Web Standards website

(Decommissioned September 2012)


The New Zealand Government Web Standards website, webstandards.govt.nz, was launched in 2007 as a wiki. It was built and maintained by the State Services Commission (SSC) in order to provide direction and advice around the Web Standards and accessibility. Its main audience was anyone interested in the Web Standards, in particular New Zealand government employees who perform web-related work.

In mid-2009, with ownership of the Web Standards having transferred to the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), the wiki was replaced with a static website. The site was redesigned and redeveloped in 2011 to use more recent web technologies, improve accessibility, and increase usability on smaller devices. On 3 September 2012, webstandards.govt.nz was decommissioned and replaced by the New Zealand Government Web Toolkit. This information has subsequently moved to these pages on the digital.govt.nz website, launched in 2019: https://www.digital.govt.nz/standards-and-guidance/nz-government-web-standards

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