The Department of Internal Affairs

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Regulating gambling for Aotearoa New Zealand

Gambling System Update

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Gambling System Update – December 2024

News and updates

See also:
Press Releases

November 2022:

GMP trends July to September 2022

Quarterly gaming machine profits (GMP) data and trends have been published for the July to September 2022 period.

Quarterly GMP continues to increase from the previous quarter, reaching $276,301,503, the highest GMP over the past five years even though the number of venues and gambling machines decreased slightly, overtaking the June 2021 quarter by 6%.

GMP per machine continues to be highest in pool halls, ten pin bowling alleys with restaurants overtaking TABs to round out the top three. These venues are all higher than pubs and hotels suggesting people are more likely to gamble in venues that have other gaming entertainment options.

Our data also highlighted that GMP per machine was lowest in bowling clubs and RSA venues. This is possibly due to venues being in less central areas, club memberships presenting a barrier or the declining rate of club gaming.

Here is a link to our GMP dashboard.

31 August 2022:

Implementing the Matatā Decision

Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs have implemented the Gambling Commission’s Matatā decision. This enables corporate societies to preserve their gaming machine entitlement by allowing operational and non-operational machines to be listed on a venue licence.

The deadline for submitting an application to list operational and non-operational machines to a venue licence is 31 March 2023. This deadline date has been selected to ensure all Societies have an equal amount of time to submit their application.

If no changes are made by this deadline, maximum entitlements will be reduced to the number of machines operating on the current licence.

This information sheet provides further information on what this means for you.
August 2022:

GMP trends April to June 2022

Quarterly gaming machine profits (GMP) data and trends have been published for the April to June 2022 period.

We are seeing quarterly GMP continue to reach pre-covid levels as the June 2022 quarter was the second highest quarterly GMP on recent record ($257.2 million) – just behind the June 2021 quarter. There has been a noticeable lift in GMP since the March 2022 quarter. GMP may have been lower in this quarter due to Covid-19 restrictions under the Red Light setting and vaccination pass requirements in venues.

Looking at the difference between the March and June quarters, seasonal trends also indicate less people play the pokies over the summer holiday period – possibly due to travel, increased spending in areas such as retail or reduced venue operating hours.

This is the first time we have published GMP trends with commentary on venue type. Data shows the average GMP per machine was highest in pool halls, ten pin bowling alleys and TAB’s, and lower in restaurants and taverns, suggesting people are more likely to gamble in venues that have other entertainment options.

The data also showed us that GMP per machine was lowest in bowling club venues and RSA venues, this could be due to venues being located in less central areas, club memberships presenting a barrier or the declining rate of club gaming.

Here is a link to our GMP dashboard.

Correction to Annual Gambling Expenditure Statistics report

In February 2022 we published the Annual Gambling Expenditure Statistics report which contained an error in relation to inflation adjustments which had been applied incorrectly. We have corrected the error and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

May 2022:

Working Capital Ratio

Section 11A of the Gambling (Class 4 Net Proceeds) Regulations 2004 was inserted on 1 July 2020 to ensure that the Class 4 sector can continue operating and avoid getting into financial difficulty. This policy now extends to clubs, and requires an amendment to your licence conditions.
Reporting requirements have also changed from monthly to annually.
For more information, please view:

Russia Sanctions Act 2022

The Russia Sanctions Act 2022 (the Sanctions Act) was enacted on 11 March 2022 after military actions began on 24 February 2022 in relation to Ukraine. The Sanctions Act enables New Zealand to enforce sanctions in response to Russia’s military actions (and by countries or persons who may be assisting Russia).

While every New Zealand person has responsibilities under the Sanctions Act 2022, the casino operators and NZTAB have a duty to report reasonable suspicions of dealing with sanctioned and associated persons promptly to the Police.

For more information, please view our factsheet:

How Aotearoa Gambled During 20/21

The latest Gaming Machine Profits Dashboard has been published. This gives us a picture of gambling spend in Aotearoa 2020-21.

How Aotearoa gambled in 2020-21 (Data and statistics)

$2.63 billion was spent on gambling in Aotearoa in 2020/21. There was a 17% increase on the previous year

Correction to December 2020 and March 2021 GMP Data

On 24 August 2021, we corrected the December 2020 and March 2021 quarter GMP series for the Auckland Council – Franklin district and total GMP. The data was first published in February 2021. Some GMP had been excluded from reporting due to a venue licensing issue. We regret the error and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Correction to March 2020 GMP Data

On 24 August 2021, we corrected the March 2020 quarter GMP series for the Southland, South Taranaki, South Waikato and South Wairarapa Districts. The data was first published in August 2020. It was due to a manual data error where GMP figures were swapped in these districts. We regret the error and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Correction to December 2019 GMP Data

On 26 May 2021 we corrected the December 2019 quarter series for Hurunui/Kaikoura and total GMP. The data was first published in February 2020. It was due to a manual error where the GMP for Hurunui/Kaikoura was reported as lower than was correct. We regret the error and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Data and Statistics

Research and reports

2020 Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL) reports – effects of gambling on well being

DIA worked with Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL) to investigate a framework for assessing the costs, and benefits of gambling, that could be applied across the 4 main platforms (Class 4 (pokies), Lotto, TAB and Casinos). The framework was applied to Class 4 in a second stage of the research.

Assessing the effects of gambling on wellbeing in New Zealand (PDF, 2MB)

Harm minimisation research

A summary of key findings has been collated to support territorial authorities when reviewing and assessing gambling policies:
Earlier gambling research and reports

Summary of key findings from Ministry of Health gambling research

Gambling research and evaluation (Ministry of Health)

DIA gambling research and reports

DIA periodically commissions reports on certain aspects of the gambling sector, to support policy, operational, or corporate decision making.

Contact us:

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Press Releases

A record of press releases issued by the Gambling Compliance Group of the Department of Internal Affairs.

Media contact:

If you would like to have your organisation added to the Department’s distribution list for media releases about gambling issues, please email