Any person can make a complaint to the Trust Framework Authority if they think that a Trust Framework provider has breached the Trust Framework rules, regulations, terms of use of the accreditation mark, or provisions of the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act 2023.

A Trust Framework provider is one who is listed on the Trust Framework register and has been accredited by the Trust Framework Authority.

If you have a complaint about a Trust Framework provider, you must first try to resolve the problem directly with them. Providers will tell you how to make a complaint. This information must be available through the provider’s website. If you can’t find what you need, contact the provider for assistance.

If you have raised the complaint directly with the provider and you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can ask us to review what has happened. We can provide support if you need help to submit your complaint.

When the Trust Framework Authority receives a complaint, the first thing we will do is check to make sure that it is something we can deal with. Then we’ll make sure we understand what your complaint is about, so we may need to ask you for some more information. We’ll also talk to the provider to get their view about what happened.

Sometimes, your complaint may be more appropriately dealt with by an office holder. If so, we will talk to the office holder and may refer all or part of your complaint to them. For example, if you are complaining that the provider breached your privacy, the Privacy Commissioner may be able to deal with the complaint better than we can, and we will help you by referring your complaint to them.

If we think that there may be a breach, we may progress to an investigation. We may ask you for further information where necessary. We will also ensure that you are kept informed during the complaints process and advised of the outcome.

If in the investigation we find that a breach has occurred, we can:

  • issue a private or public warning.
  • require the provider do extra record-keeping or reporting.
  • issue a compliance order.
  • suspend the provider’s accreditation or the accreditation of the service they provide until they take specified steps.
  • cancel the provider’s accreditation or the accreditation of the service they provide.

We don’t have any powers to seek or require compensation from the provider.

We’ll apply these principles when managing complaints:

a) complaints will be resolved in a timely and efficient manner.

b) complaints will be resolved at a level appropriate to the seriousness and nature of the complaint.

c) our complaints process will be fair and accessible and have particular regard to tikanga Māori:

  • Mana Orite (Equality and Fairness): We ensure that every complaint is treated with fairness and respect, giving each individual equal consideration and upholding impartiality throughout the resolution process.
  • Whanaungatanga (Relationships): We build and maintain respectful and supportive relationships throughout the complaints process to foster trust and understanding
  • Kotahitanga (Unity): We work collaboratively and ensure all parties involved in the complaints process are aligned towards resolving issues effectively.
  • Manaakitanga (Care and Hospitality): We approach each complaint with care and empathy ensuring individuals feel heard and supported throughout the resolution process.
  • Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship): We protect the integrity of the process and handle all information with care, ensuring privacy and ethical management of complaints.

You can email your complaint to us at Please include:

  • Your name and phone number.
  • The name of the provider. Check that the provider is on the Trust Framework Register, as if they’re not on the register we won’t be able to consider your complaint.
  • A description of the complaint. This should cover what happened, when it happened, and why you were not satisfied with the service or standard of service provided.
  • How you attempted to resolve the issue directly with the provider.
  • Why you weren’t satisfied with the outcome of the provider’s complaints process.
  • Whether there is anything you need to enable you to fully participate in the complaints process.

We will collect your name and contact details for the purpose of communicating with you about your complaint. Once the complaint has been closed, we will delete these details, however, retain other details of the complaint. Please don’t put any personal details in your complaint such as your name or address.