected by the DCEFS.
The Spam Short Code Initiative, where unsolicited texts can be forwarded free of charge to SPAM (7726), has made it easier for mobile device users to report text spam. Our Spam Intelligence Database enables us to analyse and examine botnet feeds (these are when pieces of code automatically trigger spam to your computer) to determine what spam is being received and also see data about infected machines in New Zealand.
During the 2013/14 year, the Department acted on 8061 Spam complaints resulting in 38 formal warnings, five infringement notices and one enforceable undertaking. This includes two cases that were carried over from 2012/13.
In relation to reducing harm from gambling, the Department is continuing to work with the gambling sector and the Ministry of Health to implement the Multi Venue Exclusion programme, which allows problem gamblers to exclude themselves from multiple venues in an area. In 2013/14 the programme was implemented in a further seven areas and planning work is underway to extend the programme to other areas.
Built resilient communities
Through the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM), we took a lead role in building community preparedness and capability to respond to civil defence emergencies. MCDEM transferred to DPMC on 1 April 2014.
The Get Ready Get Thru campaign continued to help New Zealanders prepare for emergencies. Survey results show that 62 percent of people are aware of the campaign, although the proportion of New Zealanders prepared at home has dropped two percent to 30 percent, with a similar decrease in those prepared at home and at work.
Development of corrective actions from the review of the response to the Christchurch Earthquake has continued. MCDEM worked with the Ministry of Social Development to complete a review of the Arrangements for the Delivery of Welfare in Emergencies, and new or updated guidelines for the Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) sector have been produced on:
- public information management,
- including culturally and linguistically diverse communities,
- including people with disabilities,
- volunteer coordination, and
- rapid impact assessment (see Spotlight).
MCDEM also led the redevelopment for the second edition of the New Zealand Coordinated Incident Management System (CIMS) Manual, which is used as the basis for managing the response to an incident involving multiple responding agencies. The revised CIMS manual was endorsed by the Officials Committee for Domestic and External Security Coordination and was published in April 2014.
In conjunction with GNS Science, MCDEM released in September 2013 the Review of Tsunami Hazard in New Zealand (2013 Update). Eight regional tsunami seminars were held to provide CDEM Groups the opportunity to discuss the revised risk assessments and the implication for managing tsunami warnings. A draft Standard for the use of Sirens in Tsunami Warnings has been completed and is with CDEM Groups for consultation.
MCDEM is a participant in the development of the Christchurch Justice and Emergency Services Precinct project being led by the Ministry of Justice. The business case identified the value that co-location would bring to the coordination of emergency services in a response. Civil defence emergency management participation in the project includes the MCDEM regional office for the South Island, the Canterbury CDEM Group office, Christchurch City Council CDEM staff and a shared Emergency Operations Centre.
The National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan sets out the roles and responsibilities of central government, local government and non-government agencies in civil defence emergency management. Extensive consultation with other agencies has taken place to review the plan to better reflect current practice and improve national CDEM planning. Significant revisions were suggested to strengthen the arrangements for the delivery of welfare services in emergencies, revise the procedures for managing buildings post-disaster, and add sections covering support from the New Zealand Defence Force, science and research advice, and logistics support. The revised plan will be finalised in 2014/15 as scheduled.
A complete revision of the Capability Assessment Tool took place, to ensure 2014/15 assessments can be undertaken efficiently and to enable comparison with previous results. A pilot assessment has been completed with the Waikato CDEM Group using the new Capability Assessment Tool. All CDEM Groups have been advised of their target score for the 2014/15 monitoring and evaluation programme. A programme has been developed to ensure all CDEM Groups can be assessed within the coming year.
Other ongoing effort to help build resilient communities includes our work with the New Zealand Fire Service. We have continued to review fire legislation following the independent 2012 Fire Review of the Service’s functions and funding. This work will continue in 2014/15. The overall objective is to ensure the legislative framework enables the Fire Service to effectively and efficiently meet community needs and expectations.
Spotlight on Rapid Impact Assessment
Fire services play an essential role in community resilience and the development of the Rapid Impact Assessment was a joint project between MCDEM and the NZ Fire Service to produce an application (app) for use on tablet computers. Rapid Impact Assessment refers to assessments undertaken within the first 8 to 48 hours of an emergency. Their purpose is to obtain a rapid and broad picture of the extent of the damage suffered.
The web-based app enables authorities to gain a rapid and broad picture of the damage to communities to help determine initial response priorities and where more detailed assessments such as deeper structural evaluations of buildings, or welfare services might be required. The project included roll-out of promotional and training materials of the app to CDEM Groups and a Director's Guideline on the concept of Rapid Disaster Impact Assessment.
Spotlight on transfer of MCDEM to DPMC
The Department has been home to MCDEM for 55 years, but on 1 April 2014 MCDEM transferred to DPMC, reflecting the increased leadership role played by central government during national emergencies. Leading up to the date of the transfer the Department worked closely with DPMC and Central Agencies Shared Services (CASS) to transition existing MCDEM staff and their employment conditions, financial management information, ICT Policy and Communications support, and support to the National Crisis Management Centre (NCMC). The Department worked with DPMC to develop arrangements with partner departments and agencies to ensure supplementary staff would be available to the NCMC in the event of a prolonged activation.
The Department will continue to have strong links with MCDEM through our Local Government portfolio, and we will continue to provide ICT support to the NCMC until CASS has developed the capacity to take on that role.
Indicators | Progress | Data sources |
Increasing the number of people prepared at home, work or both for civil defence emergencies: | ||
People prepared at home |
2013/14: 30% 2012/13: 32% 2011/12: 32% 2010/11: 32% 2009/10: 24% 2008/09: 23% |
Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management Campaign Monitoring Research (Colmar Brunton) 2014 |
People prepared both at home and at work |
2013/14: 15% 2012/13: 17% 2011/12: 16% 2010/11: 18% 2009/10: 11% 2008/09: 10% |
Declining percentage of recidivist offenders (out of total offenders) issued with a civil liability intervention for unsolicited electronic messages | 2013/14: 7% (Baseline year) | Internal Affairs Regulatory Data |
Impact: Participants in regulated activities behave responsibly and with integrity
We continued to improve and enhance our regulatory functions to reflect our compliance approach of minimising harm and maximising benefit. This work contributes to our outcomes for resilient and prosperous communities by making it easier for people to participate in civic society. We also improved the transparency of public decision making by regulating public sector recordkeeping.
We contributed to ministerial priorities in the following portfolios:
- Internal Affairs
- Community and Voluntary Sector
Increased cooperation
The Department undertakes a range of regulatory functions across various branches. A Regulatory Forum has been established to bring together these functions from across the Department, to focus on areas of common interest and provide a coordination point for responding to wider audiences on regulatory matters. The Forum includes Regulatory Services, Charities Services, Births, Deaths and Marriages, and Service Delivery compliance functions for Identity investigations and Grants Audit and Review among others.
The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Act 2009, came into effect on 1 July 2013. We have continued to publish guidance on various aspects of reporting entities’ obligations under the AML/CFT Act and amended the Identity Verification Code of Practice to reflect recent improvements in identification practice. We have started our supervisory work with the AML/CFT sector and will continue engaging with reporting entities to ensure they understand their obligations under the AML/CFT Act.
Charities Services is working closely with Department Community Advisors to maximise resources for community organisations across the country as well as contributing to our enforcement role. Charities Services worked closely with the External Reporting Board and the Association of Non-Government Organisations Aotearoa (ANGOA) to help educate charities about the proposed reporting standards.
We are focusing on minimising harm and maximising benefits for the New Zealand public by being more purposeful and deliberate in our regulatory work across the sectors the Department regulates. We take a range of actions when deciding how to address non-compliance within our regulated sectors to ensure the best outcome.
In the gambling sector we are focusing on minimising harm to the general community caused by fraudulent and corrupt behaviour. We continue to adopt a multi-agency approach to investigating serious non-compliance and criminal behaviour, and we deal with it with robust regulatory action, including prosecution. Our actions aim to contribute to disincentivising non-compliance in the gambling sector and increasing the funds returned to genuine and diverse community needs.
Implemented and improved the gambling framework
We have taken an intelligence-based approach to delivering our compliance functions by monitoring and gathering data across our range of regulatory functions.
In 2013/14 we supported reforms of the Class 4 gambling framework (which covers gaming machines in pubs and clubs). In May 2014 the Minister of Internal Affairs introduced into Parliament a new Bill, Gambling Amendment Bill (No 3). This Bill will reduce potential conflicts of interest situations, improve transparency surrounding management companies involved in Class 4 gambling, simplify compliance and reduce costs for societies and venue owners; and ensure the efficiency of the appeals process.
We worked with the Class 4 sector to amend the payment system to cover the operating costs of venues (such as pubs) that host gaming machines. The current model is cumbersome and imposes significant compliance costs on both the sector and the Department. The Gambling Amendment Bill No 3 contains these amendments.
We have also facilitated consultation on proposed new regulations to:
- increase the proportion of proceeds that the community receives from Class 4 gambling,
- increase transparency around grant decisions,
- require local distribution of Class 4 gambling proceeds, and,
- change the Class 4 venue payments system.
More than 100 submissions were received on these proposals. New regulations to deliver on the first proposal (increasing the rate of community return) will come into effect later in 2014.
The Gambling (Problem Gambling Levy) Regulations 2013 came into effect from 1 July 2013. The levy recovers the Crown’s costs of the problem gambling strategy managed by the Ministry of Health.
The Department has continued to increase its engagement with Class 4 societies in order to enhance governance arrangements, promote better grant funding practices and policies, and increase overall returns to the community. The Department also utilised a series of regional forums to consult with Class 4 societies in respect to the regulatory reform process. This intensified and targeted engagement is improving compliance and management practices by societies that previously exhibited poor practices.
Prosecutions and assistance
The Department has undertaken several significant prosecutions over the past year. Sending unsolicited electronic messages resulted in a company paying $120,000, the largest penalty imposed to date for sending spam in New Zealand. Distributing objectionable publications resulted in a man being sentenced to two years nine months imprisonment, and possessing objectionable publications resulted in one year imprisonment for another individual.
The Censorship Compliance team work closely with other enforcement agencies within New Zealand and internationally. We take a multi-agency approach in fighting this crime type and work in partnership with New Zealand Police and New Zealand Customs. A total of 14 New Zealand children were rescued from sexual abuse in the last year following a number of joint operations with other enforcement agencies within New Zealand. As an example, the multi-agency approach was used in an operation resulting in the prosecution of three New Zealanders and one British individual, and two British children were identified and safeguarded.
Internationally, information provided by the Department has led to children being removed from harm and individuals being arrested and/or convicted in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Romania, and Australia.
Report on the use of search and surveillance powers
The Department is required to report on its search and surveillance powers under sections 171 and 172 of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012. During 2013/14 the Department did not exercise search or entry powers without a warrant, did not exercise warrantless surveillance powers and did not apply for any surveillance device warrants or declaratory orders. The Chief Executive did not receive any reports from judges under sections 48, 61 or 62 of the Act.
Indicators | Progress | Data sources |
Decreasing the percentage of people receiving spam/nuisance emails | 2013: 85% 2011: 73% 2009: 73% |
World Internet Project New Zealand 2013[5] |
Decreasing the percentage of societies operating in the C4 Gambling Sector that have venues failing inspection | 2013/14: 74% (Baseline year) | Internal Affairs regulatory data |
Providing safe and secure online environments by increasing the coverage of the Digital Child Exploitation Filtering System run by DIA Censorship for ISPs of NZ Internet users | 2013/14: 92% 2012/13: 85% |
Internal Affairs regulatory data |
Increasing sector awareness of their obligations under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism legislation | 2013/14: 3.87 (Based on a 5 point Likert scale. Baseline year) | Internal Affairs regulatory data[6] |
Impact: People have the capability to participate in their communities and across communities
We enabled people to engage with and participate in and across communities, in ways that positively contribute to society and enhance economic activity. We helped communities, hapū and iwi lead their own development, identify opportunities, and develop their own solutions, contributing to our Focus Area of Strong Communities.
We contributed to ministerial priorities in the following portfolios:
- Internal Affairs
- Local Government
- Ethnic Affairs
- Racing
- Civil Defence
- Community and Voluntary Sector
Online systems
The Department is developing a Grants and Client Management System (GCMS) which will replace existing IT systems with an online system for managing grants and customer information. GCMS will access key customer information held by Charities Services and the Companies Office. This will improve accuracy of the customer information we hold, streamline customer registration and access to our services, and promote a ‘data once’ principle so that customers are not asked to provide information they have already supplied to other agencies. There is potential to explore further integrations and shared service arrangements in future, to enable an even more streamlined approach to grant administration for customers. The Department plans to launch GCMS in October 2014, making this service available to customers throughout 2014/15 as the various funding schemes open for applications.
A working party, consisting of members from local government, central government, and external ICT, has considered the feasibility of online voting being adopted for the 2016 local authority elections, subject to the running of a significant and successful trial before then. The working party has reported to the Department on trialling and implementing online voting, together with a high-level assessment of the benefits, costs and risks of online voting (including security, integrity and voting access issues). The Department will continue to work with key stakeholders, including Ministers and local government, to determine next steps.
Crown and Lottery Grants funding distribution
The Department supports investment in communities by providing information, advice, and funding to support government and communities working together to develop solutions that contribute to social, cultural, and economic wellbeing.
Approximately $220 million of Lottery Grants Board funding has been distributed to the community in 2013/14 through a series of distribution channels administered by the Department.
The Department also administers a number of Crown funding schemes and during 2013/14 over $20 million has been distributed through these schemes.
Community-led development
In July 2011 funding was reprioritised from the Community Organisations’ Grants scheme to support Community-led Development (CLD), which enables communities to identify shared issues and concerns and to generate local solutions. The Department is evaluating the initiative with initial reports showing that CLD is progressing well in three of the five selected communities. Those communities are implementing projects and activities that have strong community buy-in, benefiting their respective communities. A fourth community, a large, diverse suburban community, has taken longer to implement the CLD initiative but is focusing on social connection and cohesiveness through community consultation.
The fifth community progressed at a different pace from the other initiatives. It was agreed with the leadership group that a different approach would be followed. The Department is now supporting that community outside of the CLD initiative by offering direct community advisory and development services and using CLD principles and support at a neighbourhood level.
The new approach will enable the community to work at its own pace and should deliver better outcomes for the community. The Department’s continuous evaluation approach enables any learning to inform the initiative as it progresses.
Social enterprise
Our support to the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector resulted in a Government position statement in support of social enterprise and provision of funding for the Ākina (formerly the Hikurangi) Foundation to build social enterprise capability.
The Ākina Foundation is running a social enterprise accelerator pilot involving regional workshops from which 10 initiatives will be picked for intensive support. The Government funding for this initiative is matched by funding from Contact Energy. The Ākina Foundation is also receiving funding to kick-start a national social enterprise incubation and development service.
The Department will continue to encourage other agencies to give effect to the Government position statement and address any policy barriers to the growth of social enterprise.
Provided an integrated approach
Charities Services, Community Operations and the Office of Ethnic Affairs all provide capability building support and services to the not-for-profit, voluntary and charities sectors. Richer outcomes for communities are achieved through collaborative planning. Our focus is on ensuring community groups experience a seamless, integrated service, without duplication of effort; this also reduces costs for the Department.
The National Library has continued to work with the Association of Public Library Managers on the concept of Community Digital Hubs, looking for ways to recognise and support the role public libraries already play. As a result of the work being done to ensure the delivery of Result 10 and the improvement of access to government services online, libraries have continued to be seen as one of the places from which the local community can access government services and receive support in doing so. Through public libraries, the Aotearoa People’s Network Kaharoa (APNK) provides computing resources and free access to the Internet for New Zealanders. Every month an average of 6000 Wi-Fi users access the Internet through Wi-Fi hotspots to the APNK network.
The Department continues to support the application of the Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord across government. The Accord sets expectations about how government agencies and communities will work together effectively to achieve social, economic and environmental outcomes. During 2013/14 the Department hosted a series of expert-led forums focusing on initiatives that demonstrate how agencies can effectively engage with or involve the community sector in relevant work programmes. The seminars have been well attended by both government and community representatives. The Department has developed a number of online tools (NZNavigator and CommunityNet Aotearoa) for community organisations to improve governance and build capability. This was done through community and government partnership and is an example of Kia Tūtahi in action.
Supported local government
As part of the government’s Better Local Government programme, the Department prepared the Local Government (Financial Reporting and Prudence) Regulations 2014 in conjunction with Local Government New Zealand and the Society of Local Government Managers. These will provide information which will assist people to assess the financial sustainability of their local authorities. We also produced measures to compare non-financial council performance, for example the response times for repairing broken infrastructure.
The Department supported councils and the Minister during local government elections (12 October 2013), including providing software for the single transferrable vote (STV) system. We have also worked with local government on the feasibility of online voting.
Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust
On 29 April 2014 the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trustees granted $8 million to 20 new local recovery projects. They also announced that the nearly $100 million donated to the Appeal had been allocated to Canterbury, three years after the first funds were granted.
The Trustees made the final announcements at The Court Theatre in Christchurch to a large gathering of grant recipients and local dignitaries, to celebrate the impact of Appeal donations on communities in greater Christchurch.
Since the launch of the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal on 27 February 2011 by Prime Minister John Key, a total of $99 million in donations has been received or pledged.
From early 2011 Trustees chose to focus on communities not individuals, not to duplicate the work of government and other funders, and to fund the projects that would otherwise take many years of local fundraising to address.
The Trust is no longer receiving funding requests but the Trustees will continue to meet as required to make funding decisions on projects that directly benefit people still struggling, and on any other matters.
The work of the Trust Advisory Board has officially ended, although members may be called upon to advise the Trustees on the $15 million ‘Connecting the City to the Sea’ project. The Department will continue to monitor and administer the grants for the 10-year life time of the Trust.
Other projects funded with Appeal funds include: community centres for Aranui, Mt Pleasant, Belfast and Opawa; St John emergency equipment; rebuild and restoration of the Clock Tower and the Great Hall at the Christchurch Arts Centre; supporting Canterbury’s 200 youth workers; repair and rebuild of Plunket facilities; over 60 neighbourhood events to foster community connectedness; $15 million ‘Connecting the City to the Sea’ through eastern Christchurch; the Re:START mall; and, repairing sports fields and netball/tennis courts.
The money has benefited projects across seven portfolios as shown in the chart below.
A full list of projects funded by the Appeal Trust is available at
Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust Cumulative Funding Allocation

Source: Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust
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Maximised the potential for New Zealand to benefit from ethnic diversity
The Office of Ethnic Affairs has continued to promote the potential benefits of ethnic diversity in developing prosperity for every New Zealander. Ethnic women’s and youth leadership programmes are designed to equip women and young people from ethnic communities with the skills and confidence necessary to participate in all aspects of NZ life.
Following a successful pilot programme in Auckland during the 2013 calendar year, 60 young people were selected and the Young Leaders programme was launched in February 2014, operating out of Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch. The programme comprises a series of modules delivered over nine months. Overall, the programme aims to equip young people for leadership roles in their communities and careers. Careers in the government sector are a particular focus.
The Ethnic Women’s Leadership Programme began as a pilot in Auckland in December 2012 and a Wellington programme took place in November 2013. A Christchurch programme was run in June 2014. The programme equips ethnic women with skills that enable them to be more influential. Ultimately ethnic women who participate in the training will be able to play an active role in supporting their communities to integrate and participate in society more effectively. The programme also encourages suitably qualified and experienced participants to apply for governance roles if they have a desire to do so.
2014 was the third year the Office of Ethnic Affairs has run the very successful EPIC NZ conferences in Auckland (May) and Wellington (June). These business conferences are networking events which foster connections between ethnic and other NZ business communities in order to reap the benefits of the skills, knowledge and connections of New Zealands ethnic businesses. This year the Auckland conference, EPIC NZ Go Global was the flagship event resulting from an agreement between the Office of Ethnic Affairs, Export New Zealand, and the Employers and Manufacturers Association.
The first EthnicA conference was held by the Office in Auckland in 2011 and they have continued since then. EthnicA conferences are designed to raise awareness and encourage sophisticated debate about diversity issues in New Zealand. They also provide an opportunity for the Minister for Ethnic Affairs, the Office and other central and local government agencies to engage with ethnic communities, and provide a forum for learning, sharing information and pan-ethnic networking.
The theme for the EthnicA 2014 conferences in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch (April-May) was ‘leadership and building a stronger New Zealand’. Each regional programme tapped into the personal experiences and expertise of a range of speakers and panellists from local communities.
The EthnicA conferences allow the Office of Ethnic Affairs to interact efficiently with a large number of stakeholders. As well as organising many face-to-face meetings, the Office can also host a few large events to attract a larger number of people.
Indicators | Progress | Data sources |
Increasing the number of people supporting local communities through volunteering and giving: | ||
The percentage of people aged 10 years or over who, in the previous three months, volunteered or donated money |
Volunteered: Dec 2013: 28% Donated money: Dec 2013: 36% |
Quarterly Consumer and Media Insight Survey (Nielsen Media) |
The percentage of people participating in paid and unpaid community work |
Undertook unpaid work 2012: 62.2% Undertook voluntary work 2012: 30.6% |
General Social Survey (Statistics New Zealand)[7] |
Maintaining a high level of satisfaction with the advice and support received by ethnic community groups to enable them to help themselves and participate in their community. | 30 June 2014: 99% 30 June 2013: 96% 30 June 2012: 96% 30 June 2011: 96% |
Internal Affairs Ethnic Affairs survey |
Impact: People are able to access and use information important to their lives
We have sought to ensure people have appropriate, secure and flexible access to information that is important to their lives. We manage and provide appropriate access to New Zealand’s personal identity information, records of government, significant documentary heritage and New Zealand published collections and ensure information is managed as an asset. We seek to enable knowledge creation, literacy skills and information to be used for learning, economic growth, and social and cultural well-being. Our commitment to privacy by design and embedding trust and security through our guardianship of this information is fundamental to this access and is at the core of our ‘Trusted Information’ focus area.
We contributed to ministerial priorities in the following portfolios:
- Internal Affairs
- Ethnic Affairs
- Community and Voluntary Sector
Made personal identity information available
As the kaitiaki (guardian) of New Zealanders’ personal identity information, we ensure people can appropriately access their information securely and reliably when they need it. This information enables people to access the rights and services available to them as citizens, such as passports or access to other government services. This can be through issuing tools such as birth certificates or through the transfer of life event data to other agencies.
We also provide Apostille certification[8] to allow New Zealand issued documents to be used overseas. Our electronic Apostille certificate (an eApostille) improves our service by allowing Apostille certificates to be issued via email.
Our world-first service allowing adult applicants who already had a passport to renew their passports online has resulted in over 200,000 online applications being processed. As well as being more convenient for our customers, an online application is less time intensive for passport officers, and allows much of the process to be computerised. Planning is underway to extend the online service to child renewals and also first time adult applicants who have obtained a RealMe verified account. The expansion of the online service to children would likely also increase adult uptake as families will be able to use the same service channel.
Work is ongoing to enable private as well as public sector organisations to perform electronic identity information checks on our births, deaths, citizenship and passports databases, to confirm whether an individual’s supplied identity information is consistent with the Department’s information. This is in addition to the more than two million electronic records that are shared annually with other agencies to enable citizens to access vital services. During the year we also issued over 1.09 million identity documents and other products.
Identity documents issued

Source: Department of Internal Affairs data
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Provided access to collections of information in efficient and useful ways
We are responsible for a vast collection of records, data, documents, books, images and other information about New Zealand and its people. We worked to improve access to this information, ensuring it is managed as an asset that provides knowledge and value to enrich New Zealand’s society, culture and economy. This work was conducted in a range of ways but particularly through online services, digitising and publishing information, providing physical access such as reading rooms, and providing interloan and bibliographic services to libraries.
We continued to support access to information from an early age by enabling schools to use collections to support the national curriculum. We also provided nationwide specialist services that support young people to have access to effective and connected library services and library learning environments. This supports their development as readers and as digitally literate learners. The National Library worked to ensure the curriculum content and services developed by the Library to support classroom programmes and school library development were made accessible through the Network for Learning (N4L) portal.
The Electronic Purchasing in Collaboration (EPIC) Consortium partnered with N4L to launch a new delivery model. This expanded the service providing New Zealand libraries with heavily discounted consortium pricing options from approximately 40 individual e-resources from seven suppliers in 2013 to over 100 e-resources from 15 suppliers in 2014.
Our Papers Past website passed the three million page milestone ending the year with 3,433,050 pages of newspaper available. The publication of New Zealand Herald data in April 2014 completed the partnership between National Library, Auckland Libraries and APN (the publishers of the NZ Herald) to digitise the NZ Herald to 1945, resulting in over 300,000 pages being added to the site.
Use of the DigitalNZ Application Programming Interface (API) data service exceeded more than 10 million queries a month over the past year. A significant new user of the data service is the Network for Learning, which uses DigitalNZ to funnel content from partners into NZ classrooms. Contributions to DigitalNZ also continue to be strong, with a 23 per cent increase in content partnerships over the past 12 months.
As part of the New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing framework and Open Government Information and Data Re-use Work Programme, the Index New Zealand dataset has been made available on the National Library website for people to download and use. Index New Zealand is a searchable database that contains abstracts and descriptions of articles from about 1000 New Zealand periodicals and newspapers published from the 1950s to the present day.
Enabled people to access public information
We support the Declaration on Open and Transparent Government by making available a range of useful information we hold. For example, the Charities Register includes information about each registered charity and enables the public to access information about charities that are eligible for tax exemptions. This promotes public trust and confidence, because information about Charity’s activities and the way they use resources is more transparent to the public by being available online. The New Zealand Gazette enables the public and businesses to access legislative decisions including land transfers, changes to legislation and bankruptcies. The Gazette has progressed its goal to change its publishing platform from one where the authoritative versions of notices are printed and distributed, to one where notices are created and published in digital form online, with the new system scheduled to go live in late 2014.
We issued new Government Web Standards in July 2013, setting more practical requirements for Government websites and helping to ensure their accessibility to people with disabilities. The working group, made up of disabled people and government web practitioners, published several guidance documents to support Government agencies’ implementation of the Web Standards.
We further supported open and transparent government by administering the website This provides access to a wide range of non-personal public government held datasets. The total number of listings increased by 14 per cent in the year to 30 June 2014, and visits to the website decreased by 8 per cent over the same period.
Information growth on

Source: Department of Internal Affairs data
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WWI commemorations
The Department is responsible for a range of activities and projects that will support World War One (WWI) commemorations and associated activities. Due to the range of activities underway, we are represented on an inter-agency group tasked with strategic oversight of the Government’s response to the upcoming centenary period. We also actively participate on a number of inter-agency groups set up to manage operational matters.
Our Visits and Ceremonial Office is responsible for planning and running Centenary commemorations at the National War Memorial in Wellington, and Archives New Zealand is restoring, preserving and digitising records and material relating to the centenary period. Archives New Zealand and the National Library are collaborating with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the Alexander Turnbull Library on the ‘War Stories’ project to produce a series of films telling the personal stories of New Zealanders affected by WWI.
The National Library has digitised WWI soldiers’ personal diaries and letters and made this material available through its website. A research guide developed to assist researchers to locate and explore the extensive WWI content in the Alexander Turnbull Library collections was published as an online tool shortly before Anzac day 2014. The National Library is collaborating with the Ministry of Education on the delivery of a number of teaching and learning packages on WWI related themes that will guide and support teachers to develop innovative learning programmes on different aspects of identity, heritage and culture.
We administer Lottery Grants Board funding for WWI commemorations, with funding decisions being made by the (independent) Lottery World War One Commemorations, Environment and Heritage Committee with the support of three representatives from the First World War Centenary Panel. Approximately $17 million has been allocated to support projects over the last two years.
The projects funded are diverse in nature and include developing exhibitions detailing different aspects of the First World War, such as commissioning plays and music with World War One themes, undertaking restoration work on war memorials or creating memorial gardens. In addition, funding has been used to support projects of national significance, including an exhibition at Te Papa, publication of a series of historical books and a project at Auckland War Memorial Museum.
Indicators | Progress | Data sources |
Increasing access to collections of information and the public record: | ||
Institutions describing archival holdings online through the Community Archive |
2014: 379 2013: 380 2012: 373 2011: 376 2010: 355 |
Internal Affairs Archives NZ data |
Full text databases made accessible through New Zealand libraries in the Electronic Purchasing in Collaboration (EPIC) consortium |
2014: 102 2013: 42 2012: 42 2011: 40 2010: 25 |
Internal Affairs National Library data |
Visits to use specialist online resources and services for schools |
2013/14: 243,378 2012/13: 241,030 2011/12: 172,095 2010/11: 145,277 |
Internal Affairs National Library data |
Access to online records for New Zealand publications |
June 2014: 441,524 June 2013: 423,562 March 2013: 383,960 |
Internal Affairs National Library data |
Published content provided through National Library full-text platforms (Pages published): |
Papers Past |
June 2014: 3,433,050 June 2013: 2,960,523 June 2012: 2,538,351 June 2011: 2,085,560 |
Internal Affairs National Library data |
Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives (AtoJs Online) |
June 2014: 319,112[9] June 2013: 319,112 June 2012: 253,866 June 2011: 128,151 |
Increasing access to information through uptake of common capabilities: | ||
Percentage increase of people accessing information through RealMe |
2013/14: 60.7% | Internal Affairs Service Delivery data. (Baseline year) |
Percentage increase in services available through RealMe |
2013/14: 30% | |
Increasing use and reuse of information: Searching and finding information for creating new knowledge through Digital NZ |
Number items surfaced for reuse by Digital NZ (excluding Papers Past and AtoJs Online) |
June 2014: 401,319 March 2014: 360,289 June 2013: 339,918 March 2013: 269,459 |
Internal Affairs National Library data |
Increasing the availability of re-usable online datasets held by government on the open data directory website, | ||
Dataset listing pages/Percentage change in the number of unique website visitors |
2013/14: 2660/-4.8% 2012/13: 2,339/8.4% 2011/12: 1,815/31% |
Internal Affairs Data and Identity Services data |
Impact: New Zealand’s documentary record is protected and available for current and future generations
We collected, protected and invested in the preservation of the nation’s documentary heritage and record of government. We preserved the documentary record using modern techniques and technology and stored it safely and securely so that information is available for the benefit, understanding and enjoyment of both current and future generations. This work contributed to our outcomes for resilient and prosperous communities; a New Zealand recognised for using knowledge for social, cultural and economic wellbeing; and strong and valued national identity.
We contributed to ministerial priorities in the following portfolio:
- Internal Affairs
Built and preserved collections of national importance
Over the last year we continued to build collections of national importance and enhanced preservation of these significant items through better and more efficient use of our resources and infrastructure. National Library and Archives New Zealand have developed their strategic partnership and collaborate to optimise services, improving efficiency and effectiveness and lifting overall performance. Progress has focussed on digital preservation and digitisation and physical storage through the use of mutually beneficial tools.
The National Library continues to build tools that scale up the process of collecting and archiving electronic material for Legal Deposit. Target websites are now ‘scraped’ for their publications and associated metadata, which are then packaged for automated ingest to the National Digital Heritage Archive (NDHA). In April 2014, the Alexander Turnbull Library acquired an important portrait in oils of Wiremu Tako Ngatata, painted around 1880 by Gottfried Lindauer, and in November 2013 the Library was donated records relating to the Topp Twins. The material includes contracts, correspondence, financial records, printed material, shows, concert tours, and television scripts. This acquisition greatly strengthens the Library’s documentation of New Zealand’s musical and cultural history.
Through Archives New Zealand we have restored, preserved and digitised records and material related to the World War One centenary, including material from New Zealanders’ records and diaries and the classification of Defence Force Personnel records. Archives New Zealand and the National Library are collaborating with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the Alexander Turnbull Library to produce a series of short films that tell the personal stories of a range of New Zealanders impacted by the war.
We also acquired Park Road Post Production Limited’s film preservation laboratory. The lab is the only one of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, and its acquisition is contributing to the preservation of high-value films. The laboratory will enable the film preservation programme to continue. This programme transfers the content of films from unstable nitrate and acetate film, to a more stable polyester base that will last for up to 200 years. Archives New Zealand has around 1200 films, mainly from the National Film Unit to transfer over the next three years.
Improved preservation and storage of information, including digital programmes
An increasing amount of New Zealand’s documentary heritage and public record are in digital form and the Department continues to ensure that ‘born digital’ information is protected and preserved. We also provide online access to digitised material from New Zealand’s history.
An independent review of two projects was completed in 2013/14. The ‘Active Archives’ project aimed to better conserve and display key constitutional documents, and the Government Digital Archives Programme (GDAP) was to support the digital archiving of Digital Preservation copies of physical archives and to extend this to support the archiving of ‘born digital’ records of long term value. The review examined the circumstances surrounding the initiatives and considered whether any changes were necessary to improve the management of any other initiatives in Archives New Zealand. Active Archives delivered plans, detailed requirements and concepts that will be valuable as new ways of dealing with the documents and the requirements of preservation and display are developed. GDAP delivered tools, processes, and capability to add and manage digital preservation copies within the digital archive.
The Births, Deaths, and Marriages Historical website enables anyone to search and order historical birth, death or marriage records through a convenient online channel. This service is used frequently by genealogists undertaking family research, with around 3,295,556 records available.
Indicators | Progress | Data sources |
Increasing the percentage of heritage collections and public records protected and preserved for future generations: | ||
Percentage of the Alexander Turnbull Library collections in the National Library Wellington building that are held in appropriate environments |
2014: 100% 2013: 100% 2012: 100% 2010: 55% |
Internal Affairs National Library data |
The percentage of Archives New Zealand holdings held in an appropriate environment |
2014: 87.97% 2013: 80.5% 2012: 73.85% |
Internal Affairs Archives NZ data |
The number of transfers received by Archives New Zealand |
2014: 74 2013: 71 2012: 84 2011: 29 |
Internal Affairs Archives NZ data |
Increased number of Alexander Turnbull Library collections will be available for future use by Researchers. | ||
Number of items damaged or lost in provision of services |
2013/14: None | Internal Affairs National Library data |
New Zealand school students’ learning is supported through greater access to documentary heritage by increased usage of the National Library collection items |
2013/14: Online packages of heritage items developed: 18 School visits to National Library public programmes: 54 School visits to national Library reading rooms: 42 |
Internal Affairs National Library data |
Impact: New Zealand’s personal identity information has integrity
Secure, reliable identity information is fundamental to a transparent democracy, where people can exercise their rights and entitlements and participate fully in civic society. We collected personal identity information and maintained the official record of important life events for New Zealanders. To maintain trust in the integrity of this information we ensured identity records are collected and are stored securely, and access is provided appropriately to maintain the privacy and accuracy of the information as well as ensuring access to our products and services is future focussed. We also worked to ensure a consistent and secure approach to identity management across the public sector. This work contributed to our outcomes for strong and valued national identity, and a New Zealand recognised for using knowledge for social, cultural and economic wellbeing.
We contributed to ministerial priorities in the following portfolio:
- Internal Affairs
Maintained trust in the integrity of identity information
As guardian of New Zealand’s personal identity information, maintaining the integrity of this information is paramount. After reviewing the law and processes for registering name changes, we identified that applicants should provide evidence of their identity to prevent individuals fraudulently changing someone else’s name. An amendment to the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995 is being sought through the Statutes Amendment Bill (No 4), to enable evidence of identity to be collected from name change applicants.
The Department developed new systems and processes for issuing passports as part of the Passport Redevelopment Programme. These changes will enable us to manage an estimated 100 per cent increase in passport applications by 2017.
Our Passport Redevelopment Programme has not only delivered an online application channel but also a range of functional changes to passport processing, almost eliminating paper based processes and allowing for better work distribution, quicker decision making (some of which is now automated) and better reporting capability. The programme was delivered within the capital and operational budgets and was completed in March 2014.
Total indicative fraud[10] as a percentage of passport issuance was very low in the 2013 calendar year. The latest security features in our ePassport make forgery and counterfeiting difficult. We continue to cleanse our data using facial recognition technology, identifying individuals with New Zealand passports with more than one identity, liaising with the New Zealand Police and prosecuting where appropriate. Our RealMe identity verification service will be used as an additional identification feature of any online New Zealand passport application to further enhance trust in the security of New Zealand passports.
Total indicative fraud

Source: Department of Internal Affairs data
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Spotlight on same-sex marriage
Changes to the Marriage Act came into force during this year, meaning that same-sex couples could be married in New Zealand. The new definition of marriage is “the union of two people regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity”. There were a number of high profile same-sex weddings, including one in an aircraft above New Zealand. Everyone getting married in New Zealand must notify Births, Deaths and Marriages that they intend to get married, and they are issued a marriage licence.
To get ready for the changes the Department had to amend the various forms and certificates used to collect, register and provide information under the Marriage Act 1955 and the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995. We also had to alter the Department's computer systems to allow for the recording of same-sex marriages, including capturing the sex of the parties to the marriage and we provided information to the public and celebrants about the changes. We updated the websites, brochures and other guidance material we publish and trained staff who conduct Registry Office marriages.
The RealMe service is delivered by the Department in partnership with New Zealand Post. RealMe enhances igovt services by extending identity verification services to the private sector. Benefits of RealMe include allowing banking and finance companies to comply with customer due diligence obligations as described in the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Act 2009. RealMe is built using ‘privacy by design’ principles to make doing things online easy and very secure.
There are two services currently available for customers, a RealMe login and a RealMe verified account. A RealMe login allows people to use the same username and password to access a variety of participating online services. For services requiring an extra level of security, a unique, one-time RealMe code is sent to a mobile phone or generated by a hardware token.
A RealMe verified account lets people who have verified certain information about themselves, such as identity and address, to securely release this information online to organisations to prove who they are or where they live. Having a RealMe verified account means that the user has proved who they are, by providing some identity information and having their photograph taken at a participating Post Shop. This information is provided to the Department for processing and authorisation.
Integration of new organisations has been slower than originally anticipated. During the 2013/14 year, 532,591 new RealMe logins have been created. The total number of logins used as at 30 June 2014 is over 22.2 million. RealMe can be used to access 55 services provided by 22 organisations.
Indicators | Progress | Data source |
Maintaining a low level of complaints about the Department on privacy breaches received or notified by the Privacy Commission | 2012/13: 2 2011/12: 2 2010/11: 4 2009/10: 2 |
Office of the Privacy Commissioner Annual Report[11] |
Maintaining a low level of incident reports relating to the issuance of passport on fraudulent grounds or fraudulent use of a passport | 2013: 0.003% 2012: 0.006% 2011: 0.013% 2010: 0.012% |
Internal Affairs Passports data (per calendar year) |
Maintaining a high percentage of identity services customers who feel personal information is confidential and secure | June 2014: No survey conducted June 2013: No survey conducted June 2011: 90%[12] June 2010: 92% June 2009: 99% |
Internal Affairs Service Delivery and Operations Survey[13] |
New Zealand passport is recognised as having high integrity | 2014: 5th Equal 2013: 5th Equal 2012: 5th Equal 2011: 5th Equal |
Henley Visa Restriction Global Index 2014 |
Outcome indicators
We used the indicators below to track progress towards our outcomes.
Outcomes | Indicators | Trend | Data sources |
New Zealand’s diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous | Increasing the proportion of people who feel a strong sense of community: | ||
People who feel a sense of community in their local neighbourhood |
2012: 53% 2010: 60% 2008: 58.4% |
Quality of Life Survey[14] | |
People feel isolated from others (some or most of the time) |
2012: 15% 2010: 15% 2008: 16% |
General Social Survey (Statistics New Zealand)[15] | |
Increasing the proportion of people participating in civic society: | |||
Percentage of people who would like to have more of a say in what their council does |
2012: 56% 2010: 46% 2008: 48% |
Quality of Life Survey[16] | |
The number of candidates standing for local authority elections |
2013: 3,785 2010: 3,917 2007: 4,123 2004: 4,092 |
Local Authority Election Statistics | |
Voter turnout at local authority elections |
2013: 41% 2010: 49% 2007: 44% 2004: 46% |
Local Authority Election Statistics | |
New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing and using knowledge for social, cultural and economic well-being | Increasing New Zealand’s readiness to use and leverage ICT to increase wellbeing. Network Readiness Index ranking: | ||
Increasing New Zealand’s ability to create and use knowledge through improving literacy skills: |
2014: 20 2013: 20 2012: 14 2011: 18 2010: 19 2009: 22 |
Global Information Technology Report (World Economic Forum and European Institute of Administration) | |
NZ Index Ranking Reading Literacy Performance/OECD Average |
2012: 512/496 2009: 521/493 |
OECD PISA 2012 Results | |
The people of New Zealand have a strong and valued national identity, culture and heritage | Maintaining a high proportion of people who say they belong to New Zealand | 2012: 94.4% 2010: 94.5% 2008: 93.9% |
General Social Survey (Statistics New Zealand)[17] |
Maintaining a high proportion of people who say it is easy/very easy to express their own culture: | |||
Easy or very easy |
2012: 84.5% 2010: 83.7% 2008: 82.3% |
General Social Survey (Statistics New Zealand)[18] | |
Sometimes easy, sometimes difficult |
2012: 12.5% 2010: 13.4% 2008: 13.9% |
Maintaining the number of countries allowing visa-free access to New Zealand passport holders | 2013/14: 50+ 2012/13: 50+ 2011/12: 50+ 2010/11: 50+ 2009/10: 50+ |
Henley Visa Restrictions Index Global Ranking |
While our work makes an important contribution to outcomes, the above indicators are influenced by factors beyond the impact of the Department’s activities and services. Due to the high-level and long-term nature of outcome indicators, some data sources are not conducted on an annual basis. We have reported on the most up-to-date data available.
Lead objective: Support the system of government to operate efficiently and effectively
We supported central and local government to deliver more efficient and effective services to New Zealanders by making it easier for people to interact with government online. This work also contributed to our objective of enhancing trust and confidence in the performance of New Zealand’s public sector. Trusted Information and Transforming Service Delivery are two of our Focus Areas.
We contributed to ministerial priorities in the following portfolios:
- Internal Affairs
- Local Government
- Ministerial Services
- Ethnic Affairs
- Racing
- Civil Defence
- Community and Voluntary Sector
GCIO: Provided all-of-government ICT leadership
As the Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO), the Department’s Chief Executive has been charged with leading all-of-government ICT to provide system-wide assurance, enable integrated digital service delivery, optimise ICT investment and management and deliver sustainable business savings. This cross-government leadership role drives for efficient and effective use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to achieve the public sector transformation goals and is a critical enabler for government’s Better Public Services results to New Zealanders, particularly Results 9 and 10.
In June 2013, the GCIO launched the Government ICT Strategy and Action Plan to 2017 in response to these expectations, setting the direction and actions through change leadership, shared infrastructures and technologies, digital self-service channels, and by unlocking the full economic potential of government’s information holdings.
The GCIO works collaboratively with agencies and strategic partners, seeking and giving advice, and providing leadership to make government ICT function in a more integrated way. The system-wide strategy, development and uptake of common capabilities, enabling greater standardisation and optimisation of ICT investments across government are key components of the ICT enabled system transformation.
It is anticipated that through implementation of the action plan, benefits of at least $100 million per annum across total government expenditure will be generated by 2017.
The GCIO’s all-of-government ICT Assurance function provides government and the public with assurance and confidence that ICT-enabled programmes and projects within the State Sector are being effectively managed to deliver expected outcomes and benefits, and that ICT risks are identified and managed effectively.
Privacy, security and effective risk management continue to be a focus for the Department. Recognising the importance of maintaining public trust and confidence, the Government Chief Privacy Officer (GCPO) role has been established, in the Department. Data and information collected by government from citizens must be protected from wrongful use, misappropriation or privacy breach. We are undertaking a two year Information Privacy and Security work programme to improve agency privacy and security practices. In 2014 the GCIO established the Security and Related Services Panel to provide government agencies with services and advice on a range of security and privacy practices.
Achievements and progress
Commercial and procurement: The Department is leading the direction on how government purchases, accesses, and uses ICT, with a shift away from owning and operating commodity assets, in favour of a service based model.
We secured contracts for all-of-government ICT common capabilities that support agencies to implement standardised and cost effective solutions by leveraging government’s economies of scale. Common capabilities are ICT products and services that are shared across government. Common capabilities are available from vendors who have been selected by the Department [and agencies] to form a supply panel. The uptake of common capabilities delivers towards the goals of the ICT Strategy and Action Plan and enables the agencies and the system to better manage ICT investments.
Strengthening the New Zealand Government Cloud capability: The Department successfully completed this key initiative. Cloud computing offers significant benefits by allowing agencies to pay per use for ICT services, delivered through networks, rather than to maintain their own ICT infrastructure.
The Cloud Computing: Information Security and Privacy Considerations guidance outlines the security and privacy issues particular to cloud computing, and the risks and issues that agencies must consider.
Three Cloud common capabilities were launched during the year.
- Office Productivity as a Service (OPaaS) will initially supply email and calendar services to government agencies, including archiving and data loss prevention.
- Desktop as a Service (DaaS) will help make workplaces more flexible by enabling people to access their own desktop from different locations, rather than being tied to their own computer.
- Enterprise Content Management as a Service (ECMS) will help agencies improve the way they create, store and distribute a wide range of work-related documents.
We have commenced engagement with the market on Telecommunications as a Service (TaaS), which aims to supply integrated services that will transform the way telecommunications services are delivered, managed and used by government agencies. TaaS will further strengthen the technology foundations needed to deliver better public services.
Spotlight on GCIO achievements
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): A key foundation of government's cloud capability, IaaS enables agencies to buy computing infrastructure on demand from host vendors, reducing the need to purchase and maintain separate infrastructure. The benefits of IaaS increase with increasing participation, and the number of participating agencies rose from 42 to 53. Benefits over the life of the contract are currently $18.8 million against a project cost of $3 million.
IaaS won the ‘Digital Government’ category at the 2014 Institute of Public Administration New Zealand (IPANZ) awards. The award criteria included demonstrating visionary leadership and a commitment to openness, and demonstrating an innovative approach. In judging IaaS the winner, IPANZ recognised the real results IaaS has delivered and the Department’s focus on implementing durable solutions.
Extension of the GCIO mandates: The ICT functional leadership mandate has been extended to include 27 selected Crown entities and District Health Boards, meaning 60 agencies and departments are now covered.
Establishment of the ICT Assurance function: The Department is working collaboratively with the Corporate Centre to provide confidence on ICT enabled business transformations and projects. We designed and published the Assurance Frameworks for ICT Projects and Programmes and ICT Operations, providing clarity on what agencies are expected to do to assure their investment in ICT enabled programmes, projects, and systems.
Establishment of the Government Chief Privacy Officer (GCPO): This role will focus on improving privacy capability and delivery across government through guidance and advice. The GCPO will develop a capability build programme to demonstrate how privacy performance is improving.
Citizen-centric redevelopment of We redeveloped this website through agency and public feedback, including extensive user testing to provide a significantly improved entry point for people wanting to know about government information and services. This approach signals the beginning of a new citizen-centric way to engage with agency services online – based on services, not agencies.
Result 10
The Department is the lead agency for Better Public Services Result 10: New Zealanders can complete their transactions with government easily in a digital environment. Under Result 10 (R10), we are working to realise the R10 target that by 2017 an average of 70 percent of New Zealanders’ most common transactions with government will be completed in a digital environment. The GCIO will accelerate the development and implementation of the common capabilities to deliver the Government’s future strategy by leveraging scale, reducing duplication, reducing fragmentation and driving greater standardisation across the public sector.
The eight agencies participating in R10 have seen digital uptake of the bundle of services selected for reporting rise from a baseline average of 30.4% to 39.3% for the June quarter. The Department is also a participating agency in Result 10, and the uptake of online passport renewals is one of the services contributing to the target.
The Digital Service Council (DSC) is an R10 leadership group representing eight key transactional service agencies which works closely and collectively to develop the overall ecosystem for digital service delivery. The DSC advises on the future of government transactional digital services, with a particular focus on cross agency work to achieve the R10 target. Individual managers within participating agencies are to lead customer-centred service delivery change in the digital environment and drive digital uptake of those services that comprise the R10 target measure.
A significant achievement in 2013/14 has been the production of the R10 Blueprint, which Cabinet endorsed in early June 2014 as the government policy for digital service delivery to New Zealanders for State service agencies. Cabinet noted that agencies now need to incorporate how they will align their activities with the Blueprint into their agency and Sector Four-Year Plans. The core of the Blueprint is putting the customer at the centre of the design and delivery of digital services to enable a paradigm shift in government’s approach to service delivery, towards a holistic, customer-centred approach driven at the whole-of-government level. This approach is also reflected in the GCIO’s ICT Strategy and Action Plan, providing the strategic context for R10. The Blueprint will help agencies align their digital initiatives, and take a joined-up, customer-centred approach. The Blueprint has been approved by chief executives of the eight R10 agencies, and work has commenced on aligning the work programmes of participating agencies to the Blueprint.
Result 10 Progress

Source: Department of Internal Affairs Result 10 data
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Aligned cross-government digital services
Our website is a first step in providing a single access point to authoritative information about government services no matter which agency provides it. The website will provide ‘thin content’, summarising information relevant to users, with links to detailed content and transactional services on external agency websites. It simplifies the complexity of transacting with multiple agencies by offering clear, concise information organised around user needs, not the structure of government. In July 2014 replaced the website.
An expanded suite of online guidance has been developed for the use of agency web practitioners and responsible business owners. The new guidance includes security and privacy management online, information and data management online, and guidelines on the strategic management of online channels. It is designed to provide practical measures to improve the application of a range of government standards, policy, legislation and strategies to the government web domain and to raise capability and awareness of agency practitioners.
Improved effectiveness and efficiency of local government
We continued to provide advice and support to local authorities and the Minister of Local Government to ensure communities are well served by local government. The completion of the Better Local Government programme continued to be a high priority for the Department over the past year. This programme contributed to the Government’s strategic priorities by improving the performance of the local government system, thereby enhancing local authorities’ contributions to economic growth and improving delivery of public services. The development of the Local Government (Financial Reporting and Prudence) Regulations 2014 was completed in conjunction with Local Government New Zealand and the Society of Local Government Managers.
The Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill (No 3) was progressed. The reforms in the Bill encourage and enable local authorities to improve efficiency and effectiveness including in infrastructure delivery and asset management. Changes in the Bill to development contributions will make them fairer and more transparent. Closer working relationships to facilitate a better understanding between central and local government are essential to lifting performance and improving services to communities. The Central Government Local Government Chief Executives’ Forum we established to increase the opportunities for cross-sector engagement has continued. This forum, along with other connections with the local government sector, has helped us to identify areas of common interest, increase our understanding of performance matters and generally support a culture of continuous performance improvements.
The Department established an Assistance and Intervention function to monitor local government performance and inform assistance or intervention requirements for individual councils. This involves managing relationships throughout the local government sector, implementing a performance monitoring framework, analysing information on council and sector performance, and liaising with central agencies regarding their local government interactions. The Department has visited local authorities throughout the country to develop relationships and to better understand the local context, which differs significantly across New Zealand.
During 2013/14 the Minister of Local Government’s intervention powers, under the Local Government Act, were used for the first time to place a Crown manager in Christchurch City Council to address issues with building consent processing. We continue to support the Minister in monitoring the Commissioners appointed to the Kaipara District Council to manage significant governance and financial management issues, and the Commissioners appointed to Environment Canterbury (ECan). A review of ECan’s governance is in progress.
As noted earlier in this report, a complete revision of the Civil Defence Capability Assessment Tool took place. A pilot assessment has been completed using the new Capability Assessment Tool with the Waikato CDEM Group. All CDEM Groups have been advised of their target score for the 2014/15 monitoring and evaluation programme and the dates of their assessment. A programme has been developed to ensure all CDEM Groups can be assessed within the year.
Provided efficient services to Ministers and the Executive
The Department continued to provide many of the functions necessary to support the efficient operation of Executive Government. This included providing knowledgeable and high-performing staff to service ministerial offices, organising official visits and ceremonies, efficiently delivering on a range of administrative services, and providing a safe and reliable chauffeur transport service.
We worked closely with the Parliamentary Service and other relevant agencies to ensure systems, such as IT, are aligned to provide services as efficiently and transparently as possible to support Ministers’ ability to function effectively. We have also worked with the Parliamentary Service in preparation for implementing any changes arising from the 2014 General Election. Before MCDEM’s transfer to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) we maintained the National Crisis Management Centre in a state of readiness to be activated to assist the Government to manage the response to civil defence emergencies.
In 2013/14 we hosted 39 visits of guests of government. This included the royal visit to New Zealand by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, visits by the Prime Ministers of Croatia and the Solomon Islands and the 21st Conference of Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers.
Indicators | Progress | Data sources |
Increasing the percentage of New Zealanders’ most common transactions with government completed in a digital environment | June 2014: 39.3% June 2013: 37.3% December 2012: 38.6% June 2012: 29.9% |
Internal Affairs Result 10 data |
Increasing uptake of common capabilities (RealMe, iGovt Services) | See impact measures for Enabled people to access and use information important to their lives | |
Increasing satisfaction with government online services: | ||
People’s satisfaction with the Internet as the most recent contact channel with government |
2012: 81% 2009: 81% 2007: 73% |
Kiwis Count Survey – New Zealanders’ satisfaction with public services (State Services Commission) |
People’s satisfaction with carrying out transactions with government online |
2012: 68% 2009: 64% 2007: Not measured |
People’s satisfaction with completing transactions with government in a digital environment |
2013/14: Not measured[19] | |
Improving the value of all-of-government investment in information and communications technology | ||
Progress towards the goal of reducing government expenditure by $100 million per annum within 5 years |
2013/14: Baseline Year[20] | Internal Affairs Government Technology services data |
Improving the accessibility of online government services: | ||
People who have used the Internet to get information on government or council services |
2013: 59% 2011: 57% 2009: 60% 2007: 45% |
World Internet Project New Zealand Survey 2013[21] |
People who have used the Internet to use government or council services that are delivered online |
2013: 59% 2011: 48% 2009: Not measured |
Optimising support for Executive Government: | ||
Satisfaction rating for the Department’s services from the Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services |
2013/14: Good 2012/13: Very good 2011/12: Good/Very good 2010/11: Very good 2009/10: Very good 2008/09: Very Good 2007/08: Good |
Internal Affairs Ministerial Survey |
Enhancing the value of information available to support government decision making: | ||
Quality of policy advice Public Sector Ranking[22] |
2013: 7.5 (respectable) 2012: 7.6 (respectable) 2011: 7.1 (adequate) |
NZIER Survey; Quality of Policy Advice Report for DIA[23] |
Lead objective: Enhance the productivity and accountability of public sector organisations
We supported central and local government agencies to improve their productivity and accountability. This work contributed to our objectives for enhancing trust and confidence in the performance of New Zealand’s public sector.
We contributed to ministerial priorities in the following portfolios:
- Internal Affairs
- Local Government
- Ethnic Affairs
- Racing
Enhanced recordkeeping capability in the public sector
Archives New Zealand is the official guardian of New Zealand’s public archives. We gather, store and protect an extremely wide range of material including the originals of the Treaty of Waitangi, government documents, maps, paintings, photographs and film.
The Public Records Act 2005 sets the framework for contemporary recordkeeping across government and Archives New Zealand works with government agencies to administer the Act. Our stakeholders include family historians, academics, legal researchers, professional historians and genealogists use the materials held at Archives New Zealand. They document rights and entitlements and provide evidence of government activity including the relationship between Māori and the Crown.
We issued a new Records Management Standard for the New Zealand Public Sector that provides a major revision and updating of the recordkeeping standards that public offices must adhere to. It sets out minimum requirements for public offices and local authorities to ensure their records are authentic, reliable, have integrity and are usable. The standard took effect from 1 July 2014.
Supported better government services
We are supporting the implementation of a review of the New Zealand Fire Service Commission. This support includes addressing the fact that fire services legislation does not reflect the wide range of non-fire functions now performed (for example, extraction of people from motor vehicles, urban search and rescue). A review of the fire services’ funding model will proceed over 2014 and the results of this review will feed into a new Fire Reform Bill, expected to progress through Parliament in 2015.
As a result of the July 2013 Seddon earthquakes, the Office of Film and Literature Classification’s premises became unfit for occupation and it relocated to temporary accommodation. The Office moved into new permanent premises in March 2014, with the Department providing assistance as required during the Office’s period in temporary accommodation. The Office has reduced the total space leased by 50 per cent, and reports it has secured competitive terms on its new lease. This will make a significant contribution to the Office’s efforts, supported by the Department, to return to surplus.
We started a review of classification fees, along with the agreement of the Ministry of Justice, which oversees the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993. Classification fees have not changed since 1997 and may not adequately reflect the true cost of classifying various categories of publications or the nature of items requiring classification. The review is expected to be completed early in 2014/15.
The Confidential Listening and Assistance Service (CLAS) is available for people who have concerns about abuse, neglect or the way they were treated in State care before 1992. The CLAS has been extended until 30 June 2015 and we are working with the Ministry of Social Development to plan how clients who come forward once the Service ends can be assisted.
Our support to the Minister for Racing has seen us facilitate an inquiry into the injuries and outcomes for greyhounds in the New Zealand racing industry. The Government Administration Committee considered a petition requesting the inquiry and made several recommendations, many of which had already been actioned by the New Zealand Greyhound Racing Association. The greyhound industry’s ongoing progress will be monitored by the New Zealand Racing Board to ensure the improvements continue.
We continued to undertake the secretariat role for the Racing Safety Development Fund (RSDF) to support projects that enhance safety in the racing industry and raise the quality of facilities at racecourses. The RSDF contributed to the safety of the racing industry by upgrading facilities for jockeys, harness riders, racing animals, and racing patrons. The current funding round saw 34 applications receiving funding assistance of $839,000.
Our support helped ensure the 2013 local body elections ran smoothly. The Single Transferable Vote Calculator was tested and recertified for use in the 2013 elections, and there were no issues with the operation of the calculator in the election period.
Initial steps toward modernising the National Library’s Integrated Library System and its Te Puna Services have commenced. The Integrated Library Management System is used to manage the published collections of the National Library and Te Puna Services support libraries nationwide to build their local catalogues and the National Union Catalogue, supporting cataloguing at a local level and the sharing of collection resources between libraries. Nineteen territorial authorities are now using the Kōtui shared library management system. Kōtui continues to grow and meet the needs of public libraries across New Zealand, providing a system that enables libraries to deliver library services to their communities.
There is a growing demand for our Language Line services in the private sector, where no equivalent service is available. During the year 54,822 individual transactions with government and private sector organisations were facilitated by Language Line. Language Line provides immediate access to interpreters in 44 languages and is used by over 90 public sector agencies and a growing number of private sector organisations.
Language Line Growth

Source: Department of Internal Affairs data
Larger version of image Long description
Indicators | Progress | Data sources |
Average score for the capability of Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups to achieve the goals of the National CDEM Strategy |
2013/14: Awaiting revision of Capability Assessment Tool[25] 2012/13: Results not yet available 2011/12: 60 |
CDEM Capability Assessment Tool |
Improving the responsiveness of public agencies to the needs of diverse communities: | ||
People who understand how their Council makes decisions |
2012: 55% 2010: 40% 2008: 38% |
Quality of Life Survey[26] |
People who feel they have an influence on Council decisions |
2012: 72% 2010: 62% 2008: 60% |
The number of interpreting calls provided by Language Line per annum |
2013/14: 54,822 2012/13: 49,038 2011/12: 38,837 2010/11: 32,308 |
Internal Affairs Ethnic Affairs data |
Improving capability of public sector agencies to maintain the integrity of public records they hold: | ||
Number of public offices audited under the Public Records Act Audit Programme |
2014: 40 2013: 48 2012: 43 2011: 38 |
Internal Affairs Archives NZ data |
Increasing the capability of public libraries to deliver digital and physical services to their communities: | ||
Uptake of partner libraries for the Kōtui shared library management system |
2014: 19 2013: 17 2012: 8 |
Internal Affairs National Library data |
Lead objective: Support specialist capability-building in other nations
We contributed to enhancing trust in New Zealand government by using our expertise and resources as a good international citizen, particularly in civil defence emergency management and information management.
We contributed to ministerial priorities in the following portfolios:
- Internal Affairs
- Civil Defence
Supported disaster management in other nations
MCDEM works with the International Development Group within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) to support MFAT enhance disaster risk management in the Cook Islands, Tokelau, Samoa, Tonga and Niue. MCDEM’s participation in the partnership contributes to the Department’s objective of supporting specialist capability-building in other nations. Significant achievements during the reporting period include:
- All nations except Tokelau took part in the Pacific tsunami exercise PacWave to enhance preparedness.
- With MCDEM’s assistance tsunami evacuation plans were developed in all five nations and community based tsunami warning sirens were installed in parts of the Cook Islands, Tonga, and in Tokelau, while similar projects are underway in Samoa and Niue.
- Two MCDEM staff members deployed in January to Tonga to assist the Tongan National Disaster Management Office during the response to the impact of Cyclone Ian.
Contributed to digital preservation and record-keeping in other nations
The Department participated in several international forums on preserving cultural heritage and managing identity information, and we continue to contribute to the Pacific Branch of the International Council on Archives.
We have an Arrangement on Cooperation with the National Library of China which provides a high-level framework for joint operational activities of the two national libraries which could be beneficial to the citizens of New Zealand and China. Within that framework we have also formally agreed to two collaborative initiatives on digital access to collection resources and the holding of joint exhibitions. The National Library also has an Arrangement on Cooperation with the National Library Board of Singapore, and we are contributing open-source software and the expertise of our Digital New Zealand team to the significant Asia Pacifica project led by Singapore.
The National Library has continued to work with Australian and European partners to develop a proposal for a Technical Registry for digital heritage resources. The National Library is also working with the library sector internationally to develop policy proposals to the World Intellectual Property Organisation in the context of member states’ discussions on various international instruments to modernise access to information through libraries and archives and particularly for the benefit of persons with disabilities.
Contributed internationally
The Department’s Censorship Investigators participated in a number of international training opportunities, including being trainers at the Europol training course for forensic investigators and chairing the Interpol forum on internet facilitated crimes against children. Other team members presented and participated in a number of international forums including the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children/Law Enforcement/Industry round table, the Canadian peer-to-peer investigation course, the Youth, Technologies and Virtual Communities Conference, the Australasian Online Practitioners Training and the FBI Violent Crimes Against Children International Task Force.
We engage internationally in the fields of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism with partners such as the United States, Canada, and Australia to ensure good working relationships and sharing of best practice. We have also participated in the Pacific Assistance Programme for the Asia Pacific Group by providing support and advice on threat assessment, sector vulnerabilities and meeting obligations to Samoa for the development of the Anti-Money Laundering National Risk Assessment. The mission was funded through the Pacific Island Security Fund and was led by the Financial Intelligence Unit of the New Zealand Police.
The Department’s leadership role in the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) travel document related working groups ensures New Zealand plays an active role in the development of standards, specifications and guidelines that affect passports and border environments – including our own. We are also a member of the Five Nations Passports group, along with Canada, Australia, UK and the USA. Our involvement ensures a collaborative approach to building capability and standardisation with our international peers. We are also a member of the United Nations Working Group for Civil Registrations and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific, which has focussed on developing a regional action framework which will cover the 53 member states of the region. We also work with the Secretariat for the Pacific and with the Cook Islands to improve the exchange of Birth, Death, and Marriage data with the islands.
Indicators | Progress | Data sources |
Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management contribution to managing international obligations through specialist advice to the lead agency Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade[28] New Zealand to make available fully trained and prepared UNDAC and APHP members to disaster affected countries[29]: |
MCDEM to maintain arrangements for 9 active UNDAC members and 2 active APHP members. |
UNDAC 2013/14: 8 members APHP 2013/14: 1 member |
50% of UNDAC and APHP members are to participate in a UN regional exercise or training activity in 2013/2014 |
Participation 2013/14: 88% (7 members) | |
Support strengthened disaster risk management capability in five Pacific Island Countries covered by the MFAT/MCDEM MoU through the development of National Action Plans and their effective implementation. | ||
100% of the five Pacific Island Countries under the MoU have current National Action Plans for Disaster Risk Management. |
National Action Plans 2013/14: 100% | |
Increasing leadership and implementation through strategic collaboration and partnerships: | ||
International usage of National Library collaborative tools, technologies and expertise |
2013/14: (Baseline year) | Internal Affairs National Library Data |
Web Curator Tool. Available from This tools supports the global web archiving community | 2013/14: 1,536 downloads | |
NLNZ Metadata Extract Tool. This tool supports the global digital preservation community. | 2013/14: 27,530 downloads | |
International cooperative arrangements in place with the National Library |
2014: 2[30] 2013: 2 (+ National Library of China) Arrangement on co-operation in place with the National Library of China 2012: 1 (Singapore National Library Board) |
Organisational Health and Capability
Ensuring the Department is fit for purpose is one of our Focus Areas – continuing to build leadership, culture and engagement and laying the groundwork for delivery of our business priorities. We also continued to consolidate our structure and operating models, sharpening our focus and building our capacity to deliver high quality services.
Structural changes
This year we continued to improve our structure. We completed several reviews of particular functions, and revised our structure to ensure it supports our increased ICT leadership responsibilities and the achievement of Result 10. The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management moved out of the Department of Internal Affairs and into the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to enable a more tightly-coordinated approach to planning for and managing disaster risk across government.
Improved people capability and organisational culture
The Department’s first Workforce Strategy was approved in 2012 and we have made good progress on the priority actions identified in it. We refreshed the Strategy to reflect this in 2014. This refresh supports the Department’s new and growing role across the public service as well as the results we need to achieve for all of our functions in delivering better services to New Zealanders. The Department is integrating workforce planning into wider Departmental planning, with a focus on building capability to support the Department to deliver on our Workforce Strategy through developing leaders and building culture, capability and capacity.
This reporting period saw another significant lift in employee engagement and we are now on a par with the State sector benchmark. We have improved particularly in areas involving people, communication, fair treatment and recognition and reward. We want to make the Department a great place to work and are continuing our early work on Creating Our Future by running workshops around Building Our Story in 2014. These workshops will continue to build our sense of belonging, common purpose and connection to the strategic direction of the Department.
We introduced several new courses aligned with building core skills for our people such as Influencing and Stakeholder Management. eLearning has been increasingly used to provide training for tools and processes, including the introduction of new finance systems and our performance planning process. For our senior leaders we have implemented talent development for tier three roles and have a new Advanced Strategy Leadership programme ready for the first cohort to commence in September 2014. To continue the development of our people leaders over the last year we have delivered a further two cohorts of our ten-month core management skills course, Excellerate.
Performance Improvement Framework follow-up review
Following our own 2012 review under the Performance Improvement Framework, a formal review by external PIF lead reviewers confirmed that we had correctly identified our main challenges. These were mostly in the areas of core infrastructure issues that impact on the daily working environment of staff but also around our all-of-government ICT leadership and Better Public Services Result 10. The reviewers were also interested in our culture due to our low (2012) engagement scores. We addressed these issues (and continue to make changes) through the ICT Foundations programme, our Creating our Futures workshops and the Corporate Infrastructure Programme. We continue to work closely with central agencies to create a new way of working that is consistent with our roles and responsibilities as a functional leader.
The 2013 PIF follow-up review noted the Department feels different to 2012. The reviewers detected a sense of optimism in the Department, we are more integrated, our purpose is stronger and we have unifying principles to operate by. The people they talked to were much more positive about how far we had progressed. The review also noted we had made good progress in the all-of-government functional leadership of ICT, and other chief executives were very committed to supporting our work in this area. They also found very high levels of support for Result 10 from the eight agencies involved.
The follow-up review found that we are moving in the right direction towards our excellence horizon, and that we are clear about where we’re going. Considering our achievements and the environment we operate in, the reviewers said “it is hard to think that more could have been achieved”.
Improved system and infrastructure capability
The Department is committed to improving asset management practices and is expecting to increase its asset management maturity rating from “core” to “intermediate” as measured by the Treasury Capital Asset Management capability assessment within three years. Our capital budgeting for 2013/14 has been improved by including more focus on planning for asset renewals and developing an asset management focus on high risk service assets. An Asset Management Plan is under development for the whole Department and is a focus for the four year plan.
The Department has made progress against its Property Strategy with co-locations with other Government agencies achieved in Auckland, New Plymouth, Invercargill, Dunedin and Lower Hutt. More are in the pipeline for 2014/15 and 2015/16. We have reduced our accommodation footprint by making better use of existing spaces and accommodating new functions within our current footprint.
The Department is one of the agencies participating in the all-of-government Property Management Centre of Expertise led by the Ministry of Social Development. The Department is currently part of the Wellington Accommodation Project which is looking at the Department’s future locations when leases expire in 2017.
Within the Corporate Foundations Programme, a programme of work is underway to deliver a modern, secure and fit for purpose ICT environment. The programme has made significant progress in adopting ICT common capabilities, supporting the Department’s all-of government role in promoting and managing them.
The Department is refreshing its enterprise wide ICT strategy and roadmap in line with the broader ICT strategy of government to guide future ICT initiatives and investment. Within this ICT strategy, focus continues on transforming core ICT services to enable a more productive department, while also ensuring ICT is flexible, reliable and more secure. A number of significant investments continued to be made to enhance public facing and regulatory services across critical service delivery platforms, including passports, RealMe, grants management, anti-money laundering operations, and gambling compliance.
The Department’s Enterprise Portfolio Management Office (EPMO) is being enhanced to ensure it has the capability and capacity to support the complex Departmental Portfolio.
An enhanced EPMO will support an organisational capability build in governance and delivery and ensure a consistent approach to the management of programmes and projects. It will continue to develop and embed the Portfolio Management framework, ensuring investment decisions are focused on a prioritised portfolio. The EPMO will also provide a greater level of independent oversight, to ensure issues are identified and escalated appropriately.
Spotlight on ICT achievements
Modernising our own ICT foundational infrastructure with the use of all-of-government common capabilities included: rollout of a modernised desktop using Desktop as a Service, refreshing computer infrastructure through Infrastructure as a Service, strengthening the network through adopting one-govt products, and rollout of Wi-Fi at a number of sites.
ICT managed services has been stable with strong service level agreement performance despite a high rate of change over the environment and the lifecycle position of a number of assets.
The rate and complexity of change driven through ICT enabled projects have been significant with the largest ICT project portfolio ever undertaken in the Department and a number of significant business projects achieving major milestones.
Maintained sound financial management
The Financial Application and Service Transformation (FAST) project includes implementing a new shared financial services model with Inland Revenue (IR) and introducing a new purchasing approach for the Department. Under the shared service arrangement, IR will provide a fully integrated financial management information system (known as SAP) as well as transaction processing and system support services to the Department.
The key benefits of the FAST project include replacing ageing technology that is not of current industry standard, standardising and improving processes, and making better use of existing investments within the public service through sharing investment with IR. New purchase-to-pay systems have been implemented, making it easier to purchase best-value goods and services.
Our workforce profile
At 30 June 2014 we had 2,011.6 full-time equivalent permanent and fixed term staff.
- The average age of our employees is 40 years, with 29.7 per cent under 35 years and 17.6 per cent over 55 years.
- We have a gender split of 60 per cent female and 40 per cent male.
- 8.9 per cent identify as Māori, compared with a public sector average of 16.5 per cent.
- 6.8 per cent identify as Pacific, compared with a public sector average of 7.7 per cent.
- The Department’s overall voluntary turnover is 13.2 per cent.
Indicators | Progress | Data sources |
We attract high-quality people in the most cost-effective way possible and create a positive experience for applicants and managers | ||
End-to-end recruitment process complete within 60 days |
2013/14: 63% 2012/13: 48% 2011/12: 53% |
Internal Affairs HR data |
We have a healthy turnover rate and do not experience low or sudden drops in our retention rate | ||
Reduce current core unplanned turnover rate against the public sector core unplanned turnover average |
2013/14: 13.2% (public sector 10.5%) 2012/13: 14.9% (public sector 11.4%) 2011/12: 14% (public sector 11%) |
Internal Affairs HR data |
Staff have a comparatively high level of engagement and this supports the Department in being a high-performing organisation | ||
Increased engagement levels for staff in annual engagement survey |
2014: 20.2% 2013: 14.2% 2012: 9.3% |
DIA annual engagement survey |
Percentage of DIA engaged level to exceed State sector benchmark by 2017 |
2014: 19% 2013: 14.2% (Benchmark 21%) |
SSC reported data on overall State sector engagement |
The Department effectively manages its footprint and generates savings | ||
Total office accommodation per person will reduce from the current 20.77 square metres per person [BASS] to a range of 14-16 square metres per person by 2017/18 |
2013: 19 m2 2012: 20.77 m2 |
Square metres per FTE [BASS][31] |
The public and government have confidence in our financial information | ||
Unqualified independent audit opinion shows the Department’s financial information is fairly presented |
2013/14: Unqualified 2012/13: Unqualified 2011/12: Unqualified |
Annual independent audit |
The Department has a reputation for being timely in its payments | ||
Invoice to payment cycle is equal or better than the public service average as published in Dun and Bradstreet |
2012/13: 41 days 2011/12: 35 days [Public Service average 44.2 days] |
Dun and Bradstreet data |
The Department’s corporate infrastructure is robust and fit for purpose. | ||
Shared Financial Services with Inland Revenue operational from October 2013 |
Not achieved[32] | Internal Affairs data |
Optimise HR – As lead agency complete next phase by November 2013[33] |
Achieved | |
Network and ICT Transformation [ICT Foundations Programme] to be delivered progressively by contributing to projects with programme 95% complete by June 2014, 100% by August 2014 |
Not achieved (92% at 30 June 2013) |
Objectives indicators
We used the indicators below to track progress towards our objectives.
Objective | Indicators | Trend | Data sources |
To enhance trust in government and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations | Increasing the number of people who have a high level of trust and confidence in the performance of public sector organisations: | ||
Overall quality score for public services |
Mar 2014: 72 2013: 73 2012: 72 2009: 69 2007: 68 |
Kiwis Count Survey – New Zealanders’ satisfaction with public services (State Services Commission)[34] | |
New Zealanders’ positive rating of overall trust in public services |
Mar 2014: 44% 2013: 41% 2012: 42% 2009: 33% 2007: 29% |
New Zealanders’ positive rating of trust in their most recent service interaction |
Mar 2014: 77% 2013: 77% 2012: 75% 2009: 70% 2007: 67% |
New Zealanders who agree that public services are a good example of tax dollars spent |
Mar 2014: 73% 2013: 72% 2012: 64% 2009: 64% 2007: 55% |
Service quality score for Passports (annual score) |
Mar 2014:79 2013: 79 2012: 79 2009: 77 2007: 76 |
Service quality score for registering a birth, death, marriage or civil union (annual score) |
Mar 2014:76 2013: 80 2012: 76 2009: 75 2007: 72 |
Maintaining New Zealand’s ranking in the Corruption Perceptions Index | 2013: 1st Equal 2012: 1st 2011: 1st 2010: 1st 2009: 1st |
Transparency International |
While our work makes an important contribution to achieving objectives, the above indicators are influenced by environmental factors beyond the impact of the Department’s activities and services. Due to the high-level and long-term nature of objective indicators, some data sources are not conducted on an annual basis. We have reported on the most up-to-date data available.
[2] Outcomes relate to areas in which we provide immediate services to the wider public and consequently affect their quality of life. Objectives describe how we seek to support public sector and other organisations to deliver better, smarter services to, and with, the people of New Zealand.
[3] The indicator measure for DCEFS is in the ‘Participants in regulated activities behave responsibly and with integrity’ impact section.
[4] MCDEM transferred to DPMC on 1 April 2014.
[5] The 2013 report is the latest version and was published in November 2013.
[6] Mean awareness rating from a sector survey conducted in April 2014.
[7] The General Social Survey is conducted every 2 years. The 2014 results are scheduled for release in August 2015.
[8] Apostille certificates are available for use in countries that have signed the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents.
[9] No items were digitised in 2013/14.
[10] Total indicative fraud covers the combination of: False (by year detected); Forged + impostor; and Counterfeit cases.
[11] 2013/14 report was not available at the time of publication.
[12] This figure was previously incorrectly reported as 97%.
[13] This survey has been replaced by the Customer Experience Survey, which asks customers to rate their trust and confidence in the Department. For 2013/14, 91% of respondents had high trust and confidence in the Department.
[14] The Quality of Life Survey is conducted every 2 years. The 2014 results are scheduled for release in August 2015.
[15] The General Social Survey is conducted every 2 years. The 2014 results are scheduled for release in August 2015.
[16] The Quality of Life Survey is conducted every 2 years. The 2014 results are scheduled for release in August 2015.
[17] The General Social Survey is conducted every 2 years. The 2014 results are scheduled for release in August 2015.
[18] Ibid.
[19] This data was not collected for 2013/14 and the indicator is not included in the Department’s Statement of Operating Intent 2014–18.
[20] Work is underway on a sustainable funding model for ICT common capabilities, which are the enablers for creating the system-wide platform to commence transformational activities that will release benefits.
[21] The 2013 Report is the latest version and was published in November 2013.
[22] The NZIER performance scale: mean range: 8+ = High: 7.5–8 = Respectable: 7–7.5 = Adequate: below 7 = low.
[23] The 2014 report was not available at the time of publication.
[24] MCDEM transferred to DPMC on 1 April 2014.
[25] Pilot successfully run in 2013/14, with rollout to CDEM groups in 2014/15. See commentary on page 15 for detail. Reporting on this is now the responsibility of DPMC.
[26] The Quality of Life Survey is conducted every 2 years. The 2014 results are scheduled for release in August 2015.
[27] MCDEM transferred to DPMC on 1 April 2014.
[28] Programme is managed by a Memorandum of Understanding and is led by MFAT.
[29] The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs is reviewing United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination.
[30] Our arrangement with the National Library of China has developed during 2013/14 and we now have a ‘Statement of Intentions’ on cooperation.
[31] This metric is now calculated by the Property Management Centre of Expertise. The 2013 figure is the most up-to-date at the time of publication.
[32] Crown and Non-Departmental operational with Inland Revenue from 1 April 2014. Departmental operational from 1 July 2014.
[33] The next phase included the following: agreeing the future state service delivery model; confirming the current state baseline; assessing change readiness; undertaking a market scan; developing a detailed business case. This phase was completed. Following review of the business case the project was stopped.
[34] Kiwis Count March 2014 Quarterly update published in June 2014.