The Department of Internal Affairs

The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Resource material › Corporate Publications › Annual Report 2013-14Pūrongo ā Tau

Part E: Forecast Financial Statements – Departmental

Comprehensive Income

Statement of Forecast Comprehensive Income for the year ending 30 June 2015
Crown 221,498 198,728
Other Revenue (see note 1) 161,341 163,061
Total Income 382,839 361,789
Personnel Costs 197,295 190,181
Depreciation and Amortisation Expense 34,929 38,247
Capital Charge 21,935 23,319
Finance Costs 267 264
Other Operating Expenses (see note 2) 143,842 132,656
Total Expenditure 398,268 384,667
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (15,429) (22,878)
Net Comprehensive Income (15,429) (22,878)

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Financial Position

Statement of Forecast Financial Position as at 30 June 2015
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents 37,428 25,865
Debtors and Other Receivables 23,808 16,771
Inventories 1,701 1,700
Prepayments 4,108 4,943
Total Current Assets 67,045 49,279
Non-Current Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment (see note 3) 204,032 219,085
Intangible Assets (see note 4) 68,387 74,858
Total Non-Current Assets 272,419 293,943
Total Assets 339,464 343,222
Liabilities and Taxpayers‘ Funds
Current Liabilities
Creditors and Other Payables 36,574 32,416
Employee Entitlements 10,281 14,548
Other Current Liabilities 14,195 8,500
Provision for Repayment of Surplus 5,366
Total Current Liabilities 66,416 55,464
Non-Current Liabilities
Employee Entitlements 1,937 1,908
Other Non-Current Liabilities 210
Total Non-Current Liabilities 2,147 1,908
Total Liabilities 68,563 57,372
Taxpayer‘s Funds 232,210 247,147
Revaluation Reserves 38,691 38,703
Total Equity 270,901 285,850
Total Liabilities and Equity 339,464 343,222

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Changes in Equity

Statement of Forecast Changes in Equity for the year ending 30 June 2015
Surplus/(deficit) for the year (15,429) (22,878)
Total Comprehensive Income (15,429) (22,878)
Capital Injections 413 46,389
Capital Withdrawals (2,000)
Provision for Repayment of Surplus (5,366)
Transfers of General Funds and Revaluation Reserves between Government Departments
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2,635)
Ministry of Justice (12)
Total Transfers of General Funds and Revaluation Reserves between Government Departments (2,647)
Movement in Equity for the year (23,029) 21,511
Add Equity as at 1 July 293,930 264,339
Equity as at 30 June 270,901 285,850

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Cash Flows

Statement of Forecast Cash Flows for the year ending 30 June 2015
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash was Provided from:
Supply of Outputs to the Crown 221,498 198,728
Supply of Outputs to Third Parties 156,162 162,679
Total Cash was Provided from: 377,660 361,407
Cash was Disbursed to:
Suppliers and Employees (324,894) (324,004)
Capital Charge (21,935) (23,319)
Goods and Services Tax (Net) (254)
Total Cash was Disbursed to: (347,083) (347,323)
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities 30,577 14,084
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Cash was Provided from:
Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment 174 400
Total Cash was Provided from: 174 400
Cash was Disbursed to:
Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment (6,417) (24,150)
Purchase of Intangibles (29,523) (25,170)
Total Cash was Disbursed to: (35,940) (49,320)
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities (35,766) (48,920)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Cash was Provided from:
Capital Contribution 413 46,389
Total Cash was Provided from: 413 46,389
Cash was Disbursed to:
Capital Withdrawal (2,000)
Transfers to Government Departments (962)
Payment of Finance Leases (1,589)
Repayment of Net Surplus (6,103)
Total Cash was Disbursed to: (8,654) (2,000)
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities (8,241) 44,389
Movement in Cash
Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 50,858 16,312
Add Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Held (13,430) 9,553
Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents 37,428 25,865

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Net Surplus to Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Reconciliation of Total Comprehensive Income to Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities for the year ending 30 June 2015

Total Comprehensive Income (15,429) (22,878)
Add/(Deduct) Non Cash Items
Depreciation and Amortisation 34,929 38,247
Impairment of assets 2,515
Loss on write off of assets 4,518
Interest Unwind on Leased Premises 267
Non-cash Personnel Costs associated with Transfer to Government Departments 339
Revenue from Collection Donations and Legal Deposits (382)
42,568 37,865
Add/(Deduct) Movements in Working Capital Items
(Increase)/Decrease in Debtors and Other Receivables (6,462)
(Increase)/Decrease in Other Current Assets 1,311 (50)
Increase/(Decrease) in Creditors and Other Payables 6,059 (853)
Increase/(Decrease) in Other Current Liabilities 2,467
Increase/(Decrease) in Non-Current Liabilities 63
3,438 (903)
Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities 30,577 14,084

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Statement of Significant Assumptions

These forecast financial statements have been compiled on the basis of existing government policies and ministerial expectations at the time the statements were finalised. Actual results are as reported in Part C of the 2013/14 Annual Report.

The main assumptions are as follows:

  • the Department‘s activities will remain substantially the same as for the previous year
  • operating costs are based on the best estimate at the time the financial statements are finalised, and
  • estimated year end information for 2013/14 is used as the opening position for the 2014/15 Forecast Statement of Financial Position.

These assumptions are adopted as at 27 March 2014, the same information used in the Budget Economic and Fiscal Update (BEFU: exercise 466, OY1).

Factors that could lead to material differences between the forecast financial statements and the 2014/15 actual financial statements include:

  • capability resource availability
  • efficiency or productivity gains
  • changes to the baseline through initiatives, technical adjustments, expense transfers or retention of underspends
  • demand driven volume changes, and
  • policy decisions.

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Statement of Entity-Specific Accounting Policies

The Department of Internal Affairs (the Department) has applied the accounting policies set out in the Statement of Accounting Policies included in the Notes section of the 2013/14 Annual Report.

Reporting Entity

The Department of Internal Affairs is a Government Department as defined by section 2 of the Public Finance Act 1989 and is domiciled in New Zealand. For the purpose of financial reporting the Department is a public benefit entity.

Authorisation Statement

These forecast financial statements were authorised for issue by the Department of Internal Affairs on 27 March 2014. The Department is responsible for the forecast financial statements presented, including the appropriateness of the assumptions underlying the forecast financial statements and all other required disclosures.

The forecast financial statements fairly reflect the forecast financial position and operations of the Department for the financial year ending 30 June 2015. Post-BEFU accounting adjustments to the actual balances as at 30 June 2014 have not been incorporated into these forecasts, as no significant changes have occurred between BEFU and the time of finalising the 2013/14 Annual Report.

It is not intended that the forecast financial statements will be updated subsequent to presentation.

Basis of Preparation

These forecast financial statements have been prepared in accordance with New Zealand Public Benefit Entity (NZ PBE) International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). While a detailed impact assessment has yet to be completed, no significant impact is expected on transition from NZ IFRS to IPSAS.

These are the first set of prospective financial statements presented by the Department under NZ PBE IPSAS. They are compliant with Public Benefit Entity Financial Reporting Standard 42 Prospective Financial Statements (PBE FRS-42) and are consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. The purpose of the forecast financial statements is to facilitate Parliament's consideration of the appropriations for, and planned performance of the Department. Use of this information for other purposes may not be appropriate. Readers are cautioned that actual results are likely to vary from the forecast information presented and that the variations may be material.

The actual results for 30 June 2014 are based on NZ IFRS for public benefit entities.

The forecast financial statements are unaudited.

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Notes to the Financial Statements

Note 1 – Other Revenue
Passport Fees 77,548 78,000
Citizenship Fees 12,644 12,700
Birth, Death, Marriage and Civil Union Fees 10,496 10,200
Non-casino Gaming Licences and Fees 14,663 16,058
Casino Operators‘ Levies 4,992 5,242
VIP Transport 7,054 7,414
Recovery from New Zealand Lottery Grants Board 8,885 9,673
New Zealand Gazette 876 844
Translation Services 1,030 1,000
Language Line Interpreter Services 1,323 1,291
e-Government Development and Operations 859 4,351
Electronic Purchasing in Collaboration (EPIC) 2,413 2,411
Te Puna Catalogue and Interloan Library Services 1,322 1,312
Kotui Library Services 1,050 1,027
Charities Registrations 802 852
Result 10 Service Transformation 2,400 2,400
Authentications 1,361 2,570
Insurance Recoveries relating to Christchurch Earthquakes 6,019
Other Third Party Revenue 5,604 5,716
Total Other Revenue 161,341 163,061
Note 2 – Operating Expenses
Agency Fees 11,998 14,434
Computer Costs 31,513 35,499
Consultants 6,015 7,140
Inventory Costs 18,560 18,510
Office Expenses 13,906 12,251
Professional Fees 9,387 7,445
Publicity and Promotion 1,331 1,117
Rental and Leasing Costs 12,152 18,497
Staff Development 2,024 3,778
Library Resources and Subscriptions 3,652 3,392
Travel Expenses 6,520 6,327
Fee for Auditor (for the Financial Statement Audit) 351 360
Fees to Auditor (for Assurance and Related Services) 34
Increase/(Decrease) in Provision for Doubtful Debts 150
Other Departmental Operating Costs 26,249 3,906
Total Operating Expenses 143,842 132,656
Note 3 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Plant &
Cost or revaluation
Balance as at 1 July 2014 49,815 136,112 20,274 54,532 53,424 314,157
Additions by purchase 18,838 1,364 1,800 2,530 24,532
Disposals (400) (400)
Balance as at 30 June 2015 49,815 154,950 21,638 56,332 55,554 338,289
Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses
Balance as at 1 July 2014 14,389 10,284 42,940 36,367 103,980
Depreciation expense 5,470 1,063 5,341 3,350 15,224
Balance as at 30 June 2015 19,859 11,347 48,281 39,717 119,204
Carrying amount as at 30 June 2015 49,815 135,091 10,291 8,051 15,837 219,085
Note 4 – Intangible Assets
Balance as at 1 July 2014 177,512
Additions 25,170
Balance as at 30 June 2015 202,682
Accumulated amortisation
Balance as at 1 July 2014 104,801
Amortisation Expense 23,023
Balance as at 30 June 2015 127,824
Carrying amount as at 30 June 2015 74,858

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