- Annual Report 2023-24
Our year in review - SECTION 2
Making New Zealand better for New Zealanders - SECTION 3
A high-performing organisation and a great place to work - SECTION 4
Māori-Crown relations capability - SECTION 5
Carbon Neutral Government Programme - SECTION 6
Annual Report of the Ministry for Ethnic Communities - SECTION 7
Digital Executive Board Annual Report 2023/24 - SECTION 8
Financial and non-financial results - SECTION 9
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Presented to the House of Representatives pursuant to sections 39 and 40 of the Public Finance Act 1989
ISSN: 1173-8979 (Print) and ISSN: 1173-9371 (Digital)
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Our Purpose
The Department of Internal Affairs serves
and connects people, communities and
government to build a safe,
prosperous and respected
Tō Tātou Whāinga
Ko tā Te Tari Taiwhenua he whakarato
me te hono i ngā iwi, ngā hapori me
te kāwanatanga ki te hanga motu haumaru,
tōnui, whai mana hoki.
Our principles and behaviours – Mātāpono
He Tāngata
People are important to what we do and the culture we create. This principle is about people, both internal and external, being important.
Kinship and relationships. This principle is nurtured through shared experiences and working together, which provides people with a sense of belonging.
To manaaki is to show kindness, respect and hospitality towards others. This principle is about maintaining and nurturing relationships and ensuring people are looked after.
Expresses values of togetherness, solidarity, collective action, reciprocity and respect. Strength in unity.
We’re stronger together
Work as a team. Value each other.
We take pride in what we do
Make a positive difference. Strive for excellence.
We make it easy, we make it work
Customer centred. Make things even better.
Ngā kaupapa
Our year in review
Secretary for Internal Affairs’ foreword
Nature and scope of our functions
Making New Zealand better for New Zealanders
New Zealand is a well-functioning democracy across central and local government
People can easily access the services and information they need
People’s sense of belonging and collective memory builds an inclusive New Zealand
Iwi, hapū and communities across New Zealand are safe, resilient and thriving
A high-performing organisation and a great place to work
Māori-Crown Relations Capability
Carbon Neutral Government Programme
Annual Report of the Ministry for Ethnic Communities
Digital Executive Board Annual Report
Financial and non-financial results
Statement of Responsibility
Independent Auditor’s report
Financial Statements – Departmental
Financial Statements – Non-Departmental
Statements of Expenses and Capital Expenditure
Non-financial Performance Statements
Appendix A - Budget significant initiatives
Appendix B - Statistical information about the employees of Te Tari Taiwhenua
Appendix C - Asset performance
Appendix D - Approved Information Sharing Agreement reporting
Appendix E - Search and surveillance reporting
Appendix F - Glossary