Resource material › Corporate Publications › Annual Report 2013-14Pūrongo ā Tau
On this page
- Appendix 1: Performance Framework: Outcomes and Objectives
- Appendix 2: Links between impacts, intermediate outcomes and outcomes/objectives
Appendix 1
Performance Framework: Outcomes and Objectives
The Department of Internal Affairs provides services to people and communities that contribute to the following outcomes:

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The Department uses outcomes where it provides services directly to people or communities.
- Outcomes are a state or condition of society, the economy, or the environment and describe the long-term state or condition the government seeks to achieve, largely through the operations of its agencies.
- Intermediate outcomes are more specific statements of outcomes. Intermediate outcomes provide a bridge between outcomes and impacts.
- Impacts are the Department’s contribution to an outcome by a specified set of services or actions, or both.
The Department of Internal Affairs provides services to Government and public sector organisations that contribute to the following objectives:

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The Department uses objectives where the services it provides are too distant to identify direct relationships with outcomes, or where the contribution is indirect (i.e. services to Government and public sector organisations).
- Lead objectives describe a long-term state or condition that results from providing ‘enabling’ services.
- Supporting objectives describe the Department’s contribution to a lead objective by a specified set of services or actions, or both.
Note: For the purposes of this framework, ‘public sector organisations’ are: the entities included in public service departments; non-public service departments; Offices of Parliament; Crown agents; autonomous Crown entities; independent Crown entities; statutory bodies; and territorial and local authorities. For these purposes, ‘public sector organisations’ included those in other jurisdictions, in particular Pacific Island countries.
Appendix 2
Links between impacts, intermediate outcomes and outcomes/objectives

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