the department of internal affairs Statement Of Intent 2010–13
Overview from the Chief Executive
![Brendan Boyle](images/brendan-boyle.jpg)
The Department of Internal Affairs is a strong organisation with a proud history and an exciting future.
It is the oldest government department and has been part of the fabric of New Zealand since the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. Virtually all existing government departments can trace their origins to the activities once undertaken within this department.
This gives us a strong sense of stability, but also an ability to be flexible in the face of change due to the range of functions we have managed over the past 170 years.
And there has been significant change in recent times, due to the local recession and global economic crisis, the incoming Government’s priorities, and the increased role of the Department as a provider of shared services to other government departments. The Government has been explicit about the fact that there is more change ahead as it continues to drive savings in the public sector, demand stronger performance from government agencies, and lift the quality of public services.
The reality of operating in this changing environment is that, while we expect our functions to substantially remain the same, the nature and extent of the services we provide may have to change. Put another way – if we are to deliver the same, or more, services with less, we need to do things differently. We also need to efficiently use the capability we have, build capability to achieve our Ministers’ priorities, and maximise the impact of our unique strengths.
This Statement of Intent has been developed when we are in a time of transition, and next year’s Statement of Intent will see further changes. This is evolution, not revolution, but the changes will be significant and will signal a new phase in the life of the Department. The most notable change of course will be the integration of the National Library of New Zealand and Archives New Zealand into Internal Affairs.
The Department is honouring its history of being responsive to its changing operating environment while at the same time continuing to ensure it achieves its core function – connecting the people and communities of New Zealand with their government – whether that is central, regional or local government.
The ‘evolution’ process has been reflected in this year’s Statement of Intent by way of an amended purpose statement, new strategic areas of focus and a new outcome. The Statement of Intent more fully captures the contribution we make to the success and resilience of New Zealand communities, and to the whole of government through our increased responsibilities in supporting other State sector agencies. It also sets out the approach we will take to maximise the impact of our unique strengths to add greatest value to the Government’s areas of priority.
We have a lot to do, particularly as we work with staff and stakeholders of the National Library and Archives New Zealand to determine how to get the best from the strengths of each organisation in order to deliver better public services. I have confidence in our ability to meet the challenges ahead, and I look forward to leading the Department through this continued period of change.
In signing this statement, I acknowledge that I am responsible for the information contained in the Statement of Intent for the Department of Internal Affairs. This information has been prepared in accordance with the Public Finance Act 1989. It is also consistent with the proposed appropriations set out in the Appropriations (2010/11 Estimates) Bill, as presented to the House of Representatives in accordance with section 13 of the Public Finance Act 1989, and with existing appropriations and financial authorities.
![Brendon Boyle signature](images/brendon-boyle-sig.jpg)
Brendan Boyle
Chief Executive
22 April 2010
![Shirley Smith signature](images/shirley-smith-sig.jpg)
Shirley Smith
Chief Financial Officer
22 April 2010
Overview from the Chief Executive