Make a complaint about an accredited service

If you have not been able to resolve your complaint with the provider of the accredited service, ask the Trust Framework Authority to review it.

Check if the provider is accredited

Once the accreditations start, you will be able to check a list in this section. It will show you which providers of digital identity services have the accreditation mark.

When to make a complaint

Follow the complaint process if the accredited provider has breached 1 or more of the:


Contact your service provider

Check their website for instructions on how to make a complaint.


Ask the TF Authority to review your complaint

An email will be available once providers have been accredited.

What to include in your email

  • Your name and phone number.
  • The name of the accredited provider of digital identity services.
  • A description of the complaint — what happened and when, including why you were not satisfied with the service they provided.
  • How you tried to resolve the issue directly with the provider.
  • Whether there is anything you need to allow you to fully participate in the review.

Principles the TF Authority follows to manage complaints:

Processes for complaints should be fair and accessible and have particular regard to tikanga Māori where applicable.

Complaints should be resolved:

  • in a timely and efficient manner
  • at a level appropriate to the seriousness and nature of the complaint.

TF Authority checks if there was a breach

Sometimes this might involve reaching out to another organisation. For example, if there was a privacy breach, we’ll check with the Privacy Commissioner.

The TF Authority will check its understanding of the complaint, reaching out to you and the provider for details when needed.


If there was a breach, the TF Authority investigates it

The TF Authority will ask for more information when needed. It will keep you informed during the investigation and then let you know the result.


Issue fixed — 1 or more remedies

The TF Authority makes a call on how to fix the issue, choosing 1 or more of the remedies listed in the legislation.

Section 83 (Remedies following finding of breach): DISTF Act 2023 — New Zealand Legislation

Privacy statement

Your name and contact details will be noted as part of the complaints process, so that the Trust Framework Authority may contact you about your complaint. Once the complaint has been closed, these details will be deleted.  

Personal details, such as your address, should not be included in your complaint submission.