Resource material › Corporate Publications › Annual Report 2013-14 Pūrongo ā Tau
Table of Contents
Our purpose, principles and behaviours
Overview of the year
This section provides an introduction to the Department and an overview of the strategic direction and achievements over the past year
Part A: Contribution to outcomes and objectives
This section outlines how our work over the past year has contributed to the Department’s outcomes and objectives, and progress towards intended results.
Part B: Service performance
This section summarises our performance against the performance measures set out in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.
Part C: Financial Statements – Departmental
Part D: Financial Statements – Non-Departmental
Part E: Forecast Financial Statements – Departmental
Presented to the House of Representatives
Pursuant to Section 44(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989
ISSN: 1173–8979 (Print)
ISSN: 1173–9371 (Online)