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Local Government Rates Inquiry website
(Decommissioned June 2012)
On 1 November 2006, Minister of Local Government Mark Burton released the terms of reference, membership and other details of the Independent Inquiry into Local Government Rates. The Department of Internal Affairs provided administrative assistance to the Inqury.
The website was set up in the Independent Agency section of the Internal Affairs website (a section of the site that carried the New Zealand Government Coat of Arms instead of DIA Branding), with its own URL: ratesinquiry.govt.nz.
This website was the principal vehicle for an extensive consultation programme in the early part of 2007. It contained background documents and reports from nine independent parties commissioned by the Inquiry panel.
The Inquiry received 926 submissions from individuals and organisations throughout New Zealand. A summary analysis of these submissions was available through the site, along with the Inquiry’s final report.
The Local Government Rates Inquiry Panel completed its work on 31 July 2007 and forwarded its report to the Minister on 3 August 2007.
The Rates Inquiry website was re-skinned as part of the Department of Internal Affairs corporate website upgrade in February 2011. It was harvested in May 2012, and decommissioned in June 2012.
Go to the archived version of this website: