Annual AML/CFT Report

(Updated May 2024)

Get your RealMe account verified for this years' Annual Reporting season

Purpose of the annual AML/CFT report

All reporting entities supervised by the Department must complete an annual report of their risk assessment and Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) programme. It covers the reporting period from 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024. You should use your annual AML/CFT report to review and update the status of your risk assessment and AML/CFT programme. Your annual report also helps the Department, as your supervisor, to get to know your business better.

How will the information be used?

Annual AML/CFT reports help us understand how businesses:

  • meet their AML/CFT obligations
  • assess and lessen their risk of money laundering and terrorist financing
  • manage their financial activities.

When to submit an annual AML/CFT report

The annual AML/CFT report for the 2023/2024 period must be submitted any time between 1 July and 31 August 2024.

If you are a Reporting Entity that is registered with us, you should have received an email with further information regarding the Annual Reporting season.

How to submit an annual AML/CFT report?

You are able to complete your annual AML/CFT report online using AML Online. AML Online is a secure platform for businesses to engage with the Department online.

See AML Online for more information and how to logon.

If, for whatever reason, you are unable to complete or upload your annual AML/CFT report, please contact us at before the 31 August deadline.

What the annual AML/CFT report covers

We have created two ‘before you start’ checklists to help businesses prepare for the annual report.

The annual AML/CFT report covers five broad topics:

  • Part 1 – Business contact details and organisation structure
  • Part 2 – Designated Business Group, AML/CFT risk assessment and AML/CFT programme
  • Part 3 – Products and services, customers and channels
  • Part 4 – AML/CFT supervisor-specific questions
  • Part 5 – Compliance with exemptions

Schedule 2 of the AML/CFT (Requirements and Compliance) Regulations 2017 determines the content for the annual AML/CFT report for financial institutions and casinos.

Schedule 2A of the AML/CFT (Requirements and Compliance) Regulations 2017 determines the content for the annual AML/CFT report for designated non-financial businesses and professions.

Annual AML/CFT Report User Guides

Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions:

(For Trust and Company Service Providers, Lawyers and Conveyancers, Accountants and Real Estate Agents)

Annual AML/CFT Report for Financial Institutions and Casinos:

These user guides are also available under “Annual Reporting” on your business sector page.

Who must submit an annual AML/CFT report?

Reporting entities must submit an annual AML/CFT report to the appropriate AML/CFT supervisor.

The Department of Internal Affairs supervises a range of businesses under the AML/CFT Act.

Frequently asked questions

Can I have an extension for submitting my annual AML/CFT report?

The Department is unable to grant any extensions.

What happens if I don't submit an annual AML/CFT report?

If you do not submit an annual report, you are in breach of your statutory obligations. The Department will follow the matter up with you and may consider compliance action.  

What happens if I supply false or misleading information?

It is an offence to supply false or misleading information. Penalties may apply.

How do I create an account on AML Online?

Please visit the AML Online homepage for more information. Note that you will need your RealMe account verified in order to create an account. Get your account verified early to avoid delays!

Can I share logins to my RealMe account?

No. Your RealMe account holds your personal information and should not be shared with anyone. You can, however, add delegates to your reporting entity that can have similar controls (they will require their own RealMe verified identity). You can add these delegates through your AML Online portal. There is a video to help you add/change delegates.

Am I exempt from submitting an annual AML/CFT report?

If you have a full exemption from the AML/CFT Act, you do not need to submit an annual AML/CFT report. 

If you have a partial exemption, you may be required to submit an annual AML/CFT report. 

If you do not know whether you need to submit an annual AML/CFT report, please contact us at

Can I create my own template to submit my annual AML/CFT report?

Under section 60(2) of the AML/CFT Act 2009, reporting entities are required to complete their annual reporting in the prescribed form.

Please use AML Online to submit your annual report.

Can I use a template provided by another supervisor to complete my annual AML/CFT report?

No. Under section 60(2) of the AML/CFT Act, reporting entities are required to complete their annual reporting in the prescribed form from the Department.

Please use AML Online to submit your annual report.

Can I submit a handwritten report?

No. Under section 60(2) of the AML/CFT Act, reporting entities are required to complete their annual reporting in the prescribed form on AML Online.

Please note: If you are an overseas-based compliance officer, or are unable to get your RealMe account verified, please contact to discuss your options.

Does each member of a designated business group (DBG) need to complete a separate annual AML/CFT form?

Yes. Each member of a DBG must complete a separate annual AML/CFT form, except as noted in Part Two (Questions 4-5) for reporting entities that are eligible members of a DBG.

If you are a member of a DBG, you may allow another member to answer Part Two on your behalf. However, please note that you are responsible for the information provided. If you are eligible, use the space provided in Part Two to specify this, together with the legal name and registered number of the member answering Part Two on your behalf. Then leave this Part blank and go to Part Three. You are required to answer all other parts of the form.

Who can I contact if I need help?

If you need help, or if you are unable to complete and submit your annual report in AML Online, please email us in the first instance.
