- Annual Report 2023-24
Our year in review - SECTION 2
Making New Zealand better for New Zealanders - SECTION 3
A high-performing organisation and a great place to work - SECTION 4
Māori-Crown relations capability - SECTION 5
Carbon Neutral Government Programme - SECTION 6
Annual Report of the Ministry for Ethnic Communities - SECTION 7
Digital Executive Board Annual Report 2023/24 - SECTION 8
Financial and non-financial results - SECTION 9
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8. Financial and non-financial results
Ngā otinga pūtea me te pūtea kore
Statement of responsibility (PDF, 66KB)
Independent auditor’s report (PDF, 214KB)
Financial Statements – Departmental (PDF, 246KB)
- Statement of comprehensive revenue and expense
- Statement of financial position
- Statement of changes in equity
- Statement of cash flows
- Statement of commitments
- Statement of contingent assets and liabilities
- Notes to the financial statements
- Results for the year
- Operating assets and liabilities
- Capital structure and financing costs
- Financial risk management
- Other disclosures
Financial Statements – Non-Departmental (PDF, 155KB)
- Non-Departmental statements and schedules
- Schedule of non-Departmental revenue
- Schedule of non-Departmental expenditure
- Schedule of non-Departmental assets
- Schedule of non-Departmental liabilities
- Schedule of non-Departmental commitments
- Schedule of non-Departmental contingent assets and liabilities
- Statement of trust money administered on behalf of the Crown
- Trusts
- Schedule of trust money
- Basis of reporting
- Notes to the financial statements
- Operating assets and liabilities
- Other disclosures
Statements of Expenses and Capital Expenditure (PDF, 115KB)
- Statement of cost accounting policies
- Statement of budgeted and actual expenses and capital expenditure incurred againstappropriations
- Reconciliation between total appropriations for Departmental expenses and the Departmental statement of comprehensive revenue and expense
- Reconciliation between total appropriations for non-Departmental expenses and the schedule of non-Departmental expenditure
- Statement of Departmental expenses and capital expenditure incurred without, or in excess of, appropriation or other authority
Non-financial Performance Statements (PDF, 6MB)
- Statement of Service Performance and Judgements
- Departmental Appropriations
- Non-Departmental Appropriations
- Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure.